LovingA2andMI's JournalState Senator Nina Turner - Bernie Sanders Surrogate to Visit IURL To Discuss What Happened in Vegas
Bernie Supporters Group on DU.
We are pleased to announce Ohio State Senator and Bernie Sanders Surrogate Nina Turner will visit Independent Underground Radio LIVE podcast tonight at 9pm ET, to discuss what happened at the Nevada Democratic Convention last Saturday, May 14. Feel free to tune in at 9pm ET at the following link:
The call-in number is 347-934-0185 -- and all calls will be screened in advance so if you are seeking to call in with a question, please do so between 9:03-9:09 pm ET for screening purposes.
Have To Come to The Conclusion....
The media is full of s**t.
So is whatever establishment politics means. Full of it.
They want to control our minds, thoughts and free will. So full of s**t.
Guilt us into their thinking. Guilt us into a vote. Oh, so incredibility full of it.
As if we don't have free will....
To believe in what is right, To Believe in OUR conscious. To Vote **** No Matter Who We Are Voting For. How full of it can they be?
Beyond the point of common understanding that if we believe their s**t, we are no better than blind sheep. Blind sheep you say?
Yes, to the point we just do, instead of think, question, question again and ponder -- then decide what is best or best left alone.
Why do WE keep falling for the same, stale, overly used up s**t?
Have you asked yourself why -- really why?
Are you scared? Are you afraid? Are you trying to get it to fit in? Do you think maybe one day if you wish hard enough -- the s**t will change?
Google it!
If you are sick and tired of the s**t, do what YOU THINK is right. Not because of guilt, or a demand but because in the end - we are born ALONE and will die ALONE.
Because what you do in the voting booth or don't do is up to you.
Because you don't have to check every section of a ballot.
Because in some states, you can if you want, write in "Mickey Mouse". It probably won't count but if you feel better afterwards...
Because you don't have to keep falling for the s**t.
And while you at it, find New Media. The Alternative Type Like "Independent Underground Radio LIVE" and tell to s**t to take a long hop off a short pier.
Now, don't ya feel better now.
The Greatness of Prince....MTV Performance in 1991...
Parental Advisory Warning -- Forwarded!
RIH Dear, Sweet, Wonderful, Beautiful - Prince!
Song - Get Off (1991)
Things Are Not As Bad As the Propaganda Machine Make Them Out To Be In NY!!
"Bernie has won he won 50 of 62 counties in New York. Guess what that means! By PROPORTIONAL DELEGATION by CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS - it is a possibly Bernie might WIN more Delegates or Hillary's overall gain might be 15+ or LESS".
Before folks are throwing themselves at the heels of the Clinton News Network and MSNBillClinton -- They Would Be WISE to Remember How the PROPORTIONAL DELEGATION by CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS thingy, works.
Thank You the 50 Counties outside of NYC for CARRYING THE NIGHT for Bernie Sanders! You Gave Our Guy The Fighting Chance He Needed Tonight!
Oh and Buffalo (Erie County) is within a 300 vote margin.
Independent Underground News & Talk
So Let's Get This Straight....
Did #TeamHillary Just Declare WAR on #BernieLove?
Okay, Tony Montana -- Take This Over From Here:
Bernie Sanders Just Filed Paperwork To Sue The DNC. Here’s Why.
Source: Think Progress
Late in the day on Thursday, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) filed paperwork to continue an ongoing lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee. The reason surrounds an incident with the Hillary Clinton campaign that occurred more than three months ago.
The lawsuit argues that the DNC unfairly barred Sanders from accessing critical voter information specifically, a 50-state voter file containing information about how to reach potential voters. The DNC briefly suspended Sanders access to that file in December, after one of his staffers improperly accessed Clintons voter data.
At the time, Sanders campaign officials admitted that their staffer did improperly look at Clintons data. But they contended that it was also the DNCs fault, because a DNC software vendor allowed a glitch in the system which ultimately made Clintons data available. The glitch also made Sanders data available to the Clinton campaign though no one on Clintons staff looked at it.
More complications arose. DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz accused the Sanders team of exporting and downloading Clintons voter data to use at a later date. Sanders campaign officials denied this charge, and said they did not do anything with the information. We did not gain any material benefit, said Sanders former national data director Josh Uretsky, who was later fired over the incident.
Eventually, the DNC suspended Sanders access to the voter file. One day later, the DNC and Sanders came to a deal, and Sanders access to the voter file was restored.
Still, the Sanders campaign sued, arguing that the DNC overreacted by suspending their access, and had harmed their ability to campaign on an equal playing field with Clinton. Moreover, Sanders attorneys argued that the DNC broke its contract with the campaign, which stated that the DNC must give notice before suspending access to information. The campaign is seeking $75,000 in damages.
The DNC, in an inappropriate overreaction, has denied us access to our own data, Sanders campaign Weaver said at the time. In other words, the leadership of the Democratic National Committee is actively trying to undermine our campaign.
Read more: http://linkis.com/thinkprogress.org/po/xoNrb
YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! And About Damn Time!

Be Aware Bernie Groupers....
Since it is obvious to all of us that Bernie won last Tuesday more actually Delegates despite the mess in Arizona, with the strong stance of Utah, Idaho and Democrats Aboard -- with a small pick up in AZ despite the Election Suppression -- there are Trolls -- Trolling the Bernie Group seeking to hide posters and post for the reason - the post gets under THEIR skin however, does not violate an actual rule.
So be aware and keep your eyes open. There is an blatant attempt to silence supporters of Bernie Sanders right here in the Bernie Sanders group. And that is sad indeed.
Meanwhile on Good News Washington, Alaska and Hawaii are on Saturday -- Each Leaning Bernie's Way.
Can Bernie Sanders Still Win The Democratic Nomination | IURL DIscusses
#?Election2016 Independent Underground News & Talk discusses the Mini Tuesday 3/22/16 Primary Results! What does tonight's end mean for Bernie Sanders? Listen In:
In Case You Missed It: Rep. Matt Cartwright Convicted Rick Snyder on Flint Water Crisis
In Case You Missed It is a new feature of Independent Underground News & Talk featuring on Friday's the best political related video, story or highlight of the week. For the week of March 11, the "In Case You Missed It" award proudly given to Congressman Matt Cartwright.
Prior to being elected to Congress in 2012, Cartwright worked as an attorney and partner at Munley, Munley and Cartwright, a Scranton, Pennsylvania law firm specializing in representation of consumers and small businesses in personal and business litigation, prior to landing in Washington, D.C.
Cartwright experience in consumer litigation was self-evident during his questioning of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder on March 17, as the Representative keenly tied when Snyder exactly knew or should have known, when the water was poison in Flint, Michigan.
Read More Here: http://www.reachoutjobsearch.com/2016/03/video-in-case-you-missed-it-rep-matt.html
LIVE NOW: Oversight Democrats rip Snyder on Flint
Source: Detroit News
Washington Democrats on the U.S. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee rebuked Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder as he acknowledged Thursday the states responsibility for the Flint water crisis, accusing his administration of incompetence and environmental discrimination.
Ive had about enough of your false contrition and your phony apologies, Rep. Matt Cartwright of Pennsylvania told the governor.
Cartwright peppered Snyder with a series of questions over when he and his administration became aware of problems with Flint water, including the eventual findings of elevated lead levels and a possible link to an outbreak of fatal Legionnaires disease.
Snyder said his administration did follow up on initial concerns with Flint water quality but continued to get reaffirmation from career bureaucrats that the water was safe. He insisted he did not personally know about the lead levels until he took action in October 2015 and did not learn about Legionnaires spikes until early 2016.
Plausible deniability only works when its plausible, and Im not buying any of this that you didnt know until October 2015, Cartwright said. You were not in a medically induced coma for a year.
Read more: http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/michigan/flint-water-crisis/2016/03/17/snyder-testifies-flint-water-crisis/81901738/
Make a point of remembering -- Michigan Governor Rick Snyder is a Liar that needs, must and should have already -- RESIGNED!!
Want to Know The Truth on How Rick Snyder's Lies Impacted Flint? Watch This Video: " target="_blank">Flint Water Crisis: Flint Water Crisis - Real Stories, Real People, Real Life - A Mini Documentary from - Independent Underground News & Talk
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