LovingA2andMI's JournalAre We Living In Perilous Times? A Biblical Lesson On Presidential Election 2016
Raised Pentecostal, one thing taught was to believe in signs.
Today, while driving, something was seen locality - very much so - that was never experienced before.
The boldest of what was seen -- was shocking. In an urbanized, culturally integrated area. This person in their car was traveling without a second thought or fear of what could have been unknown territory.
Are we living in perilous times?
"In 2 Timothy chapter, 3 Paul warns, But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come."
Read More: http://www.reachoutjobsearch.com/2016/10/are-we-living-in-perilous-times.html
Nice to See, or NOT!!!
Sources from Right Wing Affiliated Blogs being promoted on a site for Democrats.....
What CLICKING on the article BEFORE COMMENTING will do.
The Story of a DINO Senator's Daughter, Fake MBA's, EpiPen's and Price Gouging Drugs
Let's Start With the Faux Master's of Business Administration degree from Heather Manchin-Bresch -- Senator DINO Joe Manchin's Daughter. This story is from 2008:
But the panel's blistering report, released two weeks ago, also offers a detailed, inside look at how far officials were willing to go for the governor's daughter, inventing explanations, falsifying her records and repeatedly misleading the public.
Investigators unanimously concluded the decision to award the degree last fall, nearly a decade after Ms. Bresch left the program, was rife with favoritism.
The findings triggered the resignations of Provost Gerald Lang and business school dean R. Stephen Sears from their administrative posts, and launched widespread calls for the ouster of President Michael Garrison, a long-time family friend and former business associate of Ms. Bresch, whose boss, Mylan Chairman Milan Puskar, is WVU's biggest benefactor. Mr. Lang and Mr. Sears have said they will remain at WVU to teach.
WVU's scramble to justify the acceptance of Ms. Bresch's claim that she earned the degree in December 1998 began Oct. 11, when the Post-Gazette made a routine call to the registrar to confirm a master's degree listed among the newly appointed chief operating officer's credentials. Initially, the paper was told she did not finish her degree.
Days later, ignoring official records showing she did not earn the degree, top officials began a series of changing explanations.
They told the newspaper the registrar was wrong, dismissing the apparent discrepancy as a clerical error. They said Ms. Bresch had earned her degree in 1998 but was not officially recorded as a graduate because she had not paid the $50 graduation fee.
"She completed all the course work necessary to graduate, but we discovered that wasn't put on the record because the fee wasn't paid," spokeswoman Amy Neil said at the time.
When pressed, Ms. Neil added that because of a mix-up, the business school had failed to "transfer" some of Ms. Bresch's grades to the admissions and records office. She declined to say how many credits were involved but added that other students in the M.B.A. program had reported similar problems.
As the five-member panel would find, university administrators knew at the time both statements were untrue.
At the same time, the Post-Gazette had learned Ms. Bresch's transcript was missing 22 credits, or nearly half the 48 required, indicating that if there had been a mix-up, it was a massive one.
While Ms. Neil insisted that the business school had located records to verify the degree, behind the scenes, officials could find no such records and were piecing together a plan.
In a hasty decision reflecting "failures of process and failures of leadership," administrators added courses to Ms. Bresch's transcript that she neither took nor paid for, awarding her grades "simply pulled from thin air," investigators found.
Meanwhile, Ms. Bresch insisted to the newspaper that she had finished her degree in 1998. She declined to release a transcript or other documentation, saying her word and the university's word "were better than a transcript." She has declined to speak with the Post-Gazette since that time.
Mylan, too, sought to quash the issue.
Not learning anything from faking a degree one never had, Heather and Senator DINO "Cover Up For The Fam" Joe Manchin, took it to a whole new level. It, being, BS.
Sidenote: Did ya know that EpiPen's are NOW MANDATED as the allergic drug on stock in every public school district and maybe public charters too, across the WHOLE USA? Guess who lobbied for the passage of this bill. Heather.
Guess who made sure it was pushed up the "Bill Becoming A Law" chain-of-command just the right way? Senator "DINO" Joe Manchin. Guess who hiked up the EpiPen's price 400% shortly thereafter and her salary from $1.3M to over $18.5M? Heather - the Senator's Daughter.
See a Connection Here? Let's go on:
Records from OpenSecrets show that Mylan has given $72,543 to Senate and House of Representative members' campaign committees so far this year, but Manchin's more than $57,000 haul in 2012 from the company is more than five times the amount the firm gave to any other single candidate.
On Wednesday, Wells Fargo, in a research note, said that disclosure documents show that Mylan has been "actively lobbying" in favor of a bill in the Senate that would mandate that all airlines, domestic and foreign, carry at least two packs of epinephrine auto-injectors. EpiPens are, by a large degree, the most commonly used devices of that nature in the United States.
Mylan has spent a reported $875,000 on lobbying so far this year, after having spent $1.55 million in 2015, according to OpenSecrets.org,
On Tuesday, CNBC noted how Bresch's company, in addition to hiking the price of EpiPen by double-digit percentage amounts ever since Mylan acquired the device in 2007, has also been sharply raising the prices of other products this year.
In a research note in June, Wells Fargo had highlighted the fact that Mylan raised prices by more than 20 percent on 24 products, and by more than 100 percent on seven products. They include prices for generic drugs for common conditions such as gallstones (up 542 percent), gastroesophageal reflux disease (up 444 percent) and irritable bowel syndrome (up 400 percent).
As a result of the company's financial performance, Bresch's compensation hit $19 million last year, up from $2.45 million in 2007. Over the same period, an EpiPen's average wholesale price was being hiked by 461 percent.
Last year, Mylan, whose main offices are in Pennsylvania, reincorporated in the Netherlands, in what Bresch said was a defensive move against a possible takeover, but which also lowered the company's tax liability. Bresch's senator father Manchin is on the record as being opposed to tax inversions.
Even after that tax inversion, Mylan argued to the FTC that it should be treated like an American company for the purpose of U.S. antitrust regulations, which would have made it tougher potentially for Israel-based Teva Pharmaceuticals to acquire Mylan.
Teva launched a hostile takeover bid in April 2015 for Mylan. Teva dropped that bid in July 2015, and months later Mylan failed in its own effort to buy generic drug manufacturer Perrigo for $26 billion.
"We know the inversion has invoked a lot of emotional and political banter but the reality is we remain a U.S. issuer under all of the formal and informal guidelines," Bresch told the Bloomberg news service at the time, in June 2015.
Bresch, who started as a data entry clerk at Mylan, was named chief operating officer in 2007. As STAT News noted Wednesday, at the time she was promoted to that position, Mylan pointed out that she had a Master of Business Administration from West Virginia University, which she claimed to have received in 1998.
In fact, a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette newspaper investigation in 2007 said school records indicated that Bresch had obtained just 26 academic credits out of the 48 credits required for an MBA.
The paper found that WVU awarded Bresch her degree retroactively in 2007, after initially telling the newspaper that she never received her degree, and after Bresch insisted she had. Manchin was the state's governor at the time. The school, which had received more than $20 million in donations from Mylan's founder, claimed that Bresch had "completed all the requirements" for an MBA, except for paying a $50 graduation fee.
However, an investigation panel set up at WVU whose then-president was Bresch's high school classmate and former Mylan lobbyist Mike Garrison found that "Ms. Bresch did not earn an MBA at West Virginia University."
This is some real deep, rotten, disgusting....SHIT! Straight up. Using individuals that need a Pharma product (EpiPen's) that LITERALLY can be the difference between LIFE and DEATH, to hike the price 400% after securing a major government contract with the chief arbitrator of securing the contract - being one's DINO Senator Daddy in the U.S. Senate.
Someone's are going DOWN for this, as this story has triple spider legs. Straight up.
Yes, I'm Beating A Dead Horse But...
It is what it is. Plagiarism that is -- is what it is.
There are too many students on the collegiate level that are expelled, removed and otherwise kicked out of Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate programs due to plagiarism. Is it right? Sure it is went one can Google Search a plagiarism checker in less than 10 sections.
The problems with Melania Trump's speech are many.
First, she stole at least 26 words and nearly complete paragraphs that were obviously someone else's written work.
Second, this Woman seeks (although it's likely NOT to happen) to be First Lady of the United States. A position held in honor and virtue. How can she be held in neither plagiarizing another First Lady, Michelle Obama's Speech?
Next is the issue of White Women Excuses.
Yes, it was written and meant in every light it was written "White Women Excuses".
If Michelle Obama did this to Nancy Reagan or Hillary Clinton in 2008, 2012 or anytime since coming on the Political Scene in Chicago, Illinois - that would have been the END of her husband's Presidential aspirations. Period. Done. It would have been OVER.
However, due to White Women Excuses,Melania Trump can, did and will likely get completely away with what was done. Equally, IF Michelle Obama did a similar action - Michelle and Barack would have been done.
What is up with that?
Why do we as a society repeatedly allow this?
Furthermore, Michelle Obama is a Harvard Educated Attorney. Top of her high school class. Near the top of her Harvard Undergrad and Graduate level education pursuits.
Meanwhile, Melania -- Let's Be Honest.
She married a man for money, was a "spokesmodel who not only lied about "lifting" a speech but equally lied about ever graduating from any University, College or Certificate Program - anywhere. Even a mail-in degree program.
The double standards are beyond belief.
Especially for African-American Women who like Michelle Obama earned collegiate level degrees. Who have to repeatedly deal with the faux "double standard" not matter how much achieved - with "White Women Excuses" for their faults.
Sadly, tomorrow Melania's Plagiarism will be shoved back under the rug.
However, Michelle Obama, Minority Students in Colleges across America and African-American Women in general will still be held to the same "White Women Excuses" that allow individuals like Ms. Trump to get away with, whatever.
Flint Water Crisis Update: Eight Months After National Reveal Nothing Changed On The Ground
Not long after filming the mini-documentary titled "Flint Water Crisis - Real People, Real Stories Real Life" highlighting residents stories in the City Limits of Flint, Michigan of how they dealt with a toxic water disaster expelling from faucets, sinks and other water output resources in what was once dubbed as "Buick City".
Why did we at Independent Underground News & Talk stop reporting on the Flint Water Crisis considering our small independent media resource originally broke much of what has been regurgitated "breaking news" over the year plus?
We foreseen what is now the sad reality six months later post the first December 2015 National Media story in the Washington Post. Not much has changed for Flint's poorest and most suffering residents on the ground with being able to trust water coming out of their taps, at all.
Read More Here: http://www.reachoutjobsearch.com/2016/05/flint-water-crisis-update-eight-months.html
Melissa Gilbert drops out of race for Congress
Gilbert made the announcement through a statement issued by her campaign shortly after a report by WDIV-TV, Detroit, on Tuesday evening that she intended to leave the race, and a Detroit Free Press report that Democratic members of Michigan's congressional delegation had been told Tuesday about Gilbert's impending decision.
In her statement, Gilbert said injuries to her head and neck sustained in accidents in 2012 had worsened, forcing her from the race and denying Democrats what may have been their best chance to pick up what has been a reliably Republican district in recent years.
"While I have received the best treatment and therapy I could have asked for, those injuries have only gotten worse," said Gilbert. "As much as it breaks my heart to say this, my doctors have told me I am physically unable to continue my run for Congress."
Earlier Tuesday, as rumors swirled about the possibility of Gilbert abandoning the race, state elections director Chris Thomas said even if she dropped out, her name would, at this date, remain on the Aug. 2 primary ballot and probably be the only Democrat on it."
This is what Democracy Looks Like!!
Plenty of #BernieLove was on full display at the 12th Congressional Democrats (MI) Convention - in the spirit of cooperative democracy - 4 Delegates and 1 Alternatives were chosen to represent U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders at the Convention.
Pictures by @IUNewsTalk
The Moral Of This Story Is: When Liars Lie And Get Caught In Their Lies - By Snopes.com
WHAT'S TRUE: Video captured during the Nevada Democrats' convention depicts a man briefly picking up a chair before placing it back down without throwing it.
WHAT'S FALSE: Despite extensive YouTube, Periscope, and photographic documentation captured by supporters of both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, no available images document anyone's throwing chairs at the Nevada convention.
EXAMPLE: [Collected via e-mail and Twitter, May 2016]
We're there chairs thrown during the chaos at the DNC convention in Nevada ?
Supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders during the Nevada Democratic Partys convention at the Paris Las Vegas Hotel on Saturday.
From Bernie Sanders Supporters, Death Threats Over Delegates
The senators supporters were incensed at a state convention they believe epitomized a rigged political system, with some threatening officials online.
ORIGIN:On 14 May 2016, Democrats held a third-tier convention in Nevada, the events of which were, by all accounts, adversarial. Supporters of Bernie Sanders claimed that rules were adjusted and schedules changed without notice, while supporters of Hillary Clinton claimed Sanders supporters were violent and obstreperous and resorted to throwing chairs.
Much of the initial reporting came from local journalist Jon Ralston, who live-tweeted events as they occurred at the convention on 14 May 2016. While Ralston didn't report at the time that chairs were being thrown at the convention, he later tweeted that:
The chair-throwing claim was repeated across election coverage. In an interview with MSNBC's Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow, Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz repeated, in concert with video footage of a man holding a chair aloft, the refrain that Sanders supporters had been throwing chairs at the convention:
The video shown during that segment was credited to the YouTube account of a "Bud Meyers," but we viewed Meyers' uploaded footage from the 14 May 2016 convention and were unable to locate the clip that included the image credited to him by MSNBC. The only relevant video we could locate on his YouTube account was a clip mocking (rather than confirming) the chair-throwing rumor:
The only intact footage that matched MSNBC's claim and imagery shows a man of unknown affiliation briefly lifting a chair before placing it back down without throwing it....
So, is all of the liars: Starting with Jon Ralston, Roberta Lange, DWS, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, "News" Readers at CNN and MSNBC (you'll know who) will APOLOGIZE to:
1). Bernie Sanders
2). His Nevada Delegates
3). The Chair That Was Never Thrown
4). The Pope (for forgiveness -- for they knew not who they thought would prove their lie FALSE -- Bernie Supporters that is)
5). Anyone in the USA and Around World That Believed Temporarily They Were "non-bias" or "journalists at all"
6). Ohio State Senator and Sanders Surrogate Nina Turner who said on DAY ONE #NoChairWasThrown
7). Whatever else you might like to throw (not being a chair) in...
MUST READ/MUST SPREAD: Counterpunch - The Faux Fracas in Nevada: How a Reporter Manufactured a Riot
Ralston has been the culprit behind each of these falsehoods; and the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, and a dizzying array of other outlets have swallowed them whole then regurgitated them for their much more massive audiences.
While as late as 2012 Ralston could be counted on as someone with a known Liberal establishment bias who would nevertheless stand firm where it came to truth and journalistic integrity, his ethics began to slip in the years since. (And lets be clear, refusing to write for an outlet anymore that pulled a column unfavorable to Harry Reid is honorable; waiting over two years to reveal that fact is a bit dastardly.)
Here are the details of the lies originating or spread by Ralston, followed by how they spread among the chattering elite who attempt to pass themselves off as unbiased media:
Ralston reported live from the convention for most of the day, but decided to leave before tensions boiled over. Nevertheless, it was taken as a simple fact that he had observed Sanders supporters throwing chairs when Robertas Rules were enforced with finality at the end of the proceedings.
As it turned out, Ralston finally admitted last night that he hadnt seen this himself but was relying especially on local reporter Andrew Davey. Davey first said he had still frames showing the chair throwing which he would publish. He has not produced the stills in question, but did retweet a still image of a chair held high that was initially posted on Reddit. I spoke with the person who posted it to Reddit and confirmed that it was grabbed from the video now widely seen which shows that other Sanders supporters quickly took away the chair in question. I asked Davey by Twitter if he still had photos to publish, then criticized him for retweeting the Reddit image instead. He blocked me.
READ MORE from Counterpunch Here: http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/05/18/the-faux-fracas-in-nevada-how-a-reporters-pack-of-lies-ran-riot-in-the-fact-averse-media/
Also, this tweet is from SATURDAY, May 14 around 8:13 pm ET -- Screenshot by us at Independent Underground Radio LIVE by Jon Ralston, showing his clear bias and intent to start the "train" of blaming Bernie Delegates only --- over any facts --- for what happened in Vegas last Saturday.

Jon Ralston should be called out for this type of Ratf***ing type of reporting. It is flat out disgusting and sad for a so-called "Journalist".
Morning Joe: Tells The Truth About The Bernie Sanders Revolution - IURL
Can there be any truth in Corporate Media about the Bernie Sanders Campaign?
Well, let's hope the Team at MSNBC's Morning Joe still have their jobs tomorrow, as in this 20 minute segment, the panel dishes tea on the DNC, the Corporate Democrats Quest to Suppress Socialist Democrat Bernie Sanders, how the Party has worked to upheaval Sanders Campaign since the beginning and much more.
This is a MUCH WATCH video as this much truth telling may never be seen in corporate media, again.
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