LovingA2andMI's JournalSomewhere At The Green Mile - Michael Clarke Duncan & Here On Earth Judy Duncan Are Smiling: Omarosa
Here's the skinny, Omarosa has been yesterday's trash in the African-American community every since in 2012, Michael Clarke Duncan (the nice Actor from many movies including The Green Mile w/ Tom Hanks) died -- and she - claiming to be his "fiancee" left Clarke Duncan to die ALONE after two months of being in the hospital for this Auntie Thomletta gold-digger (short for Uncle Tom) could go on a cruise.
Then she screwed the Duncan family out of ANY of his estate, claiming she was his "fiancee" and had the man sign papers on his DEATH-BED leaving her as the Sole Benefactor of his estate. This is not a joke. All of this happened.
Michael Clarke Duncan's family suspicious of Omarosa From 2012:
Duncan's sister Judy tells TMZ that a lawyer is investigating a change to the actor's will last year that made Manigault the main beneficiary. Judy adds that she believes Duncan made the changes while ill because around that time he had been slurring his words and stumbling.
Moreover, Judy accuses Manigault of fixating on Duncan's money after he was on life support after the heart attack in July 2012 that led to his death in September. And Judy says Manigault sold some of his personal belongings without consulting the family."
And More Is Available Here from 2013:
Michael Duncan Remains In Unmarked Grave As Family Battles Omarosa
Sources from Duncans camp, though, claim that the opposite is actually true: Omarosa allegedly identified herself as Duncans wife on the burial documents and promised to order the inscription but never did.
So now there appears to be a stand-off, and neither side wants to speak to the other about the issue.
The worst thing about the feud is that Duncans mother is ill, and at 95, she would like to see her sons gravesite properly identified.
After Duncans death, his family members and Omarosa battled over his assets. The Duncan family members believed that Omarosa persuaded the actor in rewriting his will and leaving all his possessions to her, with Duncans sister, Judy, even reportedly hiring an attorney to have Omarosa investigated.
Last April, Judy said that her brother had been ill for quite a while before his death and was not in his right mind. According to Judy, Duncan had been slurring his words and stumbling around for months before he actually suffered a heart attack. Judy claimed that Omarosa was hellbent on securing her brothers possessions and money even while he was lying in intensive care on life support. Judy also alleged that Omarosa sold many of Duncans pricey possessions without his familys knowledge."
To Put It Mildly, This Trash Is "Gone Girl" To The African-American Community at Large and Trump + Company Throwing Her Out On Her A** Was Just Rewards For What She Put The Duncan Family Through. She can find another "Sunken Place" to go into because we don't want her with us (i.e. African-Americans).
On The Way Out: The Truth About Racism Right Here....
It is a well-known fact, by the time this post is officially on the board, more likely than not, this post will be alerted on and removed - at that point our tenure on this forum will be done (if it's not in the planning as we write this).
However, at least one member asked us why we were leaving. For that member, we hope this post is allowed to stay up - at least for a little while.
1. The Al Franken v.s. John Conyers Saga
It was a crying shame to see individuals who claim they are Democrats attacking with an extreme level of disgust a person they did not know, an Elected Representative for over 53+, the author of the Martin Luther King Holiday Bill, H.R. 676 Medicare for All, a known Leader on Civil Rights, the ONLY candidate the Late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King endorsed and now former Dean of the U.S. Congress, John Conyers.
One would think they knew former Representative Conyers on a personal basis, outside of the mass onslaught of questionable news reports and especially questionable for the accuser who was given a $27,000 severance package. We know the former Representative on a Professional basis and had never seen what was described ever.
Regardless, there were calls for him to resign, leave, go, get out and the like before he or his family could have a real discussion about due process. In fact, these calls begun while at 88-years-old, he was hospitalized for various health reasons.
The pile on around these parts by some posters were quite a thing to see. Some rumored without one bit of facts, the former Representative had dementia, was coming to local meetings in pajamas, did not deserve to be re-elected many times over and so many other things that one would have thought they lived in the 13th Congressional District in Michigan and had intimate knowledge of their rumors.
However, when we asked over and over for proof of their claims, none was EVER submitted. NONE. EVER. However, on this board, there is supposedly a rule that states Democrats are not attacked. This "Rule" is applied haphazardly at best and in the case of John Conyers Saga, was frankly non-existent.
So the question is why? Why was it non-existent? Some could claim it was the alleged harassment rumors. Others, playing on the fence of age discrimination could say the former Representative age or long tenure in the Congress. Or maybe they took a visit to Detroit, did not like it and projected those feelings on the John Conyers saga.
We are going to call it what it is IN OUR HUMBLE OPINION -- Racism.
The same racism that believes African-Americans are supposed to vote for Democrats but never call out Democrats when they believe they are wrong. The same racism that when some were calling for Due Process for John Conyers, others thought that was a joke, but had no problem demanding due process for Al Franken - who happens to be Caucasian.
It's transparent and easy to see from anyone that can understand anything about racial biases -- and yes, they exist right here at Democratic Underground.
Al Franken is now resigning by the end of 2017.
However, it was interesting to see the over 60 threads calling for folks to call Franken's office, email him, email any Democrat who asked for his resignation, threaten to cut off donations to the DNC and Tom Perez, question if DNC Chair Keith Ellison wanted Franken seat (which he is not getting by the way -- at this time without running for Election in 2018 for the seat), calls for Chuck Schumer to resign -- and other "Burn Down The House" type posts .....yet not many (if any) of these same posters joined the calls for Due Process for John Conyers -- or made 1 much less than 60+ threads to say John Conyers should have Due Process.
This was beyond, beyond transparent for us and when WE CALLED IT OUT --- amazingly we had our second post in the last week subject to a jury decision. Almost like Black Women calling out Caucasians on their blatant transparency is not allowed on Democratic Underground.
It appears it is not, as a group of posters (who amazingly have way over 20K+ posts, seem to hang around despite the obvious and engage in jury gang up when their racial biases are challenged) are allowed without question to stay on this forum.
We cannot control this as we don't own the forum or the server it sits upon.
However, on the way out, we will call out exactly what we see. And be sure to tell other African-American Democrats of what we saw are the real underlying tealeaves of SOME posters on this site.
They are -- if you are Black, don't dare call out any racist bias, no matter how obvious on Democratic Underground as SOME White People who claim to be Democrat, cannot deal or take the truth about who they might really be, from behind the safety of a keyboard and computer.
We're done.
Yeah....Still Taking A Break or Leaving...But...THANK YOU SENATOR STABNEOW...
On being constituent and calling for Al Franken to resign! If Former Dean of the U.S. Congress and Representative John Conyers was FORCED to retire, then the same treatment should apply equally to Al Franken. Period!
Also, thank you's are forwarded to Senator Gillibrand (who was first to be consistent), Senator Harris (who quickly followed).
This issue cannot be about RACE.
If the standard is a standard -- then it should be a standard for ALL - Al Franken, John Conyers (now retired), anyone.
It cannot be about "save" Al Franken but "dump" John Conyers. Unlike Nancy Pelosi position of being all over the darn place -- the many of these Women Senators issued a JOINT statement which was strong and did not leave questions of why now.
Maybe Pelosi can learn a thing or two about consistent leadership from Senator Gillibrand, Senator Harris and Senator Stabneow.
Question submitted by LovingA2andMI
Deleting A DU Account
What is the process of completely deleting a DU account? We would like to do this ASAP as the environment of this forum has become beyond, beyond, unbearable and more than a bit racist. Any assistance to immediately do this as requested would be appreciated.
Food For Thought: Congresswoman Frederica Wilson, Donna Brazile, Nina Turner
Three African-American Women who told their Truth:
Wilson: What Happened to Sgt. Johnson's Widow in a Car She was in with the Widow. In turn, she was called an "empty barrel" by so-called General John Kelly and was lied on by him.
Turner: Her version of what happened in Nevada. In turn, she was shunned by others for telling what she saw with her own eyes and told, with her own mouth.
Brazile: Wrote a book on what she found out after becoming an intern head of a National Party Organization and a year + later, after keeping silent the whole time and afterward to help that political party. In turn, she is called a turncoat by others.
What do Wilson, Turner, and Brazile have in common? All Proud African-American Women that told THEIR TRUTH and Others Could Stand That They Did.
We Support All Of Our African-American Sisters, Telling Their Truth!!
REMEMBER: Indicted Swamp Drain Man Paul Manafort Said "HE WORKS DIRECTLY FOR THE BOSS" -- TRUMP!
APRIL 8, 2016 on CNN:
"Campaigns have different phases. Trump has done a "historic" thing with this campaign with MESSAGE and SOCIAL MEDIA. Because the campaign comes in stages, TRUMP also realized that Winning isn't enough. It is HOW you WIN and HOW MUCH you WIN." - Paul Manafort - Now INDICTED By The FBI and Special Counsel ROBERT MULLER on October 30, 2017 - for Money Laundering, Conspiracy, Failure to File Reports of Foreign Banks, False and Misleading Statements During Elections, False and Misleading Statements After Election -- Bolded Phases For Emphasis.
Gold Star widow Myeshia Johnson has nothing to say to Trump after controversial condolence call
Source: Washington Post
Nineteen days after her husbands death and two days after his wrenching burial, the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson said she has nothing to say to President Trump, whose condolence call pulled the grieving widow into the center of a national controversy.
Very upset and hurt; it made me cry even worse, Myeshia Johnson told Good Morning America about her conversation with the president.
Making her first public comments since she took the call from Trump last week on the same day her husbands remains were flown back to the United States Johnson recalled that the president said her husband knew what he signed up for, but it hurts anyways. And it made me cry. I was very angry at the tone of his voice, and how he said it.
She added: I didnt say anything. I just listened.
Read more: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2017/10/23/it-made-me-cry-gold-star-widow-myeshia-johnson-breaks-silence-on-trumps-condolence-call/?utm_term=.8b359a937485
Congresswoman Frederica Wilson DESERVES AN APOLOGY from Trump and the ONLY WORDS THAT MATTERS in this whole scenario is GOLD STAR SPOUSE MYESHIA JOHNSON!
Full video of Frederica Wilson's 2015 FBI speech shows John Kelly got it wrong
Source: Sun-Sentinel
White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, criticizing Florida Congresswoman Frederica Wilson, misrepresented a 2015 speech she made at the opening of a new FBI building, an exclusive South Florida Sun Sentinel video of her speech shows.
Kelly made the comments at the White House Thursday while discussing President Donald Trumps conversations with the families of four soldiers killed in an Ambush in Niger earlier this month.
Kelly criticized Wilson for listening in on the conversation between Trump and the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson. Wilson was in a car with the widow and Johnsons mother going to the airport for the arrival of Johnsons body, and the call was placed on speakerphone.
Kelly then continued his criticism of Wilson, mentioning the 2015 dedication of the Miramar FBI building, saying she focused in her speech that she got the money for the building, a sum he said of $20 million.
Wilson said Kellys comment was a fabrication, that she wasnt even elected to Congress when the funding for the building was approved. A Sun Sentinel video of the event supports Wilsons version of the events.
Wilson did take credit for securing approval of the naming of the building just days before the dedication for two slain FBI agents.
Read more: http://www.sun-sentinel.com/local/broward/fl-reg-wilson-kelly-tape-of-speech-20171020-story,amp.html
John Kelly Is A LIAR! That's It, That's All! #IBelieveFrederica
Today's Excuses for Stephen Paddock Include....
*Emotionally Deranged
*Pure Evil
*Gambling Addiction
*He was a "Lone-Wolf"
*He was a "Juiced Up Psycho"
*Crazed Lunatic
*Suicide Plan
*Brought His Mom A Walker Weeks Before -- So He Seemed To Be A "Normal" Guy
*Gun Crazed Manic
*Unhappy Person
*No Social Media Profile
*Lack of Usage of Social Media
*Psychological Leakage
*Just Causing Havoc
*Being Triggered
*Had A Bad Day
*He was "Just A Guy"
*Just Loved Guns - Lots Of Guns
*Did Not Like Country Music
*Hated Large Gatherings
*Wanted To Leave A Mark On Las Vegas That Stayed With Las Vegas And Across The Nation, World, Everywhere.
*Did Not Have A Relationship with His Brother, Mother, Father, Sister, Cousin, Aunt, Uncle, Niece, Nephew -- any family member at all
*Had No Friends
*Was A Loner
*Was Mad Because His Girlfriend Was Traveling Out Of The Country
*Hated Heights
*Was Just A Regular Guy Having A Bad Moment
For the 2000 People Attending The Country Music Concert In Las Vegas on Sunday Night, 60+ People Killed Regardless of Ethnic Background, 500+ Individuals Injured Who Frankly Do Not Give A Flip, Flying, Flip about the Excuses Made For Stephen Paddock -- PADDOCK MEANT TO CAUSE THEM TERROR AND KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE IN LAS VEGAS.
(Will keep adding Stephen Paddock excuses heard in the media at large, as we hear/read them.... )
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