pitbullgirl1965's JournalMisogyny in Liberal/Progressive Circles
Who are the experts when it comes to climate change and evolution? Who do you trust and believe?
1.Climate change deniers vs. NASA
http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0611/56599.html vs.
2.Creationists vs. 72 Noble Prize recipients
http://www.creationevidence.org/ Vs
Ok, now who do you believe are the experts on misogyny and sexism?
3. Women because we're women and we live with it. vs. Men
Unless you're a male to female transgender person, or gone "undercover" as a female, it's can be very hard to relate to or understand.
So I was reading this diary on the Daily Kos one day. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/06/17/1216821/-Solving-Rape-A-Very-Short-Statement-For-Those-Who-Just-Don-t-Get-It
And this comment was made.
And it blew my mind, because the guy got it. I never even thought of it in those terms.
Part of being progressive is wanting justice for all no? And being willing to listen and keep an open mind. Otherwise you're not any different from the right wing.
(BTW this applies to anyone, including white feminists who "Whitesplain" to people of color about racism and white privilege. I have seen some nasty comments from feminists about race, and this includes the feminists who think they're so ~edgy~ with their hipster racism. Changing the Kyriarchy benefits everyone, not just a select few. )
Manage Add On box in IE 10
All I see are a couple of columns with 1/8 inch showing. The windows to shows contents don't open up to see anything. At the bottom where it should show, I can barely see the top of the letters but I can't read them. They move with a mouse wheel but nothing else.
I've right clicked on them and it didn't help. Help!
Thank you in advance
ETA: It's working now! It updated on its' own. Unfortunately, it erased my toolbar, defaulted back to MSN, etc.
Thank you for your answers
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Name: SharonGender: Female
Hometown: Northern New York
Home country: USA
Member since: Sun Dec 11, 2011, 01:24 PM
Number of posts: 564