Dr Hobbitstein
Dr Hobbitstein's JournalVote with your head because your heart is just a muscle that pumps blood.
Thought happens in the brain, use that organ to vote for whomever you shall choose.
Someone sent the militia a bag of dicks!
Oregon militia organizers are getting fed up with all the unhelpful emails and obscene material being dumped off at the occupied wildlife refuge.
However, organizer Jon Ritzheimer is really taking issue with the enormous package (NPI) he just received A huge phallic sex toy and a bag of d*cks that appear to be made out of candy.
Its sad that there are people who would spend this kind of money on this rather than spending it to do good in the world, Ritzheimer said in a Facebook message. Im done living in fear of an oppressing force. Im going to uphold my oath to the Constitution and sleep great at night knowing that I did everything in my power to ensure what our founding fathers did for us will not be lost.
The Oregon militiaman does seem to like the idea of reselling the items on eBay.
I love that this happened on my birthday! Best. Birthday. Ever.
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Gender: MaleHome country: USA
Current location: Florida
Member since: Fri Jul 29, 2011, 08:25 PM
Number of posts: 6,568