Katashi_itto's JournalWanted: People Willing to Die on Mars, Proposed One-Way Trip to the Red Planet
Ever wonder what life is like on Mars? How about death on Mars? By 2023, some space travelers may know both. A private company called Mars One is working on sending astronauts on a one-way mission to the Red Planet.
Colonizing Space [HD]
A look at the efforts underway to establish permanent human colonies on the Moon and Mars; how food will be grown and waste recycled and eventually the plans to terraform Mars to make it more habitable for humans.
Space colonization is no longer the fodder of science fiction, it is becoming a reality. Examine the efforts underway to establish a human colony on Mars, including how they plan to grow food, recycle wastewater and introduce greenhouse gases to revive the red planet and make it more habitable for humans. Cutting-edge computer graphics are used to bring the universe down to earth to show what life would be like on Mars, and to imagine what kind of life forms might evolve in alien atmospheres.
Deep Space Industries - Mining The Universe For The Future
http://deepspaceindustries.com/ The human race is ready to begin harvesting the resources of space both for their use in space and to increase the wealth and prosperity of the entire world.
Our Vision:
Deep Space Industries believes the human race is ready to begin harvesting the resources of space both for their use in space and to increase the wealth and prosperity of the people of planet Earth.
Our Philosophy:
Our philosophy is to drive towards the achievement of this guiding Vision while securing a strong reputation as a credible, nimble and profitable commercial space operations, mining and manufacturing firm, with a no-nonsense, high integrity can do attitude.
Our Mission:
Our Mission is clear: DSI will build on the incredible heritage of the first age of space exploration and harness the power of a new age of information to locate, explore, harvest and utilize the vast numbers of asteroids in Earth's community. We will do so by being creative and practical -- taking small steps to begin with, and giant leaps when we can -- to supply our customers and provide a new and hopeful future for humanity.
Pope Francis Shakes up the Ambassadors Meeting and Addresses Economic Issues
By Deacon Keith Fournier
Catholic Online (www.catholic.org)
The West, with all of its promise of freedom, flirts with an instrumentalist materialism devoid of any understanding that the market was made for man not man for the market
The Church's social doctrine holds that authentically human social relationships of friendship, solidarity and reciprocity can also be conducted within economic activity, and not only outside it or after it. As Pope Benedict XVI wrote: "The economic sphere is neither ethically neutral, nor inherently inhuman and opposed to society. It is part and parcel of human activity and precisely because it is human, it must be structured and governed in an ethical manner."
VATICAN CITY (Catholic Online) - On Thursday, My 16, 2013, Pope Francis received four new ambassadors to the Holy See and accepted their credentials. As has been the custom of his predecessors, he used the moment to give address matters of international importance.
He signaled his intention to challenge the very foundations of economic theory itself by reasserting the Catholic contribution that the economy was made for man and not the other way around. His predecessor, Pope Benedict, in his 2009 letter Charity in Truth (Caritas in Veritate) offered seeds for building an economy of communion and gift.
In reading the address of Pope Francis I once was again convinced of the continuity in the election of Francis to succeed Benedict. The Church calls us to a preferential option or, I prefer, a love of preference for the poor; the kind of love which the Lord Himself shows in his very identification with the poor.
The implications of our response to this command are expounded upon in the 25th chapter of the Gospel of St Matthew. This means a demonstrated concern for their well being and the development of a social and economic order which includes them within its embrace and promise of advancement. This is why the Church upholds the dignity of all human work and the basic right to a living, just or family wage.
...The West, with all of its promise of freedom, flirts with an instrumentalist materialism devoid of any understanding that the market was made for man not man for the market. In this kind of mistaken approach to a free market economic order the accumulation of capital can come to be viewed as prior to the flourishing of the person, the family and the common good. In its wake, the poor can be forgotten and peace threatened.
The market economy can be a force for good when humanized and expanded to offer participation to more and more men and women. How to do that will require the work of ...
Considering that the church took 400 years to forgive Galileo, this pope moves at light speed...The Vatican must be totally shock up...a damn good thing
ISS Ammonia Leak: Part of New NASA Project to Study Effects Of Weightlessness On Mortal Terror
Houston, TexasU.S. and Russian scientists are increasingly excited about the ISS space station project, which promises to reveal more than has ever been known about the scientific relationship between weightlessness and mortal terror.
Scientists scramble to repair the leaking ammonia in the ISS space station's exterior hull. The large rupture is part of a U.S.-Russia effort to learn more about spaceborne panic.
"By stranding our scientists on a space station with with suddenly faulty wiring, loose hardware, and malfunctioning air systems," NASA head Daniel Goldin said, "we have created extremely favorable conditions for learning about spaceborne panic."
Goldin gestured at the ISS "Disaster Board".
Goldin stated proudly "From here, we can cause random malfunctions, reverse blast the toilet, blow airlock doors, and eject the station's entire supply of toilet paper."
The two Russians and one American on board the station are reportedly terrified beyond lucidity.
Among the groundbreaking experiments conducted on board ISS: a June 25 collision with a cargo craft that depressurized the Spektr module; last week's emergency power shortage, caused by a disconnected cable; and the periodic release of "dry ice" steam that simulates a shipboard fire. All have been deemed a huge success by agency heads.
"They are in a constant state of what aerospace scientists term 'mind-shattering terror,' frightened for their very lives," Russian mission director Vladimir Solovyov said. "And we have not even used the hull-mounted Alien puppet that taps on the window yet."
"We have also taken huge leaps in our understanding of the patterns created when one wets his pants in the weightlessness of space," Solovyov said. "The urine spreads out in an expanding sphere, something we did not expect."
Taking a break from his busy schedule, astronaut Michael Foale told ABC News reporters: "Where is Mommy?"
"Please tell me the access code to the Soyuz capsule," Russian cosmonaut Aleksandr Lazutkin said. "I would like to return to the chaotic government and widespread hunger of my homeland."
Scientists expect to gain even more useful data during an experiment at 3 a.m. tomorrow. As the astronauts sleep, whirling red siren lights will flood the cabin while an ear-splitting klaxon alarm jolts them awake. Detailed scientific data will then be collected on such variables as open weeping, defecation and hair loss.
I take no credit. I Modified and updated from the original Onion article here:
EVE Online - 10th Anniversary Celebrations
Live Stream celebration!
Times Square Cookie Monster Rejects Plea Deal Over Allegedly Shoving Child
Source: Talking points Memo
NEW YORK (AP) A man who dresses up as Cookie Monster in Times Square turned down a plea deal in a New York City case accusing him of shoving a 2-year-old after his mother refused to tip him.
Osvaldo Quiroz-Lopez is charged with endangering the welfare of a child.
The Daily News (http://nydn.us/10XHa0r ) says the plea deal would have let him off with two years of anger management counseling and two days of community service.
Quiroz-Lopez turned down the offer on Wednesday after prosecutors said he would have to plead guilty to the charge.
C is for Conviction.
Thats good enough for me...
Read more: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/times-square-cookie-monster-rejects-plea-deal-over-allegedly-shoving-child.php?ref=fpb
EVE Universe: Origins & Stellar Council Update
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