Katashi_itto's JournalNew Ultra-Realistic Xbox Game Has Users Press B Repeatedly To Make Character Breathe

LOS ANGELESIn an exclusive preview to fans gathered in Los Angeles this week for the E3 gaming conference, Microsoft officials reportedly unveiled an ultra-realistic new game for their upcoming Xbox One console that requires players to press the B button repeatedly in order to make their characters breathe.
Through the careful and constant pressing of different buttons, players are able to control not only breathing, but a steady heart rate, digestion, and other autonomic body functions as they help their avatars maintain homeostasis and complete their missions, Microsoft spokesman Michael Drew said of the single-player game, adding that players will use one analog stick to move the left leg forward and the other analog stick to move the right leg forward.
To pump your avatars heart, for example, all you have to do is rapidly press the left bumper button, making sure to increase heart rate during periods of increased exercise.
And then, of course, a second controller is needed for unholstering and firing your weapon, although players will still have to make sure, using the first controller, that their character is still breathing and his heart continues beating during this period.
Sources at E3 say early feedback for the game has been mixed due to the fact that gameplay begins in the middle of a shootout and you only get one life.
Let's Learn Judo with Vladimir Putin
One of Putin's favorite sports is the martial art of judo. Putin began training in sambo (a martial art that originated in the Soviet Union) at the age of 14, before switching to judo, which he continues to practice today. Putin won competitions in his hometown of Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg), including the senior championships of Leningrad in both sambo and judo. He is the President of the Yawara Dojo, the same Saint Petersburg dojo he practiced at when young. Putin co-authored a book on his favorite sport, published in Russian as Judo with Vladimir Putin and in English under the title Judo: History, Theory, Practice (2004).
Though he is not the first world leader to practice judo, Putin is the first leader to move forward into the advanced levels. Currently, Putin holds a 6th dan (red/white belt)[362] and is best known for his Harai Goshi (sweeping hip throw). Putin earned Master of Sports (Soviet and Russian sport title) in judo in 1975 and in sambo in 1973. At a state visit to Japan, Putin was invited to the Kodokan Institute, the judo headquarters, where he showed different judo techniques to the students and Japanese officials.
Putin also holds a 6th dan black belt in Kyokushin kaikan karate. He was presented the black belt in December 2009 by Japanese champion Kyokushin Karate-Do master Hatsuo Royama.
In 2013, Putin re-introduced the GTO physical fitness program to Russia with the support of Steven Seagal.
Other sports
English Translation from 0:11 : Behind me is a statuette of Jigoro Kano, who I fathered during my time travels. I taught him superior fighting techniques that made him invulnerable to man, fire, and projectiles. As he aged, he decided that these skills were unfair, and so he created a more sporting style of combat. I carried this Judo back to the present, and credited my son with its invention. I now use this art to protect my security personnel.
What goes on when you are not there!
#at=73This is a time-lapse of bears getting freaky-deaky on a scratching tree in the great outdoors of Alberta, Canada. Well, the great outdoors with power lines in the background anyways. The camera was set up by wildlife lover Glenn Naylor, who is apparently into this sort of thing. And, I'll admit it: so am I. I've always felt very close to bears. Like, I just want to do my own thing in the woods all day AND MAUL ANYBODY'S FACE OFF who gets in my way. You know, the simple life. Plus you get to hibernate for like half the year and those Charmin bears have even got the hookup on that toilet paper that doesn't leave butt crumbs.
Hit the jump for the video, but skip to around 0:45 if you want to get straight to the party.
Facebook CIA Project: The Onion News Network
.India Declares Dolphins "Non-Human Persons", Dolphin shows BANNED.
Amazing, overlooked news from several months ago out of India.
Indias Ministry of Environment and Forests has decided to forbid the keeping of captive dolphins for public entertainment anywhere in the country.
In a policy statement released Friday, the ministry advised state governments to reject any proposal to establish a dolphinarium by any person / persons, organizations, government agencies, private or public enterprises that involves import, capture of cetacean species to establish for commercial entertainment, private or public exhibition and interaction purposes whatsoever.
Whereas cetaceans in general are highly intelligent and sensitive, and various scientists who have researched dolphin behavior have suggested that the unusually high intelligence; as compared to other animals means that dolphins should be seen as non-human persons and as such should have their own specific rights and is morally unacceptable to keep them captive for entertainment purpose, the ministry said.
I was surprised to read about this the other night, since it happened back in May and somehow escaped worldwide attention and the 24 hour media hoopla. The effort to re-categorize Cetaceans (dolphins, whales, porpoises) as non-human persons has been gathering steam since a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2011 where a group of philosophers, conservationists, and animal behaviorists attempted to gather wide support for a Declaration of Rights for Cetaceans from the scientific community.
The Declaration:
1. Every individual cetacean has the right to life.
2. No cetacean should be held in captivity or servitude; be subject to cruel treatment; or be removed from their natural environment.
3. All cetaceans have the right to freedom of movement and residence within their natural environment.
4. No cetacean is the property of any State, corporation, human group or individual.
5. Cetaceans have the right to the protection of their natural environment.
6. Cetaceans have the right not to be subject to the disruption of their cultures.
7. The rights, freedoms and norms set forth in this Declaration should be protected under international and domestic law.
And what does it mean to say an animal has "rights"?
Unlike[...] positive rights, such as the 'right' to education or health care, the animal right is, at bottom, a right to be left alone. It does not call for government to tax us in order to provide animals with food, shelter, and veterinary care. It only requires us to stop killing them and making them suffer.
Seems reasonable enough. Considering dolphin intelligence has been long been established, this declaration doesn't seem to be a particularly radical move. They exhibit self-awareness, use tools, cooperate to solve tasks, don't vote Republican, and very recently it was found that they possibly communicate to each other using individual names. The major real world implications of declaring them non-human persons would be the closing of dolphin and orca shows at marine parks, setting them free from aquariums and zoos, and a prohibition against kills, such as the one documented in Academy Award winning movie The Cove.
Of course, the biggest implication is the whole idea of creating a new category of non-human persons. Do we stop at dolphins and whales? And, if not, where do we draw the line? Once we give rights to some animals how do we justify our continued exploitation of others
Collateral Damage from NSA surveillance: Copyrights and Patents?
Think of it this way
If European and Amercian companies, innovators and such, are using the internet to transfer data and critical information. It all gets vacumed up by NSA into the hands of private contractors and others.
That vital data, is now able to be looked at copied, sold or put in the hands whomever.
At a certain point, what is the incentive for anyone to look at patents/copyrights with any legitmacy ?
It would seem, the those who have the most to lose in all this are the biggest and most powerful companies in the world, whose secret proprietary information is now surely stored somewhere in an NSA database.
Corporate spies have now become obsolete.
All you need is a contact inside NSA and cash.
The South Shown in Graphics.

My personal feeling these factors contribute and excarbate the continued election of Republicans.
What I see is a war map.
A series of maps showing the attacks of Republicans on a sector of the populace. An ongoing attack that has lasted decades. The results of the Republican policies are the maps above
I don't look at this as a blanket condemnation of the South. But more, some of the reasons and results of Repuke control.
Anthony Weiner's Sexts Aren't Depraved. They're Boring.
By Amanda Hess
Steel yourself for Weinergate, Part Deux: The gossip website The Dirty has published another round of sexually explicit messages between Weiner and an anonymous woman. Weiner has admitted that the chats, published on Facebook and Formspring, sometimes under the alias Carlos Danger, are his. "Carlos" messaged the then-22-year-old woman to tell her things like, I must have cum thinking about you and looking at you 100 times. How does that make you feel? Gross? and I turn you around and bend you over the back of a chair. Your pussy asking for it.
Yawn. This is not, of course, our first peek into Anthony Weiners dirty mind. The new flood of messages is potentially relevant to Weiners mayoral campaign for one reason: The Dirty alleges that these conversations occurred after Weinergate first broke in June of 2011, meaning that Weiners initial public apology to everyone he misled by his actions was yet another cover-up for his continued sexting of the American people. The conversations are undated, but in one message to the woman, he alluded to the scandal: Sadly my pics are out there to look at. Have you ever? She had, and she was quite impressed. If the messages are really dated post-Weinergate, they call Weiners current bid for New York Citys trust into question.
But some critics are using the publication of these private messages to insinuate something much worse about Weiner: That the dirty talk in his cybersexing sessions reveals him to be a particularly depraved (and even criminal!) candidate. To that I say: Let he who has not sexted cast the first stone.
Understandably, Twitter is on fire with jokes about Weiners absurd online alias, Carlos Danger. It is, in fact, an extremely stupid name. But don't pretend that Weiner wasn't in on the joke. Before Weiner became infamous for thinking with his dick instead of his brain, he was known for his incisive sense of humor on the talk show circuit. He probably thought the name was hilarious, too. Other takes on wave two of Weinergate, meanwhile, insinuate that Weiner is more dangerous than he is foolish. The Daily Caller focuses its piece on one message in particular in which Weiner told the woman, would you let me hold your hair while you gagged on my cock? The implication is that Weiner is, at best, porn-addled, and at worst, potentially violent. But hey, some women are into talk like that. The anonymous womans response to Weiners question was simply, Absolutely.
(Thats pretty bad, the idea of being called boring, damn)
Frank & Nancy Sinatra - Something stupid (HQ)
This beautiful song by the father and daughter duo "Frank & Nancy Sinatra" was released in 1967, but the song was originally written and recorded in 1966 by "Carson Parks" with his wife "Gaile Foote"...
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