Katashi_itto's JournalDarling of the Drug War: Hillary Clinton Campaign Funded by Private Prison Lobby
(ANTIMEDIA) A new report released by The Intercept confirms that two of Hillary Clintons top campaign donors are the biggest private prison contractors in the world, Corrections Corporation of America and Geo Group.
The report underscores the role of lobbying bundlers, which the Hillary campaign refers to as HillRaisers. Bundlers are extra powerful fundraisersalmost like super lobbyistswho act as financial intermediaries when candidates acquire campaign funds. Most major candidates use them. Five of the Clinton campaigns bundlers work for lobbying and law firm Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, which received lobbying fees totaling $240,000 from Corrections Corporation of America last year.
Another bundler for Corrections Corporation of America, Brian Popper, who lobbies for the Clinton campaign, most recently worked to shield CCA from Freedom of Information Act requests.
Clinton bundler Richard Sullivan, who works for Capitol Counsel, garnered $44,859 from another giant private prison company, Geo Group, which also runs for-profit immigrant detention centers.
Clinton isnt the only presidential candidate using bundlers; in fact, shes not even the only candidate hiring Akin Gump. The company also touts both Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush as clients.
Jade Helm 15 watchdog writes off liberals as ‘useless': ‘I can’t wait to kill thousands of these f*c
The leader of a volunteer group formed as a watchdog over Jade Helm 15 military exercises dismissed 90 percent of Americans as useless and said he cant wait to kill thousands of these f*cks.
Pete Lanteri, who organized a New York chapter of the controversial Minutemen border militia, set up a Facebook page that attracted thousands of followers to monitor the eight-week training exercise in several southwest states.
The exercise, which started Wednesday, has sparked widespread fears of martial law, gun confiscation, and possible foreign invasion and the Texas governor asked the State Guard to oversee operations in that state after paranoid residents grilled an Army spokesman at a public meeting in Bastrop County.
Lanteri shut down the groups Facebook page last week, and set up private groups for individual states, after he complained it was attacked by libs, conspiracy nuts and 90% of these useless f*cking Americans.
He said his watchdog group, which includes 250 volunteers in Texas, was criticized as right-wing conspiracy theorists by the left and as possible government agents by conspiracy theorists on the right.
Question about Social Media I would like to compare stats.
I am shooting an Indie Sci Fi Comedy. To be released on Amazon, Itunes etc. It's my first feature film. I have been doing commercials Govt training etc prior to this. Audience engagement is everything for us.
I would like to know if our social media reach is doing well.
Right Now this is our stats:
THIS WEEK- 18,603 Post Engagement
How is engagement rate defined?
Engagement rate is the percentage of people who saw a post that liked, shared, clicked or commented on it.
We have a 241,062 Post reach
Post reach is the number of people who have seen your post. Your post counts as reaching someone when it's shown in News Feed. Figures are for the first 28 days after a post was created and include people viewing your post on desktop and mobile.
Where would I go to compare this against other movies, products?
Going Rogue/Going Dark: Sarah Palin Quits Her Internet Video Channel

The latest bad news from Sarahville is that her much vaunted Internet video channel is shutting down. Palin made the announcement in a video (posted below) that beginning August first, all her content will be free and available on her Facebook page and her SarahPAC website. This must be a big disappointment to her devoted fans that paid a hundred bucks for an annual subscription, especially considering that the service barely lasted a year. Her bizarrely cheerful swan song said in part
Hey, I wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support, and to let you know personally that were making all of my content free now. [ ] I just want to make sure that your voices and mine are heard by the widest possible audience across this great land of ours.
If she actually had any support she wouldnt be ending the project. The writing was on the wall long before Palin posted her farewell. As documented here at News Corpse, she had already been neglecting the venture in terms of providing content. Palin had been AWOL for twenty days in the first two months of this year. Again in June she posted only six videos the whole month for less than nine minutes of her inspirational presence. That kinda leaves you wondering exactly what she means when she says that from now on all of her content will be free. What content? [FYI: As of this writing her channel is still available for people to sign up for subscriptions even though it isnt continuing beyond this month]
So why did Palin decide to be so generous as to give away the paltry collection of video selfies for which she has been making people pay for the last year? One likely reason is that it wasnt making any money, so it is no sacrifice to forego the subscription fees. But even more likely is that Palin desperately needs exposure now that she and Fox News have parted ways. It is no coincidence that this move comes less than two weeks after the announcement that Fox would not renew her contract. The first time that Palin was fired by Fox, in 2013, it was quickly discovered that the loss of a national TV platform was costly for her. As documented at the time
The Center for Public Integrity reports that Palins PAC has brought in less than half of her take by this time in 2012, and less than a third of 2011s first half earnings. The difference is that in both of the prior years she still had her perch at Fox News. The first six months of this year Palin was nearly invisible. Consequently, her ability to con gullible Tea Party rubes out of their meager funds was greatly diminished.
Taoiseach Bravely Says Exactly What He’s Been Told To Say On Greece

IRELANDs Taoiseach Enda Kenny has had praise heaped on him by the EU, the ECB and the IMF following his latest comments on Greeces debt crisis.
It takes real bravery to stick exactly to the script, Mario Draghi, head of the ECB told WWN earlier today, the ear piece we gave him, feeding him dialogue obviously helps, but he has shown a real Meryl Streep-like flair for this.
The Taoiseachs appetite for toeing the official line is said to be much respected by a number of EU leaders, with additional praise reserved for similar statements given by Joan Burton.
Were not even close to the nomination deadline for the Biggest Lick Arse in the EU, but I think Ill vote for Enda early, Angela Merkel revealed to German press earlier today.
Shocking austerity: Greece’s poor lost 86% of income, but rich only 17-20%
Greeces unbalanced austerity and drastic increase of poverty. The poorest households in the debt-ridden country lost nearly 86% of their income, while the richest lost only 17-20%. The tax burden on the poor increased by 337% while the burden on upper-income classes increased by only 9% !!! This is the result of a study that has analyzed 260.000 tax and income data from the years 2008 2012.
According to the study commissioned by the German Institute for Macroeconomic Research (IMK) affiliated with the Hans Böckler Foundation:
The nominal gross income of Greek households decreased by almost a quarter in only four years.
The wages cuts caused nearly half of the decline.
The net income fell further by almost 9 percent, because the tax burden was significantly increased
While all social classes suffered income losses due to cuts, tax increases and the economic crisis, particularly strongly affected were households of low- and middle-income. This was due to sharp increase in unemployment and tax increases, that were partially regressive.
The total number of employees in the private sector suffered significantly greater loss of income, and they were more likely to be unemployed than those employed in the public sector.
-From 2009 to 2013 wages and salaries in the private sector declined in several stages at around 19 percent. Among other things, because the minimum wage was lowered and collective bargaining structures were weakened. Employees in the public sector lost around a quarter of their income.
Stephen Hawking tells One Direction fans of alternate universe in which all band members are dead

Theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking has told One Direction fans around the world that there is a parallel universe in which every member of the boy band is dead.
Hawking appeared in holographic form at the Sydney Opera House beamed from his Cambridge University base, to explain how the multiverse means at least one version of One Direction was killed by an enraged Justin Bieber fan.
He told the audience, The very concept of the multiverse means that whatever can happen, does happen, and so one day we will prove there is a universe out there in which every member of One Direction was hacked to death by an angry Belieber.
You can rest assured they all died in pain and terror and that it put an immediate end to any musical releases whatsoever from the band.
In fact, in that universe, its become a day of celebration, not one of mourning made even better because Simon Cowell gave all his money away and went off to become a monk.
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