Katashi_itto's JournalPA Judge Who Sold Juveniles to Jail gets 28 years!
?itok=Or6O0U-zA Pennsylvania judge convicted of sending young kids to juvenile detention centers in return for cash has been sentenced to 28 years in prison, reported NPR. Good riddance to this guy.
Former Luzerne County Judge Mark Ciavarella Jr. was convicted of taking up to $1 million in bribes from developers of juvenile detention centers in the state of Pennsylvania. The disgraced judge became known for doling out harsh sentences for small, petty crimes in order to receive payment for each kid sent. The scam became known as kids-for-cash.
Between 2003 and 2008, the Pennsylvania state Supreme Court tossed 4,000 convictions issued by Ciavarella because the judge violated the constitutional rights of the kids. These violations included denying the right to legal counsel and the right to intelligently enter a plea. Disgustingly, his attorneys said that all the media attention on Ciavarella was a good enough punishment.
The media attention to this matter has exceeded coverage given to many and almost all capital murders, and despite protestation, he will forever be unjustly branded as the Kids for Cash judge, said the attorneys memo.
Well Submitted my IMDB entry for the movie I am Co-directing
Wondering if there will be issues. We are also talking to three distributors. Not sure if we will go with any.
Our First Trailer is up for "I Was A Teenage Alien Mutant Cyborg" is up!
It will be out on Amazon, Itunes and Hulu May-June.
Working on Japanese and European distribution.
Police Union President Arrested For Beating Daughter, Blames It On Her
NEW MEXICO Recent years have seen a rise in publicity for police unions and their leaders, most famous for their unquestioning defense of criminal officers and leadership that spouts vitriolic rhetoric.
Stephanie Lopez, president of the Albuquerque Police Officers Association (APOA), proved this stereotype to be true, and herself as both a bully and a criminal, after being arrested for beating her underage daughter.
Lopez was charged with child abuse and booked on a $5,000 bond after causing great bodily harm to her daughter.
The daughter was struck repeatedly in the head, had her hair pulled, and was thrown to the ground by Lopez.
After reporting it to her school resource officers, the daughter and school administrators went to law enforcement a somewhat brave act, considering her mothers relationship with the police department.
Warning Star Wars Spoiler (Just not the way you think)
Poll: 30% of Republicans Want to Bomb a Fictional Disney Country
KILL PRINCESS JASMINE!!!According to Public Policy Polling, a recent poll of 532 Republican primary voters found that 30 percent supported bombing Agrabah. The only problem is that Agrabah is the fictional country from the Disney movie Aladdin.
Public Policy Polling was founded in 2001 and, according to its website, aims to "address inefficiencies in public policy surveys" by using efficient, mathematical polling strategies. Not everyone is pleased with this news, and some have cried foul on Twitter.
@ppppolls Try asking Dems the same question. This is why media is no longer credible.
Actually, they did. Of the Democratic primary voters who were asked the same question, 36 percent opposed bombing Agrabah, compared with 19 percent who supported the action.
Colorado About to Require All Police Officers to Undergo Psychological Evaluations
Colorado ruled Monday that police officers in the state be required to undergo full psychological evaluations. The checks would occur before an officer is hired, and every time an officer changes jobs or jurisdictions in the state thereafter, the Denver Post reported.
According to the Post, state law already requires psychological evaluations but such checks are rarely carried out in practice. The new rules were affirmed during a meeting of the Colorado Peace Officer Standards and Training Board.
The loose protocols have largely benefited problem officers who can shuffle between departments when they have committed violations. In many cases, they end up in more impoverished rural areas which typically have difficulty finding qualified candidates.
What the public is concerned about is that police departments dont pass off someone that is a problem in one department to another department, Grand Junction, Colorado police chief and POST vice chairman, John S. Camper, told Mic. Camper disputed the Posts claim that the primary screenings were not being enforced. I havent heard of that, he said. I can tell you in the departments Ive been in we do psych tests on everyone.
Adolf Hitler Tired of Being Compared to Donald Trump
NAZI BLOCK, HELL From within the confines of the Nazi Block that Bob Satan Beelzebub built in his Lake of Fire Penitentiary, Adolf Hitler is furious, and hes not going to be quiet about it.
That bastard is stealing my material, Hitler told our reporter by Hell-phone interview, adding that if people think you need to advocate for the incineration or gassing of more than six million people to be considered a fascist, then the Republicans have done an even better of dumbing down the populace than he could have possibly hoped to achieve in his own time. Hitler said hes sick and tired of being compared to Donald Trump, and hes pursuing legal options to shut down the billionaire moguls presidential rhetoric on the basis of trademark infringement.
I had a signature, shitty little mustache, and hes got a signature, shitty pile of dead straw and human excrement he calls hair, Hitler said, and thats just the mildest of comparisons you can make between us. Hitler said that basing a line of political rhetoric solely on the demagoguery of a whole religious sect of people was something he worked [his] fingers to their anti-Semitic bones to perfect and that some bloviating chump that doesnt have the balls to call for rounding up his enemies and killing them will steal all [his] dictatorial thunder.
Though he was angry at what he called a severe violation of his intellectual property rights when it comes to religious-based persecution of a large swath of people. He should get his own thing, Hitler said adding that fascism, hate-filled rhetoric and propaganda, and downright apathy toward people of non-Aryan descent was his shtick. Hitler said that ultimately he just thinks Donald is a poser and that he probably doesnt even have the balls to put out a good propaganda film comparing Muslims to rats, or the like, and that lack of commitment to the fascist cause worries him.
Sarah Palin Bans Muslims from Entering Bristol Palin
Sarah Palin has reportedly banned #?Muslims from entering her daughter Bristol Palin. Not to fear, gun-toting, bible-thumping, knuckle-dragging country boys are still welcome.
Wasilla, AK Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says she supports Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trumps call for a ban on admitting Muslims into the United States, stating she once put a similar ban in place while she was governor of Alaska.
As governor of Alaska, I banned Muslims from entering my daughter Bristol, and that ban is still enforced to this day, Palin said. Your first instinct as a parent is to protect your children, and that is what Donald Trump is trying to do, protect America from Muslim jihadists.
Trumps call for a total and complete shutdown on admitting Muslims in the U.S. drew condemnation from Republican opponents as well as Democrats. Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle criticized the plan as impractical and unconstitutional.
Speaking with the Christian Broadcast Network (CBN) to promote her latest book Sweet Freedom: A Devotional, Palin spoke on a wide range of topics including Donald Trump, being fired from Fox News, and her daughter Bristols passion for wild unprotected sex.
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