Demsrule86's JournalMatt Orfalea. (adults only) video trashing MLK hired by Bernie Sanders. POLL
He loves to use the word 'retarded'. so I right? He is a buddy of Sean Hannity. should a person like this be working for a Democratic candidate?
Sen.Sander what are you and Jane (who praised this guy) thinking?!!!!!
Should Matt Orfalea be hired by any presidential candidate?
RCP, Biden is leading. New Quinipiac as of today showing Biden winning. No Sanders surge!
Biden leading. Sure Sanders could win Iowa and I would hope he could win a close state like New Hampshire. But he is not winning the polls out yesterday (morning Consult) and Today (Quinnipiac clearly show this). The demise of Joe Biden as always are bullshit and the Sanders Surge? Not happening. I have added 538 numbers below...and Biden still winning. I have added the entire history of Quinnipiac to show now surge...and it does.
Today Real Clear Polititics
Today Here is attention to Demographics...Sander still losing AA voters
Yesterday Morning Consult
Quinnipiac numbers for entire primary...NO surge Warren and Sanders trading supporters. But may margin of error too.
Nevada Caucus now has early voting. It will undoubtedly increase participation.
This is a reform to make it easier for people to participate in the caucuses. I think it is a great idea.
"...In addition to the traditional caucus process, this year, the Nevada Democratic Party has a new task to tackle, that of early voting. The party made the decision to add an early voting period in an effort to increase participation by those who may be unable to make it on formal caucus day, which is set for Saturday, Feb. 22.
According to information obtained from the Nevada Democratic Party website, early voting participants should arrive at any early voting site within their county of residence and record their presidential preferences.
Because the caucus process relies on establishing viability for each presidential candidate, early voters will be required to make at least three selections in order of preference and will be allowed to mark up to five candidates.
The Nevada State Democratic Party will respect the first choice of early vote participants and only realign an early vote participant if their first choice is not viable, the information details.
Those early voters will be counted as eligible caucus-goers on caucus day, and their votes will be used in determining both viability and the number of delegates awarded to candidates. Early voters do not need to be present on caucus day and are not eligible to participate in their precinct caucus."
Eye Opening Poll New Baldwin Poll in four key mid-western states. Biden leads in 3 out of 4 polls
The Mid-West is ground zero for the 20 general election. And we can win if I believe we choose the proper candidate...Joe Biden;
Biden has deep ties to the Mid-West and spent many days here during 08 and 12. He helped President Obama win Ohio for sure. Please look at the Mid Western polls, Baldwin shows Biden leading Sanders in three out of 4 polls ...WI has Bernie up by 1 point. If you go to the link you can access this poll. Please note' a plurality of voters prefer Joe Biden'...Biden can win the Mid West and the general and sent Trump packing and maybe some of his GOP playmates as well. Biden has coattails...and will help with the Senate and the House. Also women want Trump out and women are more likely to support Biden than Sanders as we have seen in this and other polls. Go Joe!!!
More Here...
Polls for today including Balwin... from 538
Just heard on MSNBC that there me be a deal in the works with 1 witness for 1 witness...
Democrats hate it...Cruz is handling the negotiations...but who knows.
Who Will Win The 2020 Democratic Nomination? Spoiler, the answer is Biden. 538 in depth look at who
wins overall and you can set up every state as well. It really is very interesting.
Ted Kennedy and Joe Biden have the same rating on Social Security.
The following ratings are based on the votes the organization considered most important; the numbers reflect the percentage of time the representative voted the organization's preferred position.
Joe Biden scores 89% by the ARA on senior issues
Ted Kennedy scores 89% by the ARA on senior issues
The mission of the Alliance for Retired Americans is to ensure social and economic justice and full civil rights for all citizens so that they may enjoy lives of dignity, personal and family fulfillment and security. The Alliance believes that all older and retired persons have a responsibility to strive to create a society that incorporates these goals and rights and that retirement provides them with opportunities to pursue new and expanded activities with their unions, civic organizations and their communities.
In 1985 Biden went around saying we should freeze entitlements including Social Security...during the height of the Reagan years where Democrats were trying to survive...he never voted against social security. And he voted against the lock-box combined with freezing the debt (balance budget)...thus helping kill it. I have posted his votes and Kennedy's votes for anyone who wants to look...pretty good website.
RecentRCP polls including National,Averages,States and Betting Odds... Enjoy!
I was watching CNN...Cuomo and he said Danny DeVito cancelled . He is a Sanders supporter and
apparently Sanders doesn't want him on any shows tonight before tomorrow's debate...this is what Cuomo said. He was pulled from the show...makes you go hmmm
New Iowa Poll ...CNN U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders leads Updated with details from poll

Bernie ahead within margin of error...but very close...had hoped it would be more decisive Oh well.
"U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders leads the Democratic field three weeks ahead of Caucus Day in Iowa narrowly overtaking his closest competitors, who remain locked in a tight contest just behind him.
A new Des Moines Register/CNN/Mediacom Iowa Poll shows 20% of likely Democratic caucusgoers name Sanders as their first choice for president.
After a surge of enthusiasm that pushed Pete Buttigieg to the top of the field in November, the former South Bend, Indiana, mayor has faded, falling 9 percentage points to land behind both Sanders and U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren. Warren is at 17%; Buttigieg, 16%; and former Vice President Joe Biden, 15%.
Theres no denying that this is a good poll for Bernie Sanders. He leads, but its not an uncontested lead, said pollster J. Ann Selzer, president of Selzer & Co., which conducted the poll. Hes got a firmer grip on his supporters than the rest of his compatriots.
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