Demsrule86's JournalGet up and take it back. This is the United States of American there is nothing we can't do...
Joe Biden you bring hope to this beleaguered nation-savaged by Trump and his Republican cronies...I know you will kick Trump to the curb and fix what these barbarians have broken so we can once again hold our head up and be proud to be Americans.
The sample size of the poll in New Hampshire was 255 people from Nate Silver, I was unaware of this.
I am sure the Warren campaign is breathing a sigh of relief in hearing this.
Have you no sense of Decency? NO the White House and the GOP henchmen don't possess a consicience
particularly Gym Jordan who allowed boys as young as 14 to be sexually molested in Ohio...he is a disgrace to my state and our nation.""
Republicans putting Obama on trial, parsing words and going for confusion...
They have no honor.
I did want to post the individual polls at Real Politics so here they are...
RCP Average: Biden 28.3% Biden is clearly the front runner. It appears that Warren has declined
beginning in October (after the debates?) and continuing into November
Biden is leading in the RCP average in all states except Monmouth where he is tied. Great news for Joe...he is as I stated before clearly the front runner and will go on IMHO to be our nominee in 20...Trump will lose in a landslide!
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Gender: FemaleHometown: Ohio
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Member since: Wed Jul 13, 2011, 07:37 AM
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