Demsrule86's JournalI woke up to over a foot of snow in my driveway in Cortland Ohio.
I can't believe it. Daughter left the garage door open when she left. And the door wouldn't shut. I had shovel the garage in order to shut the door as the sensor was blocked. No one said anything about snow when I watched the 6:00 news. Lots of of folks with no power too...thankfully I still have power...ah spring!
Georgia teacher fired 1 shot through classroom window, police arrested him
So much for arming teachers. This happened the same day they voted to take away Delta's tax credit as punishment for standing up to the NRA.
for those kind folks who gave me a heart...thanks so much!
Thanks so much for my hearts all are so kind.
Thank you for my kind. I really appreciate it!
Edited ...thanks again!!!
Everyone Hates The Idea Of A Short-Term Immigration Punt. Congress May Do It Anyway.
Hey, it would be better than the deal!
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Gender: FemaleHometown: Ohio
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Member since: Wed Jul 13, 2011, 07:37 AM
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