NuclearDem's JournalWell, I'm not one to be a sore loser--congratulations, Sanders supporters
You won Alaska, are looking exceedingly strong in Washington, and will probably do very well in Hawaii as well.
So, no snark, no sarcasm: congratulations. You earned these wins.
We'll see you back east.
Pictured below: Political Revolution

Not pictured: Sitting at home on Reddit, sending in $27 through Paypal, and then not being bothered to show up and vote. For this, see: Revolution (American brand name).
I voted for Clinton in my primary. Does my vote count?
I requested an absentee ballot, filled it out as soon as it arrived, and mailed it back. I marked the box for Hillary Clinton.
Does my vote count? Is my vote irrelevant because it's not at a caucus? Was my vote fraudulent?
Help me out here, folks. What do I need to do to make sure my vote isn't in danger of being thrown out in the name of fighting voter suppression?
Sorry, Bernie supporters. Your candidate is not ‘currently winning the Democratic primary race’
What I am is a dude who spends a lot of time looking at poll numbers, and particularly poll numbers related to the 2016 nomination contests. I am the author of various articles assessing the chances of Sen. Bernie Sanders in the Democratic iteration thereof; those articles come to the conclusion that Hillary Clinton is very, very likely to be the party's nominee. It's a simple function of math. Sanders needs to win a lot of states with a lot of delegates by a lot of points -- something that he's so far shown no ability to do. He needs to win about three-quarters of the remaining delegates. Unless deusemerges from the machina, he will not.
But that's me looking at things objectively. I suspect that Seth Abramson -- a University of New Hampshire English professor and author of "Bernie Sanders Is Currently Winning the Democratic Primary Race, and Ill Prove It to You" -- is not considering the race from the same space.
Abramson's "proof" consists of the following argument. Actually, Bernie Sanders has more support from Democrats. It's just that no one knows who he is. So Hillary Clinton banks a lot of early votes. But then they hear about Sanders and prefer him, and that's why voting on Election Day favors Sanders. So, really, Sanders is preferred.
The only problem with this is all of the parts.
New York, Pennsylvania, and Maryland are closed primaries.
To participate in the Democratic primaries in those states you have to be registered as a Democrat by:
March 25 (this Friday) - New York
March 28 (next Monday) - Pennsylvania
April 5 (two Tuesdays from now) - Maryland
If you or someone you know plans to vote in those contests and hasn't registered as a Democrat by the respective date, don't be surprised if you're turned away.
Again, closed primary.
Closed primary.
Anyone remember the Clinton supporters up in arms about Michigan?
Remember how after one of the biggest upsets in primary history, where nearly all the polls were wrong, how Clinton supporters hysterically alleged election fraud?
Yeah, I don't either.
The Creepy Cull of DU's Black Voices
This has got to fucking stop.
It has become patently obvious over the last year that Democratic Underground's African-American members are under attack. Some are Clinton supporters, some are O'Malley supporters, and some are Sanders supporters, but they are all being targeted by people who are uncomfortable hearing their voices, even in supposedly progressive circles.
Bravenak has been alert stalked, called a "race nagger", talked down to, insulted, and threatened offline.
1StrongBlackMan has been alert stalked, insulted, punished for daring to call out a blatantly racist troll, called a "self-absorbed nigger", and told to "go back to Africa."
ChitownKev has been alert stalked and silenced for having the audacity to confront insulting behavior from his fellow Sanders supporters.
Many others have been intimidated and silenced, and driven away from DU.
African-American Clinton supporters have had their support explained by "stupidity", "not doing their research", or the psychological damage of "Stockholm Syndrome."
The same African-American Clinton supporters have also been labeled "house niggers."
Members who have carried out a number of these attacks are still posting. This intolerance, aggression, and unconscionable bigotry has no place here.
Governor O'Malley isn't your anti-Clinton attack dog.
Some of you seem to have some serious misconceptions about O'Malley. He's not simply in this to take shots at Clinton and subsequently validate Sanders. O'Malley supporters aren't just little Sanders supporters.
O'Malley took on the NRA and won. He ended the blight on Maryland that was the state's death penalty. He introduced bureaucratic reforms that helped take care of Maryland's veterans.
He's led the 2016 Democratic field on issues nobody else even talks about. He's personally worked with national veterans groups to develop the most comprehensive plan to address the needs of current and former servicemembers and their families--the suicide epidemic, homelessness, PTSD, and protecting our education benefits. He's led the way on addiction treatment and viewing the alcohol and drug dependent as humans who need help and not incarceration.
I'm deeply sorry Governor O'Malley said some things that upset Sanders supporters, but he's not your pet to unleash on Clinton when you want. He's a progressive, a leader, and the future of our party--and if you don't already, you need to start taking him seriously.
Calling Martin O'Malley a DLCer is as ridiculous as calling Bernie Sanders a gun nut.
Governor O'Malley has been a champion of progressive policy for years. He's been there on LGBT rights, immigration, education, gun control, criminal justice, abolishing the death penalty, and taking care of veterans.
I'm sorry he said some less than flattering things about Sanders, but Governor O'Malley is not a DLCer or a centrist by any stretch of the imagination.
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