Bill USA
Bill USA's JournalM$M is the GOP's ventriloqust's dummy, trying to legitimize the Conservative Alternate Universe
for several years the GOP has been running a perrenial witch hunt they call Benghazi Hearings No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ad infinitum.
While one GOP toady of the Corporate media asked HRC:"Is this the 'real' Hillary Clinton?"
Not one of the M$M grovellers before the GOP have ever asked any of the GOP Inquisitors:
"Is this Benghazi Inquiry no. 1 a REAL search for the truth?"
"Is this Benghazi Inquiry no. 2 a REAL search for the truth?"
"Is this Benghazi Inquiry no. 3 a REAL search for the truth?"
"Is this Benghazi Inquiry no. 4 a REAL search for the truth?"
"Is this Benghazi Inquiry no. 5 a REAL search for the truth?"
"Is this Benghazi Inquiry no. 6 a REAL search for the truth?"
"Is this Benghazi Inquiry no. 7 a REAL search for the truth?"
The M$M television networks are merely the GOP's ventriloquist dummies.
great post. recommended, kicked.
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Member since: Wed Mar 3, 2010, 04:25 PMNumber of posts: 6,436