42bambi's JournalHumpty Trumpty sat on his wall
Humpty Trumpty had a mighty fall
All the king's dollars and all the king's crooks
Can't put Humpty Trumpty together again
A Toast For Our Amazing Leaders!
Trump uses the benefit of being president to
acquire money made from his properties, etc., would that be considered an abuse of power?
So, Trump released money
in a timely manner to Ukraine when there was a corrupt president in 2017 and 2018, but according to the R's, Trump held up the money in 2019 only because he wanted the assurance that Zelensky was not corrupt. Huh?
The hard core republicans would fight tooth
and nail for their 2nd amendment rights, BUT proudly blows off the US Constitution. Really?
Bill Clinton was impeached because he
lied! Why can't/won't anyone ask - why hasn't Trump testified...we all know it's because he will LIE! The Dem committee members need to bring that FACT into this hearing. Why won't Trump testify?
We need to look for Trump's soul, imagine
all the places to look.
I'll begin.
It's up Moscow Mitch's a**.
Hey Donnie, we don't do this all the time, but you
are going to be impeached, so get over it!
The Audience
As we earnestly watch
And we prudently listen
As our minds become hijacked
And our intelligence dwindles
As our thinking is overruled
And our purpose is broken
As our mind goes numb
And our souls grow weary
As we receive a directive
And we do not question
As we succumb to iterations
And our surrender is achieved
The objective has been accomplished
We have become -- the audience
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Member since: Thu Nov 12, 2009, 10:57 AMNumber of posts: 1,753