sulphurdunn's JournalCui Bono
I have become jaded. I admit it. I cannot bring myself to believe that the shutdown of government and the impending consequences to global financial markets and American credit is the result of a handful of ideological House nut jobs from safely gerrymandered districts. It is inconceivable to me that the rest of Congress and the President are unable to make these fools fold.
So, I ask myself, who benefits? Whenever I ask myself that question in regards to the antics of politicians, I assume the who are Wall Street financial interests. That parts easy. The why of it is obvious ($$$). The next question for me is how it profits them?
Ever wonder what's wrong with America?
Why the Jesus Party has shut down representative government and how an infomercial video may drive you to gibbering madness?
Did you know that the Bible is actually a book for investors? That Jesus was really a shrewd money changer who didn't love money and that the secret to amassing wealth is turn your reasoning powers over to a born again financial guru who will make you richer than Caesar for $97 and give you free stuff worth hundreds of dollars for doing it? Of course you do. After all, you know what the "prosperity gospel" is, and you've seen the "but wait there's more" commercials on late night TV. But did you know that God punishes those who do not take risk investments with their money? Well, then you need to be enlightened, and News Max is just the place to be enlightened.
Warning! The article reads like something co-produced by CNBC and the 700 Club. The video is long, more repetitive than a Ron Popeil pitch and may be psychologically damaging. Otherwise, it is a masterpiece of the art and symbolic of the Calvinist underpinnings of the religious right, it's hypocrisy, avarice and support for the Republican Party. I sat through the whole thing and am now going to get drunk. May the force be with you!
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