SergeStorms's JournalThis is how much Greg Abbott cares about gun control. From June 17, 2021
Mods: This is an official release from Gov. Abbott's website, No copyright laws are being infringed upon copying the entire release.
Governor Abbott Signs Second Amendment Legislation Into Law
June 17, 2021 | Austin, Texas | Press Release
Governor Greg Abbott today signed seven pieces of legislation into law to protect Second Amendment Rights in Texas. The Governor was joined for the bill signing ceremony by Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, Speaker Dade Phelan, Senators Donna Campbell, Brandon Creighton, Charles Schwertner, and Drew Springer, Representatives Giovanni Capriglione, Cole Hefner, Tom Oliverson, Matt Schaefer, David Spiller, and other members of the legislature, as well as representatives of the National Rifle Association.
"Politicians from the federal level to the local level have threatened to take guns from law-abiding citizens but we will not let that happen in Texas," said Governor Abbott. "Texas will always be the leader in defending the Second Amendment, which is why we built a barrier around gun rights this session. These seven laws will protect the rights of law-abiding citizens and ensure that Texas remains a bastion of freedom. Thank you to the Texas Legislature for getting these bills to my desk."
Senate Bill 19 (Schwertner/Capriglione) prohibits any governmental entity from contracting with any business that discriminates against firearm and ammunition businesses or organizations.
Senate Bill 20 (Campbell/Hefner) allows guests to store firearms in their hotel rooms.
Senate Bill 550 (Springer/Spiller) removes the shoulder or belt holster requirements, allowing Texans to carry firearms in whatever kind of holster they choose.
House Bill 957 (Oliverson/Springer) repeals the criminal offense of possessing, manufacturing, transporting, or repairing a firearm silencer. It also ensures that any firearm suppressor manufactured in Texas, and that remains in Texas, will not be subject to federal law or federal regulation.
House Bill 1500 (Hefner/Creighton) prevents any government entity from prohibiting the sale or transportation of firearms or ammunition during a declared disaster or emergency.
House Bill 1927 (Schaefer/Schwertner) authorizes Constitutional Carry in Texas, meaning law-abiding Texans can legally carry a handgun without a license to carry.
House Bill 2622 (Holland/Hall) makes Texas a Second Amendment Sanctuary State by protecting Texans from new federal gun control regulations.
This was when Abbott gave his famous "Texas must become a Second Amendment Sanctuary State" speech.
'Armed and dangerous' felons escape Virginia mental institution. State Police are looking for a pair of felons who escaped a Virginia mental hospital Sunday.
Eastern State Hospital in James City County requested Virginia State Police investigate and search for the two patients, 29-year-old Bryant Marcus Wilkerson and 31-year-old Austin Preston Leigh.
Both suspects are convicted felons with outstanding warrants, police said.
Leigh has outstanding warrants for drug-related offenses in Virginia and Wilkerson is wanted for felony probation violation. Both patients now have additional warrants for escaping a mental facility, taken out by the Department of Behavioral Health and Development.
Wilkerson is considered armed and dangerous, according to Virginia State Police.
Anyone that has information on either Leigh or Wilkerson, or knows of their whereabouts is asked to contact the Virginia State Police at 757-424-6800 or email at [email protected].
Attention New York voters!
There are 4 propositions on this year's ballot. Please familiarize yourself with them so you'll be prepared when you vote. The republicans in New York would love it if you're not familiar with them and neglected to vote on them on November 2.
Ballot Proposal 1:
Amending the Apportionment and Redistricting Process
This proposed constitutional amendment would freeze the number of state senators at 63, amend the process for the counting of the states population, delete certain provisions that violate the United States Constitution, repeal and amend certain requirements for the appointment of the co-executive directors of the redistricting commission and amend the manner of drawing district lines for congressional and state legislative offices. Shall the proposed amendment be approved?
In my opinion, and this is my opinion only, I would vote YES! Conservatives want you to vote 'no', so they can control their gerrymandering of election districts. Again, vote YES on proposition one.
Ballot Proposal 2:
Right to Clean Air, Clean Water, and a Healthful Environment
The proposed amendment to Article I of the New York Constitution would establish the right of each person to clean air and water and a healthful environment. Shall the proposed amendment be approved?
This one is pretty self-explanatory. VOTE YES! We all want and deserve clean and and water, right? VOTE YES on proposition two.
Ballot Proposal 3:
Eliminating Ten-Day-Advance Voter Registration Requirement
The proposed amendment would delete the current requirement in Article II, § 5 that a citizen be registered to vote at least ten days before an election and would allow the Legislature to enact laws permitting a citizen to register to vote less than ten days before the election. Shall the proposed amendment be approved?
VOTE YES on proposition three. Republicans don't want you to be able to register to vote at all, but they certainly don't want you to register to vote within 10 days of any election. The more citizens exercising their right to vote, the better, whenever they happen to register. VOTE YES on proposition three.
Ballot Proposal 4:
Authorizing No-Excuse Absentee Ballot Voting
The proposed amendment would delete from the current provision on absentee ballots the requirement that an absentee voter must be unable to appear at the polls by reason of absence from the county or illness or physical disability. Shall the proposed amendment be approved? VOTE YES on proposition four. You should be able to cast your ballot by absentee ballot whenever you want, especially during a pandemic. This pisses republicans off. COVID is a hoax, right? They don't want you to vote absentee for any other reason, and it should be your right to vote absentee for any reason!
In conclusion, New York voters, we should vote YES on all four ballot propositions. If for no other reason than to piss the state's republicans off. Thank you.
It's no take over.
They're restoring the rightful president to his golden throne. We've all seen the same evidence from Trump's army of attorneys in courts of law all over the U.S. It's irrefutable!
Who can deny there were Jewish space lasers? Who can deny a long dead Hugo Chavez interfered with the Dominion voting machines? Who can deny Chinese, Chechnyan, Vietnamese bamboo shoots in Arizona's ballots?
The evidence is as plain as the swollen, dripping nose on Don Jr.'s face!
Today the January 6th tourists will be proved right, and their immediate release back into the sweet, clear air of American freedom is nigh.
It's a day for all Americans to celebrate and rejoice, at The Return of the King!
Or not.
Anyone else see the license plate on Biden's limo?
46. That's it, just 46. I'm so happy to see 45 bite the dust.😊
Woody Guthrie - This Land is Your Land
Wait until Trump's cult...
finds out their cult Leader doesn't really look like this....
but really looks like this....
Now that's going to burst a lot of bubbles!
The age old question: Can farts spread disease?
I know we've all wondered about this, especially in the age off COVID-19. Now, after centuries of study, scientists have finally found the answer.
"Short answer: If youre wearing pants, you should be fine."
"Back in 2001, a nurse asked Australian science author, educator, and commentator Karl "Dr. Karl" Kruszelnicki the same question. She wanted to know if she was contaminating the operating room she worked in by silently farting throughout procedures, Discover reports.
To get to the bottom of the matter, Kruszelnicki contacted Canberra microbiologist Luke Tennent. Tennent asked one of his colleagues to fart directly into two Petri dishes from a distance of five centimetersfirst while wearing pants, and then a second time au naturel. While the first Petri dish stayed clean, the second one sprouted bacteria overnight, which seemed to suggest that clothing acts as a barrier between whatever bacteria might be expelled by a fart (not all of which would be contained within the gas itself). Dr. Karl reported the findings in 2014 in the satirical holiday issue of the scientific journal BMJ, noting:
"Our deduction is that the enteric zone in the second Petri dish was caused by the flatus itself, and the splatter ring around that was caused by the sheer velocity of the fart, which blew skin bacteria from the cheeks and blasted it onto the dish. It seems, therefore, that flatus can cause infection if the emitter is naked, but not if he or she is clothed. But the results of the experiment should not be considered alarming, because neither type of bacterium is harmful. In fact, they're similar to the friendly bacteria found in yogurt."
There's much more information at the link for those who are interested in the science of flatulence. I ran across this by accident. Really. I'm not consumed with flatulence, so stop saying that! (All apologies to Bob Boudelang).
Dancing in the Street!
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