Mosby's JournalRashida Tlaib Has Her History Wrong
On Friday, Representative Rashida Tlaib was attacked by President Donald Trump for a horrible and highly insensitive statement on the Holocaust and for having tremendous hatred of
the Jewish people. Trumps off-base attack distracted from the actual problems with Tlaibs account of the Arab-Israeli conflict, in which she deployed deliberately imprecise language, misleading her listeners about the early history of the conflict in Palestine and misrepresenting its present and possible future.
Tlaib told the hosts of the Yahoo News podcast Skullduggery that when she remembers the Holocaust, it has a calming effect on her to think that it was my ancestors, Palestinians, who lost their land, and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity; their existence in some ways had been wiped out
all of it was in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews, post the Holocaust, post the tragedy and horrific persecution of Jews across the world at that time. She was, she said, humbled by the fact that it was [my Palestinian] ancestors that had to suffer for that to happen.
But the historical reality was quite different from what Tlaib described: The Palestinians indirectly, and in some ways directly, aided in the destruction of European Jewry.
I don't think thats how it works
Tariffs are collected by the feds, and the increase cost for the seller may or may not be passed on to the consumer depending on the elasticity of demand for the product.
A lot of people don't seem to understand that Liberals used to support tariffs. Now I guess we are supposed to be free trade globalists.
If done properly, tariffs provide incentives to developing countries to improve environmental, safety, building and wage standards.
Howard Dean on trade:
NAFTA and the WTO only globalized the rights of multinational corporations, but they did not globalize the rights of workers. They are not going to globalize human rights, environmental rights, the right to organize. That needs to happen. And if it doesnt happen, NAFTA and the WTO simply arent going to work. Right now, were exporting jobs.
We need to have a level playing field. We need to have the same kinds of environmental protections, labor protections, human rights protections and worker protections if were going to have open borders. That will not disadvantage exports.
Unfortunately, our free trade policies have also had the effect of hollowing out our industrial capacity, and most worrisome, undermining our own middle class. All through this country, including in Vermont, Ive seen factories move to China and Mexico, leaving American workers to learn new skills & earn lower wages.
Free trade must equal fair trade. We are subsidizing the sometimes awful environmental practices of our trading partners, and we are subsidizing the profits of multinational corporations by not having international labor standards. If free trade allows General Motors to set up a plant in Mexico, free trade should allow the UAW to organize that plant under conditions similar to those in the US. This isnt wage parity; I am asking for shared ground rules.
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