laserhaas's JournalNotable African Americans: WASP Deletion/ Disregard of Historical Facts
For those of you who are not aware, WASP is the nym for "White Anglo-Saxon Protestant". Chances are, if you are one who thinks, in any kind of way - WhatSoEver - that Caucasians are superior, then you are a WASP.
And you suck!
Back to the title.... there's an unrelenting effort, by most WASPs, to make sure that the notion of superiority maintains plausibility. Of the many strategies out there, the most prevailing are systemic and incestuous quests of making sure the history books and the web - neglect - the facts apropos. Even minority politicos are compelled to join the denialistic fray. You can bet your bottom dollar that there are white superiorist (secret) think tanks out there - currently - plotting to make sure Barack Obama gets no credit, where it's due.
Here's an example of the way the elitist mindset works;
This pic above, is provided by at her Wordpress site, who credits that the Cartoon titled Edited for Clarity by Mike Luckovich of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and that Melody Winnig brought this to my {Annie Paulose's} attention.
[center][font size=5 color=burnt] White Supremacy Denying Truths About African American Legacy[/font][/center]
We are, and shall remain, a racist nation, until truth is paramount. Mexican, Native American, Jew, Asian and/or African American's have contributed - GREATLY - to modern society; but elitist white people don't want you to know that. History books are written (and/or destroyed) by those who achieve a conquest and their propagandist.
Here's an example from a DU post, by Ian David, in 2007, of the fact that Paul Revere got the notoriety (a poem sung throughout history); but the real rider (Israel Bissel) doesn't get any attention. The DU thread is appropriately titled by Ian David - "Israel Bissell outrode Paul Revere, yet didn't get a poem". If they can do so to U.S. yids, then what's the big deal about doing it to Negros!
Here in Los Angeles, they have the African American Museum. It's not what moi thinks it should be. Even the website U.S. page on "Important and Famous African Americans" appears to be a Who's Who pop culture chart. It has lessor known names that are archived; but it also focuses on Kareem, Jordan and Johnson.
Do you know who this guy is?
He is not listed in U.S. History's website, as one of the top 100.Yours truly had NO idea who this guy was, until today. He was Eugene Jacques Bullard, the 1st ever African American aviator who did not fly for America. He left this country because his father was hanged. Prior to Eugene's dad being brutally murdered, he spoke of how France was a nation that respected all men, regardless of the color of their skin.
His story was brought to me by a Kossack (Mary Helen Gass) who shared "Michael Bannerman's" photo from a series that I'm now following titled "Ask a Slave: The Web Series". You can read the entire history of Eugene Jacques Bullard upon the African American section of Airpower's Military website (here). The website has these opening remarks that;
Eugene Jacques Bullard was born on October 9, 1894, in Columbus Georgia, the seventh of ten children born to William (Octave) Bullard, a black from Martinique, and Josephine ("Yokalee"

Eugene, divided by family loyalty and a quest for freedom, tearfully left his Columbus, Georgia home in 1902 at the tender age of eight. The catalyst for his early departure was the near unjust lynching of his father. The latter incident brought to Eugenes mind the words his father had spoken earlier to him: in France a man is accepted as a man regardless of the color of his skin. He left home seeking this paradise, this France.

Eugene Bullard later in life wearing many of the decorations and medals he fought so hard to earn. The photograph is courtesy of the Air Force Enlisted Heritage Hall.
At the nightclub, Le Grand Duc, where he was the host and part owner, Bullard entertained the likes of Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gloria Swanson and England's Prince of Wales. He opened his own club soon after his marriage which soon became one of Paris most famous entertainment spots for singers and musicians of the time.
More significant (and telltale germane to this thread's title) is the fact that Eugene Jacques Bullard was a hero many times over. Wounded in the head and other parts, he was deemed unfit for duty. Being a fighter (in every sense of the word - he was even a Boxer), Eugene Jacques entered into the French Flying Corp, first as a gunner and then becoming a pilot, making him the first Black Pilot in recorded history. His accolades never stopped, even when, in WWII, he became a spy for France (as his nightclub was famous).
According to the website, these are his French awards and notables;
Perhaps through disinterest or uncaring, America never recognized or realized the legacy of the brave and noble Corporal Eugene Bullard. But France never forgot.
In 1959 at age 65, he was named Knight of the Legion of Honor in a lavish ceremony in New York City. Dave Garraway interviewed him on the Today Show, still America did nothing to acknowledge this honor or acknowledge his place in history.
President-General Charles de Gaulle of France, while visiting New York City, publicly and internationally embraced Eugene Bullard as a true French hero in 1960.
What that website appears to fail to note, is something that "Ask a Slave" details with particularity - that French President DeGaulle, upon visiting the United States, wanted to first meet Eugene Jacques Bullard.
This sent White House staffers scrambling - who had NO idea who Eugene was.
When finally located, Eugene was operating an elevator in New York City!
[center][font size=4] Other African Americans Greatly Noteworthy - But Mostly Unheard of [/font][/center]
Currently, there are nice attempts to correct history and document contemporary persons contributions. Blacks in brings attention to persons who own patents a (here). This paragraph sums up moi's same feelings on the matters, where the writer states;
- See more at:
Here's a list of other - contemporary - African American notables (you never hear of)
As for yours truly, I'm disgusted with Trump and other racists propagandist goings on. It is unlikely that the Donald even knows what Booker T Washington is noteworthy for. In all likelihood, Trump couldn't even tell you who Thurgood Marshall is.
There were slaves who were denied patents (such as Benjamin Montgomery who actually worked for the Jefferson Davis and Benjamin invented the tilted blade for boats to navigate shallow waters). Also Benjamin Bradley, who invented a steam motor powerful enough to drive warships.
These two men were denied patents and forced to sell their creations to buy their family's freedom.
It is noted that Cyrus McCormick is considered the father of modern agriculture; but that is also another Paul Revere type farce. As is stated by a long time hand at the McCormick's farm - that...
Lester R. Godwin Jr., a retired curator of the McCormick Farm in Augusta and Rockbridge, Va., said that {Jo} Anderson has as much to do with the later development of the reaper as Cyrus McCormick. Adding,
Unfortunately, history likes to put things in neat boxes and often those who are involved in the creation of something dont get credit for it.
As anyone who cares for things such as truth, this is the way it goes into history. Elites get all the gelt and the glory, while those who bear the burden get nothing more than disdain.
It is the true - American - Way!
Did you know that George Crum invented the potato chip? OR that boxer Jack Johnson invented a wrench? Even when African American's are successful in court, defending what they've done - they still lose. Such is the case of Granville Woods, who was assaulted upon by patent stealing parties including Thomas Edison. When Edison gave up on trying to steal Granville's patents and hired him instead, Edison still holds onto the glory (sort of) as Mr. Woods is more widely known as the "Black Thomas Edison".
It all sucks the Whammy!
Though America is not alone in this consummate denial of Black history, heritage and ingenuity (as Egyptians continue to deny Black heritage), the truth tells different tales than rewritten/ perverted historical archives.
We are all - PEOPLE. Some tanned, some white, some black; but we all bleed red. Moi loves the possibility that Jesus was not white. Unfortunately, as the tale of Jesus is preserved through white historical (and hysterical) control, so are those "facts" of days gone by.
Where is the love?
We can never (should never) be allowed to advance through the universe, until we develop humanity into a truth telling and seeking paramount paradigm. The fact that Wall Street lovers might wind up as the 2 candidates of choice, makes me sick. Police brutality - obviously pro white/ anti black - enrages me. I'd rather see a Michele Obama verses Elizabeth Warren POTUS race, than any other one that could be imagined.
But that will never happen in WASP America!
For now, Caucasian's such as yours truly, along with others, must also endure the hate, disdain and disrespect that prevails against non-whites, by the haters and elites. They will continue to deny Black historical facts and subjugate minorities to the back of the line; because WASPs write the history books...
and that's the way it is!
Still, they can't change the facts; which speaks for themselves. Like the notion that earlier Egyptians weren't black.
Then how do explain the constant finding - in burial grounds and the tombs - of this?

NY Mag: Fantasizing 2016 Plot Twist - Mitt Romney Saves the Day
There's all types of banter, out and about, on Biden, Warren etc., etc. Not to be left behind in the guessing on who is doing what, the GOP gobble'gook is now all a flutter on if Mitt Romney will return to save the day (and GOP) from Trump'ick'ish. New York News & Politics has this OpEd with a picture of Willard Romney as superman (Robber Baron Elitus) - that is titled;
"People Beginning to Fantasize About 2016 Plot Twist in Which Mitt Romney Saves the Day"
NY Magazine on Politics reports that Trump's former guy thinks Mitt wants back in.... as remarked in the article;
As reported in the CNN video (here) Stone remarks that the New York Times reporter corroborates the notion that Mitt is considering options.
Moi is foaming at the mouth about this - for more reasons than one - don't know about you - but I REALLY want Mitt.
Just sayin......
Warren as VP Seals Deal for Me: Biden, Bernie, Hillary - who will it be?
Moi has been an Elizabeth Warren supporter since forever. Having a bad taste in my mouth with all the attempts at force feeding (a true sign of weakness), I'm overjoyed about Bernie Sanders and the hope/ talk about who would be his VP. In what might be a wise move, Vice President Joe Biden made a quick hop over to have a private chat with Senator Elizabeth Warren. This caused a lot of stir, including a late Sunday 'National Review' OpEd that states a Biden/ Warren ticket as a strategy due to the age of the two.
"Democrats -- Plan B: Biden -- One-Term President, with Warren -- VP"
Many of us feel strongly that an Elizabeth Warren for POTUS has a great chance with U.S. (voters); but we also know it has a poor chance with the powers in the party (so hell bent on the one - they can't see clearly what we all are crying for).
So the next logical thingy, is how to get Warren's popularity into the mix. Everyone wants to know who she is going to endorse and this new wrinkle even stews the pot more. It is a plausible strategy, as is noted by the OpEd - that;
Read more at:
Meanwhile, Jeb'ee is doing so poorly in mustering a faithful following - that there's talk (again) about Mitt getting into the mix. That's a proposition yours truly would love to see, for more reasons than one.
Just sayin......
Bush Dallas Dynasty III v Clinton II - Solved by Obama FLOTUS as POTUS
While Jeb Bush is running around lining pockets and making deals, on the family legacy (that can't hold a single candle to the greatness of Jimmy Carter) - of the Bush "Dallas Dynasty III" proposition and Hillary is going around with the contention for Clinton Part II, moi has to ask the question that begs.
What "if" Michele Obama ran for President?
Think of how enraged the Rethuglican's would get, in spite of the fact that they have set the precedent, that one can circumvent the law of more than 8 years - by technically....not really being - the same person the next time around.
Obama for POTUS Part II - --------- I'm in - are you?
Just sayin.......
Lame Stream is Playing Candidates & You: Warren v Romney 2016!
Yeah, I know, it is but a dream, less than a glimmer, at present; but that is because the main stream media is orchestrating the candidates and the viewing public, for the sake of Rate Card Advertising Revenues. Elizabeth Warren and Mitt Romney, usually top dogs in daily/weekly news reports - have taken a back seat to the clown cars, bobble-heads and baiting/ hating goings on that is make main stream media outlets - RicH!
Think Not - you say - are you aware all politicians pay top rate and get equal time?
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Citizens United Birthed Billions of Dollars to Save Lame Stream
According to the Washington Post, story in 2012, "Mad Money: TV ads in the 2012 presidential campaign titled" Barack Obama spent $404 million and Willard Mitt Romney spend $492 million, in the Presidential election - against one another.
Now that doesn't count Super PACS, freebies, Newspaper and Radio (such as Romney's Bain entity Clear Channel Communication that owns Ham'ity, Blech and LameBlah - all obviously giving free support to their boss).
If the main stream media had its way, like Walmart puts out Christmas items in August, so would MSM put on Presidential election debates the day after inauguration in January. For an industry that has media outlets going bankrupt left and right (pun not intended - but notably remaining), a full top Rate, every hour of every day, is a lottery win.
And the candidates, along with the rest of U.S. - gladly are buying into MSM bull chit!
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Who will be the Nominees Come June 2016[/font]
[font size=4]My bet is on Elizabeth Warren and Mitt Romney
Yup, I'm going there, cause = historically = front runners never really get to run (successfully). Just look at Ross Perot, who led the entire time, until the actual votes were counted. He came in 3rd (though he was the most successful independent in over 50 years).
All this banter, right now, over HRC being the DNC choice (but not Democratic Underground users choice - as notable in a POLL = here) and Trump being the front runner, is just as valid as Mitt trying to beat Jeb (and seeing Jeb Bush getting real mean now - where he is sliding down and down).
Fer sure, lame stream has played U.S. all, including the candidates, like a violin. They are racking up dollars upon dollars and (as far as we know) the Koch brothers have not even kicked in the $800 million or so that they have promised (cause their 1st pic - Walker - ain't walking up the polls too well).
As for me, I'm feelin the Bern until Senator Warren enters in. If, due to the DNC and old powers that be, Hillary gets the nod, I'm going to push for her; but I'd love to see Romney v Warren - for both of them are a moment of clarity like none other before. Senator Warren being against Wall Street and its revolving door and Mitt Romney being 2nd only to Goldman Sachs and having an established revolving door.
Meanwhile, the ad revenue dollars keep pouring in and the "parties" (in ever sense of the word) continue.....
HERE's a neat little website that has the history (sort of) from all the elections since George Washington was unanimously elected. It includes tidbits such as 1 other POTUS did not receive unanimous, due to one hold out - whom they argue did his dissent to make sure Washington kept his perfect record - solely. It also notes that Nixon ran on being a fighter against crime (and - if you think that is rich - you should really get a laugh out of the fact that it was Nixon who signed the RICO Act of 1970 - into LAW).
Who will it be - come June 2016
[font color=white]
======================= [/font]We'll see!
ACLU PETITION: Stop Surveillance of Black Lives Matter Activists!
ACLU and parties connected to the Black Lives Matter Movement, are asking that we help add [link:link:|PETITION] signatures requesting that Homeland Security and others stop targeting civil activists (like the FBI and others did of Martin Luther King).
As noted by a related Reddit campaign along with linking to the [link:link:|PETITION];
Weve also noted an alarming trend where the activists behind #BlackLivesMatter are being monitored by DHS. To boot, cybersecurity companies like Zero Fox are doing the same to receive contracts from local governments -- harkening back to the surveillance of civil rights activists in the 60's and 70's.
Corroboration of this arises from "The Intercept" that sought Freedom of Information Act info - revealing it its story;
that - even in this year, in Washington D.C.;

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PLease sign the petition
Here kitty, kitty, kitty - blam, blam, blam (What, only shot him twice)!
Some people need attention; and they don't give a flying fruk who/what they harm, in their quest for fame. This guy (Thomas McGuinness) in Charlotte County, Florida, decided he would garner attention to how cruel a human can be, as he aimed his semi automatic hand gun at a cat;
and then posted this picture on Facebook!
As reported by NBC-2, the viral'ness of the posting led the authorities to Thomas McGuiness. Who didn't seem to care why everyone is so upset. One party who was appalled, like most of U.S., is the Executive Director of Animal Welfare; as quoted by NBC-2...
"To see something like that it just turns my stomach," Thomas said.
Though the post has now been taken down and the authorities seem to be appeased that it was only in jest and have no evidence a cat was actually harmed; the uncool remarks of Thomas McGuinness has fostered even greater concern and anger. For he said (as noted by NBC-2) - that;
You can see more details at the NBC-2 update story
[font size=3] "Authorities make contact with man in cat photo"
Between women thinking they've joined the male club by killing giraffe's, poachers slaughtering rhino's and elephants for tusks (who will also kill any park rangers that get in their way) and our Dentist turned Cecil the Lion - killer.... this guy is just par for the course.
Assholes are Us has a new member.
Wonder what the next wannabe farquart abuser will do - and how far Sicko can one go?
Just sayin........................
Myopic Whamzees: Where's Bob Dylan When We Need Him?
Moi has tried to be a breed apart, not for the sake of vanity, but for the sake of the hope of ending/ restraining my troubling matters. Vexing are these days of police brutality, oligarch plowing U.S. asunder and wars that kill, in our American name, due to black op schemes (for the sake of Empire oil and other resources).
Yours truly, like many who actually still give a damn, is outraged at the current state of affairs. Today's generation lacks the clarity of purpose and dedication of the teens in the 70's. Social media allows us to bark; but it tends to have less bite. At that time decades ago, they were drafting U.S. to Vietnam, to kill people who never called Muhammad Ali the N'word, so that we could readily die (in the name of ????).
To quash our protest, POTUS Nixon had organized military seeking to suppress U.S. Students were killed at Kent State by weekend warriors with too many guns and no targets to splatter. At that time, we were led to believe that Vietnam was about to end and then became enraged when Cambodia was invaded. Four people were killed then, resulting in the Crosby Stills and Nash song "4 Dead in Ohio".
Today, we need the same passion and purpose to make a change. The puppet masters are destroying our country, our purported way of life and our futures. Back then, our passion cried out and musicians that spoke for U.S. back then. If I'm as angry as those with me at Kent State, when the big thing happened..... am I knocking on heavens door?
Where is Bob Dylan and his kind, when we need him?

My favorite song from Bob Dylan, is his Knocking on Heaven's door; but that is not the one he is most noted for. As the pic (from Wikipedia - [link:http://|here] details, Dylan's most popular song is "Blowin in the Wind". That moving, listed as Number 4 of all time by Rolling Stone, of the top 500, was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 1994.
Bob Dylan has a large amount of songs he has never released. He just had his 70th birthday in 2012; and moi is of the opine that the 70's spirit lies dormant among U.S. and a guy like Bob Dylan can be just the person to bring it out, by doing his 70'ish tour of the 70's era. A challenge to the modern day movements to find passion beyond Tweets, shares and likes.
They'd probably put my head in a guillotine
But it's alright, Ma, it's life, and life only".
--Bob Dylan -
Many times there lays within me, a regret that my stubborn ways led me to post my name online, instead of a moniker like most. At my website, I've chosen Whamzees (because I am myopic of spirit and want to WHAM a lot of assholes).
I leave you with the thought to ponder - has social media made it easier for U.S. to bark - but not bite?
Profile Information
Name: Laser HaasGender: Do not display
Hometown: Anywhere USA
Home country: United States
Current location: NOMADIC
Member since: Mon Apr 21, 2008, 12:12 PM
Number of posts: 7,805