DonCoquixote's JournalLet's not fall for the old divide and conquer trick
It has not been a week, already see post that speak of AOC as being some child, and we see post that already use Biden of wanting to throw people under the bus. Like all lies there is a base in truth, that is not the narrative that we want, because it is one written by Republicans to ensure that we spend four years bickering, fighting and looking like a bunch of idiots. Now, let's be honest, the compromises we will make will ensure that we get half a loaf as opposed to the whole. Let's also be honest, a lot of progressives know that they had to get thrown under the bus last time, and if we make them unwelcome, they might very well not support us with the energy that we need. So to those love AOC and those whohate AOC I say was both, settle down and learn to work together.
It is no accident that the comment that started a lot of big green already was when AOC responded to John case. We as Democrats to watch out for these people were "never trumpeters" because they want the same goals of the Republicans had, they were just a lot less honest about. I don't care how nice Cusick seems, or how nice Ron the scenes, they want abortion band, they want gay marriage band, and they want to go ahead and let Wall Street run random shod just as much as Trump did. In a way, one silver lining of the Trump years is that the Republicans showed us who they are, yes we do need to realize that even that Democrat who is diametrically on the opposite end of you, be a far left or far right of the Democratic spectrum, still a Democrat, and deserves much more of your support and attention then anyone else.
Let's also not forget one thing, the media is not our friend. I don't care if MSNBC decides to order a double show Rachel Maddow, there are also people who pay known instigators like morning Joe and Chuck Todd, who will no doubt be among the first to plant knives in Joe's back. The same goes for the so-called fringe media, because to be frank, a lot of people close to the Jill Stein's of the world can talk about revolution in radical change because they had never had put in the work to achieve it. Anyone can talk about fancy cuisine but still be clumsy as hell in the kitchen.
So for solutions, I say that Joe and Kemal and make sure that many people get their years and many people get their seats at the table, maybe someone from the far center, maybe someone close to AOC, the bottom line is all parts of the Democratic spectrum need to know that they will have a voice. Yes it will be messy, yes will be frustrating, and yes it will be worth it.
To quote Winston Churchill: democracy is a terrible way to run a country, it's a six times better than anything else.
Black Women Led Us Through The Most Consequential Political Contest Of Our Lifetimes. It's High Time will go further. I know that soon the tradational media are going to say "we have to keep center, we won because we did not scare the whiten working class." I got news..the blue wall states that handed this country to trump in 2016 were won back by Black people, especially black women. While we do need tor revive the heartland, let's have a lot less of this willingness to throw black and brown under the bus all in the name of chasing those white voters who feel offended.
Let this be the death of the Reagan Democrat
Let this be the age where minorities are respected and cared for, because believe it or not, if we are, we can and will make this nation very glad they did. Our backs carry the weight, our hands get things done.
OK, so what happens if neither gets to 270?
I heard it then goes to the House per the constitution. Is that true?
to everyone freaking out about Miami Dade
They have are nowhere near close to counting all of florida, especially sin ce , as of now, Trump lost pinellas, aka st petes aka home of the baseball team. Yes I know many of my fellow hs0panics are surprising me, though do keep in mind before you blast all Latinos in florida, there are many non cubans who frankly hate trump, myself included..Do Not let them spin you around.
if mitch keeps the senate
what do we have as an option. That guy will try the kneecap everything.
a movie quote that shows the trumper mindset, with keys to fight it
Now, these bunch of young males have been given a vision of themselves as rebels, because they did not get theirs. They do not have the wisdom to see that all those dreams they traded their youth for were lies, lies meant to steal their lives. After al, never ever allow someone to tell you you made a judgement call that stunk.
However, the thing that beast vanity is never reason, but more vanity. Show them the smiling, smirking faces of Tucker and the trump kids, tell them that these guys look more like the bosses that fired them, than the blue collar types. Blue collar, come on, think these guys could have done your job. White collar? Hey, you know you would be spending all day fixing this pricks work. Dispel the idea that Trump is some blue collar kid that was with them all along. If they have a sister or girlfriend, ask what trump would do to hem. Turn these rich kids into exactly the sort of entitled icks that fight club pretends o be about fighting.
Donald Trump and his cult will get people killed just to own the libs is a sold article that covers the manner in which trump has ran this into the ground, and also covers the so called "reopen" movement.
To anyone trying to make COVID a generational fight
For the love of God, stop!
One of the things the Republicans have done successfully the better part of 20 years at least is to play the boomers against the Xers, then rinse and repeat the same formula with boomers versus XY and Z.Let me tell you this is God's, now the same people who pay very much to both Boomer feelings of superiority and the younger generations feeling of superiority are very successfully getting both sides to agree to exterminate each other. I should not be able to use the term exterminate in any literal fashion, it should be reserved for the sort of bad science fiction that usually gets filmed on the science-fiction channel. But look at what we have here, we literally have people like Larry Kudlow, Sean Hannity and others saying in no uncertain terms that we may need to tolerate the death of millions in order to keep the economy going.
Now, never mind the idea of the entire purpose of the economy is to make sure the people as a whole can have some stability, after all the billionaires stopped playing that game. Way back when this country was founded, folks like Alexander Hamilton advocated for aristocracy, because he thought that even if aristocrats were often greedy scum, they at least have to realize that thier countries were poor, then there is only so much luxury they would get to enjoy. All my friends the modern economy has made that idea completely obsolete, we have a whole layer of millionaires and billionaires who sincerely think that they can complete reduce their country it was smoking ash and that they will still be around. On the one hand, this is because a lot of the poor, and the working class have been sold by their churches really bad ideas about prosperity. On the other hand, there is a really scary reality that yes, for a lot of these billionaires they can in the reduce America to a junk pile and still make tons of money.
So what I'm saying is that we have a combination of the millionaires, the billionaires, and those stupid people who think that they are one brilliant idea away for the coming millionaires and billionaires. The fact is, America was built on the idea that if you kill enough of your rivals you will get prosperity, and that if someone fails it is because of their lack of virtue. Nevermind all that stopped that Jesus said about how it is harder for a camel to get through a needles eye then for rich men to get to heaven. Also, nevermind a lot of the other crap that all the generations have spouted about their particular claim to virtue. Yes Republicans have old hippies that turned greedy, former Gen X punks who seem to think that if they insult enough other people that takes away from their crudeness (and for the record I'm Gen X ), and sadly, there are some millennial's and others out there who really do like the idea of a quote Boomer remover virus because they think that it will finally clear the way for them. Idiots come in all generational stripes.
Now, political unity is not going to be some high ideal, something we can dream of as we sip coffee. Political unity is a matter of survival. No I do not mean political survival, economic survival, ideological survival, I need the simple matter of whether or not we are living or dead. Sadly, even though the plagues and ecological mess will indeed reach even the nobles in their high, gilded towers, they think that it is worth it to be the one who dies with the most toys. Since they are already saying that is is either us or them, we need to make sure that we survive, and yes that includes making sure they LOSE. Am i talking revolution, as ill defined as that term is, if need be, but to be honest, what we need to to make sure that rather than dress in costumes and play at war, we need to firmly establish the DEFENSE of all of us. Offense looks cool, but defense keeps you alive, and the onyl defense we have is unity.
re odd thought, talk me down
I cannot help but think that the behavior that we would have to accept is in many ways conducive to trump/putin/and or Xi.
China gets to say "see, because we can oppress people, we can make them do what they need, we are the future baby!"
Putin gets to say global travel and trade is evil, and cocoon Russia in a silken web of Putin's corny system forever, just as the Constitution is changing to allow Putin to be in there for life.
Trump know that our ability to organize and even engage in pop culture is shot, whereas he knows his preachers will offer them silver colloids, folk remedies, and a trip to jesus if they vote.
add to this that the GOP would LOVE to see cities lose population, and therefore, influence and reps.
I do not like thinking this way, but this is where hopefully the folks at DU could take a page from maddow and talk me down without resorting to snark.
and yes, do i think either trump/putin or Xi is capable of using an agent like covid on us, yes...
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