MinM's JournalLarry Teeter & Scott Enyart
Good point, 1norcal. In fact it looked like a new trial was going to be granted a few years ago based on the acoustic evidence that proved there was more than 1 gun fired in the Ambassador Hotel pantry that day. Unfortunately the momentum from that acoustic evidence and new witnesses seems to have waned.
Sirhan's attorneys have said that a second gunman actually assassinated Kennedy in 1968 and that Sirhan was hypno-programmed to fire a gun as a diversion...
[font color=blue]Harris[/font], who is asking a federal court in Los Angeles to dismiss Sirhan's request, [font color=red]conceded in court papers filed Wednesday that his lawyers may be able to show two guns were involved in Kennedy's assassination[/font]. Kennedy was seeking the Democratic presidential nomination when he was killed.
But even if Sirhan's lawyers can show 13 shots were fired in the Kennedy shooting, Sirhan shouldn't be released from prison, Harris said...
Now let's go back about 20 years .. During the only real investigation and trial in the RFK case Scott Enyart's legal team was able to share some research with Larry Teeter (Sirhan's attorney before William Pepper) in his defense of Sirhan. Unfortunately Larry Teeter died before he could do anything with that information. Hopefully William Pepper will be able to use it if he ever gets a re-trial.
Here's some background on the Scott Enyart case from DUer John Simkin:
[font color=blue]In 1988 Enyart requested that his photographs should be returned[/font]. [font color=green]At first the State Archives claimed they could not find them and that they must have been destroyed by mistake[/font]. Enyart filed a lawsuit which finally came to trial in 1996. [font color=darkred]During the trial the Los Angeles city attorney announced that the photos had been found in its Sacramento office and would be brought to the courthouse by the courier retained by the State Archives[/font]. [font color=green]The following day it was announced that the couriers briefcase, that contained the photographs, had been stolen from the car he rented at the airport[/font]. [font color=blue]The photographs have never been recovered[/font] and [font color=red]the jury subsequently awarded Scott Enyart $450,000 in damages[/font]...
A few more angles to that Scott Enyart case ..
Court TV was all set to report on and broadcast that case but the plug was pulled just before the trial started.
LA Coroner Thomas Noguchi testified for the first time in the Enyart case. The man that could have place right wing nutjob Thane Eugene Cesar in the perfect position to get off the fatal shot (btw Thane Cesar never testified either) was never called to testify in the original trial.
My mom and author Romain Gary both had premonitions ..
about Bobby getting killed. My mom's was not so much a premonition as it was a recognition that the Today Show was foreshadowing some horrible news.
The morning after RFK was shot we turned on the Today Show like every morning before school (3rd grade). That morning they mentioned something about breaking news regarding RFK in Los Angeles and immediately my mom asked me if he had been killed? I told her that they just mentioned 'breaking news' nothing specific. Of course it turned out that she had guessed where they were going. As did author Romain Gary (a month earlier)...
The FBI vs. Jean Seberg - TIME
Charles Guggenheim film commemorates RFK @ 1968 DNC
Shock Doctrine'd

Dubya probably thinks of it as a victory lap.
Lisa Pease: OPC “became the fastest-growing unit within the nascent CIA,”
The CIA and the Media: 50 Facts the World Needs to Know: Since the end of World War Two the Central Intelligen... http://bit.ly/1Kf3WH6
The late great Elizabeth Montgomery
Bewitching indeed.
She also narrated The Panama Deception (1992):
Wisconsin Recall: Citizen United, Grisham, Hot Coffee, and Koch
Thanks .. Wisc Progressive.
I figured it couldn't just be Walker's sterling record and winning personality getting him elected.
The Wisconsin Recall Aftermath: Scott Walker Steps Right Up into the Pocket of Those Who Got Him There
Wisconsin Recall: Citizen United, Grisham, Hot Coffee, and Koch
Johnny Cash sings "Man In Black" for the first time
Johnny's musical answer to the question about why he always wore black.
each week we lose a hundred fine young men...
Of course Johnny might have been Dixie Chick'd if he was starting out today with those lyrics.
Parallax View & All the President's Men
Here are clips from the 2 movies Michael Cuesta based Messenger on..
Parallax View
Great line from the movie:
Jeremy Renner is excellent as Gary Webb - Parallax View meets All the President's Men
Jeremy Renner has the blockbuster franchises (Avengers, Bourne, Mission Impossible...) to fall back on so I give him a ton of credit for taking time, and probably some of his own money too, to bring some real history to the movies. Not only with Kill the Messenger but the Abscam movie too.
On the dvd commentary the director (Michael Cuesta) draws comparisons to All the President's Men and Parallax View. The cast is very good also .. Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Rosemarie DeWitt, Robert Patrick ..
Big Thumbs Up
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