madamesilverspurs's JournalWell, you just never know...part 2
part 1 here:
Surprised to find this in my mailbox just now (and, yes, it's Sticker Mule):
Hi there,
Thanks for your email. We've unsubscribed you from our mailing list.
If there's anything else I can do to help, please feel free to let me know.
As if.
Well, you just never know until you know, y'know?
Got an email from a company I've done business with for a few years; they do bumper stickers, pins, T shirts, etc. Given the season I was expecting a promotional for campaign gear. Instead, it was a letter asking everyone to please tamp down the rhetoric. So far, so good. Then he asked that we at least stop the hate toward Trump and his supporters; he went on to explain that even though he supports Trump many of his employees support Biden, so it's possible to get along. Then he asked me to consider buying a Trump shirt to demonstrate a commitment to amity.
It took a few minutes for me to calm down enough to respond. Here's what he's finding in his inbox:
Biden is making it perfectly clear
that he's never had to pay people to attend his speeches.
Yes, I do find it a bit reassuring
to see live coverage of Biden's Detroit speech instead of an endless shot of an empty podium. Thanks MSNBC.
For those Democratic lawmakers who want Biden to step aside --
He should meet with them and say something like this:
I have spent my life in this party, on the Hill and in the White House, in service to this country. I have worked with good people who, like me, love this country; the list of accomplishments is long, and you and your constituents have benefited greatly. Youre fucking welcome.
Then he should walk out and shut the door.
On a side note,
be it known that I am not prone to violence. I dont even like to watch anything that sells itself based on its violent content. That said, I admit that I wouldn't mind being in the room when someone finally slaps that putrid smirk off Mike Johnsons face. Mea culpa.
Imagine if Stephanopoulos got a new show.
It could be called "No one expects the Stephanopoulos Interview" . . .
Stephanopoulos: Trump refused to be interviewed.
No shit, Sherlock, dictators don't interview, they dictate.
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