madamesilverspurs's JournalChallenge accepted.
Words from the front.
A friend posted this on another forum. It's her response to the absurdity surrounding the Romney/Rosen dustup:
My mother stayed at home until I was seven, she went to work because our refrigerator was empty and we could not afford milk. I have no personal animosity towards Mrs Romney, but I doubt she ever spent the afternoon crying in her car, as my mother once did, because a child support check bounced and she wasn't sure how to make it through the month.
There is a "war" on motherhood in this country, according to a recent study two fifths of single mother families live in poverty, that is three times the poverty rate of other families. This war was not started by a pundit on some cable news network or the Democratic party, it is ongoing and led for the most part by folks who mouth the words "family values" and then lecture those less fortunate than them to "pull themselves up by their own bootstraps".
My mother pulled herself up by her own bootstraps and it was a long, sometimes thankless journey, I haven't forgotten the struggle, I haven't forgotten the stress that shortened her life. Fair warning to the GOP, I WILL remember her and all the women like her on November 6, 2012 and keeping them in my heart I will VOTE.
In honor of her mother, I share her words here.
Single mother, new to the neighborhood
She's roosting in an abandoned heron's nest from last year, about 60 feet up
in an old cottonwood tree along the Poudre River.
Friend took the photo this morning.
Relax, ladies!
Reince Priebus has just re-ASSerted that the war on women is fiction! Whew, what a relief! Glad to know that I've only imagined all that trans-vaginal ultrasound stuff and the republicans' refusal to extend the Violence Against Women Act and the languishing ERA and the republican legislators' efforts to redefine rape and and and and ...
There used to be a cornfield.
Then the fracking companies were given dibs on our water. We are supposedly an agricultural community, but we now have more than 18000 oil/gas wells in the county. Somehow, oil on the cob just doesn't sound as tasty . . .
x-posted from GD
There used to be a cornfield.
Then the fracking companies were given dibs on our water. We are supposedly an agricultural community, but we now have more than 18000 oil/gas wells in the county. Somehow, oil on the cob just doesn't sound as tasty . . .
You know you've arrived when. . .
You know you've arrived when the local rightwing newspaper equates you with entities like MoveOn and the perennially "evil" Media Matters.
In this case, Eyes On Congress is a genuine grassroots bunch whose sole purpose is to keep an eye on our congressional representative. That the paper conflates our training effort with Sandra Fluke's testimony -- suffice it say that we're not even trying to figure out that bizarre stretch of non-logic. But we were just plum gobsmacked when this article came out.
To see ourselves . . .
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Gender: Do not displayCurrent location: Colorado
Member since: Sat Apr 21, 2007, 03:17 PM
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