madamesilverspurs's JournalThe Game
It is what it is.
We protested yesterday at the corner of what used to be a cornfield. This is dedicated to the young man who boasted that the Corvette he was driving was paid for by fracking, and to the woman who screamed at us that "fracking is safe and you are stupid."
Our local Occupy group is actively informed. On Facebook, look for "Frack Files".
The babies are doing well!
Fledglings and parent in a nest 60' feet up in a tree along the Cache le Poudre River
Moisture Today Worse than that of the Dust Bowl Era;
Moisture Today Worse than that of the Dust Bowl Era; conditions conjure memories of those timesThat's the headline of the lead article in today's local newspaper.
And here in northeast Colorado the effing frackers STILL have dibs on our water.
Just askin'...
I live in one of the swing states where we're likely to see the presidential candidates frequently in the coming months. I intend to carry this sign whenever I'm in the proximity of a Romney event, along with handouts that enumerate and source the many lies Romney tells.
For reals?
Just got off the phone with a family member in Washington State where they just had their caucuses. Apparently, the republicans attending caucus had to pay $5 and provide a photo ID in order to participate.
Mom, who's 92, quit driving years ago and would have had to pay upwards of $35 to get a photo ID to replace that long-expired driver license, just to attend a caucus for the party she's been an active member of for 70 years. Good thing she officially became an independent a couple of weeks ago.
"I teached you!"
We set up our table in the library, just inside the entrance. Voter registration.
As we were beginning to wonder if we'd get any takers, a thirty-something fellow approached the table with his two kids, a boy about 5 and a girl about 3. In broken English this young daddy asked if this is where he can register to vote. He broke out in a brilliant smile when we answered, "Yes".
"I am new," he said, "and I have been so excited to vote!"
While he was filling out the form, his son came and stood by me and pointed to himself. "Ali," he said. "Hello, Ali!" I answered. He laughed and jumped up and down, then pointed at me. "I teached you!" he boasted. "I teached you Arabic!"
"Well you certainly did, Ali!" His smile lit the whole room.
Daddy finished with the paperwork. "I am registered?"
"Thank you! Thank you!" as he and the kids took their books and movies to the check-out desk.
On their way out of the library they passed by our table, and once more Ali pointed and grinned, "I teached you!"
Oh, little Ali, you have no idea. And, yes, you certainly did.
Thank you.
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Gender: Do not displayCurrent location: Colorado
Member since: Sat Apr 21, 2007, 03:17 PM
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