madamesilverspurs's JournalPlease . . .
Last week I posted about participating in the Survivors' Walk at our local Relay For Life event. Mom is 92 and hasn't been able to do the walk since she was 87, so I was walking for her. I also walked for my sister-in-law, diagnosed two months ago with pancreatic cancer. She passed away this afternoon after having been lovingly cared for at home by Hospice.
If you can, please help us to celebrate her life by donating to hospice programs, the American Cancer Society, Planned Parenthood, or any other organization that screens for cancer, seeks a cure or helps to ease the suffering of patients and their families. At the very least, hospice nurses and volunteers can always use a hug.
Thank you.
Dom Perignon, perhaps?
Could well be the beverage that RobertsAlitoScaliaThomas are toasting each other with tonight. There's no way in hell they delivered Citizens United without hefty compensation of some kind. They didn't give the country away, but they sure as fuck sold it. We deserve to know what price we brought.
Grab the hack sack.
Listening to Priebus defend the Walker/$30million to the Barrett/$4million difference, he says the huge money is necessary barricade against the ginormous union funds. Why yes, Reince, and no one will notice that 7:1 doesn't exactly make you David against Goliath.
It's become a daily, sometimes hourly, routine for Republicans to demonstrate that an ability to speak truth is not welcome in the party.
Did it!
My fancy wheeled walker and I actually made it around the entire circuit at the Relay For Life, roughly equivalent to two laps around a football field. And wow, what a turnout! We had about 6000 people turn out for the Relay For Life, continuing our record of being the largest Relay event in Colorado. Never saw any of the pro-fracking county commissioners, odd since they usually like to make themselves very visible in the walk. Did manage to have a few conversations about carcinogens in fracking fluids.
Also managed to forget my camera, wouldn'tcha know. The pic is from the newspaper, I'm somewhere in the upper left corner, waaay back in the crowd. And today I'm relaxing with a bag of frozen peas on each knee.
picture from
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