madamesilverspurs's JournalSomewhat hesitant to ask . . .
Will there be a transcript of this "press conference" so we can know what questions were asked?
As if I needed more proof that I'm old . . .
The TV guide thing showed 'volleyball', so I clicked on that channel just to see what was really on. Sure enough, instead of volleyball it was Artistic Swimming, and my mind went immediately to thoughts of Busby Berkeley. Nope, no spring chicken here.
Does anyone use this? Our building got rid of the quarter-operated laundry, the new machines use PayRange. The office is now closed, so no help there; and trying to figure it out via google only added to my confusion.
So, could some patient soul please help this old-fashioned old lady use her phone to do the wash?
Thanks in advance.
Why the buzzkill?
There I was enjoying the unusually upbeat media mood for the last day or so. Then, between Olympic events, I switched over to MSNBC, only to find Chuck Todd opining. Yuck.
Vance is anxious to know when the VP debate will happen.
He needs to schedule a severe bout of laryngitis . . .
A happily different view
Watching the live feed from Philadelphia, camera at the back of the room looking towards the stage. And it's a significant picture. Speaking only for my geezerette self, similar views of Democratic events show mostly gray heads. And that is definitely NOT the case with this crowd. And boy howdy, that does matter. We're looking at the future, people, and it's brighter than it has been for quite some time. Hope and happiness once more abide.
"Law test" ?
Trump actually said that Harris didn't pass the "law test"? As if.
Maybe somebody should tell him that his buddy Jim Jordan is the one who didn't pass the "law test".
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