nikto's JournalThe Administration is probably obsessed with test scores and CYA over all other concerns
In too many districts, administrations do not support teachers in many disciplinary matters,
and actually empower bullying kids by dis-empowering teachers right in front of students.
These days, the bullies know teachers are weakened (i.e. lack support from administration & district, while lambasted in local media with sensationalist stories of teacher abuse against kids, etc). This was and is the strategy used in LA City Schools
to crush the teachers' Union and permanently lower teacher pay and benefits for the future.
In this process, teachers are often hung out to dry in disciplinary matters by their own administrations.
And, as you would expect, the nastier kids take full advantage.
In some schools, it's getting to be Lord Of The Flies in all but the
most highly academic classes.
I retired this year, so I am a survivor.
But I feel for those who have to suffer in the hell caused by
the NCLB/Test Score Obsession/Race to The Top/Privatization pressures and realities.
What is being done to US Public Education presently is a CRIME of
the highest order.
In time we will all see the destruction willfully brought on by
the whole Public School Privatization Movement.
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