treestar's JournalI know you think this proves something you want to be true
The cultures are different. We have the First Amendment which says no religion is to be established. They don't. That is one problem for women there.
We do however, while we don't have honor killings, we do have people who kill their spouses. We have laws against that. It looks like Pakistan does too, though there are some extremists who don't want it that way. Somewhere we do have extremists who don't like our laws against abuse, but they are not likely to win and there's nothing here to prove these Pakistani extremists will either.
But we do have problems with spousal abuse - though it may not be based on religion specifically, we can't really feel all that superior except to say we don't have an established religion. I don't think Christianity really allows for beating any wives, not that I know of (though it does seem to tell women they are to obey their husbands, but it doesn't specifically grant the husbands any punishment power - indeed it tells them they must love their wives). So maybe we can say we are superior because of that. Though our desperate attempt to be superior to others due to the fact others have a worse religion could require more study. We know little about the Koran, being nonMuslim Americans, and it indeed may not authorize such a thing either. Because people say they adhere to a religion does not prove their opinions about it are absolute.
So I would say isolating some cases that specifically took place in one of several Muslim countries does not prove the Muslims inherently more violent than we are. Our cases may not be based in religion or called honor killings, but we do have a problem. We have rates of rape, abuse, child abuse, etc., and there is nothing in the study to prove that their rates of unpleasantness are higher. We do have better legal protections for women - that I will grant - the 14th Amendment is a thing we are lucky to have, which people in many countries don't, so their laws will allow discrimination. Maybe we could pat ourselves on the back about that - or admit we were lucky we were born in a country founded by some very wise and smart people.
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