treestar's JournalIt's not a marriage where there are only two people
It is many people pulling together and that involves compromise.
Cannot believe that illogic that would say that. "The people" only means "me". How can a party commit to you when it is made up of diverse people. Who agree or disagree with you on various issues.
The party is not one person. It is a bunch of people. it is not made up solely of the leaders. It is all of us. If you find the party contains people with intolerable views then you have to set up a new party.
We all count more or less the same
We each have one vote.
What is it with the victim complex? How does it attract any votes? I'm certainly not changing to Bernie so some DU poster won't feel like a victim. Like the OP. Do people really think politics is about them and everyone else catering to them? If people need personal attention they need to get it from their personal relationships. A political party is not effective for that.
That's not really hateful though
It doesn't say men are stupid, just refers to their support of Bernie. There are plenty of Berniesisters.
Hillary supporters may insult Bernie supporters, sure, but they do both genders. Hillary supporters think she is more experienced and competent than Bernie. Not voting for Bernie because of that, not because he's a man. I voted for a man for President for every election of my life to date.
It could benefit Americans
One thing where is a business that could not pay labor costs can exist at this end - say you design something, like a line of dishes or the like. But you can't afford a factory in the US. You can afford Chinese/Indian labor. Therefore that business exists here in the US and eventually employs people where it would not otherwise.
I recall being in Australia and they were very wise there - the labels did not just say "Made in China" like ours do, but "Designed in Australia/Made in China"
All in all this issue is not so black and white and cut and dried as job for job.
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