WhaTHellsgoingonhere's JournalCan you name the Progressive Obama advisors and cabinet members
Holder? Wall Street's top defense atty
Bill Daley?
Duncan? Head of charter school movement
Clinton? Bad trade policy and FA judgment (Iraq and Libya)
Ron Kirk? TPP
I called "Bullshit!" on the Obama admin shortly after he won the GE and started surrounding himself with Rubinites. But to your claim, "Obama is the most Progressive president since (FDR)," I say the bar is very, very low.
Thom Hartmann said he was wrong about Bernie or Busters
Prior to today, he's been calling them idiots. Now says a large portion of them (obviously, no one on DU) have not been engaged in politics until Bernie came along with his Progressive message.
Just started discussion now.
lol Where's the CT? You guys are so blinded by your loyalty to Hillary, you can't see the demise of
the Party. You refute all evidence. You take no responsibility for it. Your strategy, blame and shame others. You have a candidate who is being forced by an unknown outsider to move to the left. You guys are blind, supporting the most divisive figure in the history of the Party, and your only solution: ridicule, blame, and shame. Alienating others is a loser but obviously, your only resolve. As I said elsewhere tonight, the disconnect between "We've been in charge of the Party since 1992" and "Half of the Party is in complete revolt" is incredible.
Keep it up! You're really helping our cause.
How can a brilliant political scientist like Rachel seem oblivious to the DLC?
Someone explain to her that the pre-DLC Democratic Party was very close to labor. Then a movement, led by monied interests and elites, the DLC, came along and ended welfare as we know it (whistle), got tough on crime (whistle), entered "Free" trade agreements (broke with labor), and put the final nail in the Glass-Stegall coffin. And yet, she's befuddled that Bernie wants to move the Party in a new direction. Or more accurately, he wants to return the Party to its pre-DLC roots. This shit escapes her.
They haven't been voting for a while. Something is obviously broken but blaming "them" only helps
movements like Bernie's and the ones that follow. But you DLCers continue what you're doing. You're turning people away and blaming them.
And that's good for the other half of the Democratic Party
The disconnect between "We've been in charge since 1992" and "half of the party is revolting" is
Hillary Clinton is the most divisive figure in the Dem Party. The schism will only worsen after 2016
The other day, I looked into the "we must come together after the primary" meme.
It appears clear (see graph), after Obama defeated Clinton in 2008, the Democratic Party filed for divorce. That was a rough, bitter primary, but this primary seems even more so. The big difference being, Sanders joined the Democratic Party but the Democratic Party has rejected him, and in the case of her supporters, vitriolicly so. Not a good sign for the Party as people continue to leave and Hillary, and her mocking supporters, have managed to alienate young people.
I was looking into this "come together meme" and 2008 marked a critical point in the Democratic Part
Seems after Obama defeated Clinton in 2008, the Democratic Party filed for divorce. That was a rough, bitter primary, but this primary seems even more so. The big difference being, Sanders joined the Democratic Party but the Democratic Party has rejected him. Not a good sign for the Party as people continue to leave and young voters have been alienated.
Let me guess, when a Hillary supporter says a Jew is a cheapskate, it's OK by you
...but when a Bernie supporter points out what a total ass the Hillary clown made of himself, now it's a problem?
I got your number, Ferret.
It would look like Obama's admin. Goldman Sachs and a WS defense atty. And they would all claim
there's no way you can prove his/her admin is influenced by WS ties. And they'd be indignant when they said it. And in the meantime, they'll turn a blind eye to WS's white collar criminals and oversea the redistribution of wealth to the top. But, Oh no! They will defy you to prove any of this is happening. Then Rachel and the rest of the liberal network will defend them.
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