WhaTHellsgoingonhere's JournalYeah, that's what was a mindfuck this past month. All of his policies hurt them
but the Clintons kept them close all of these years. That's why HE! was infuriated in 2008. He felt betrayed.
Now I understand the relationship between the Clintons and South Carolinians
South Carolina is THE most important state politically. It's part of the Clinton long game. Keep them close.
She has to be positioning herself for something. After she first snubbed DWS, she was doing the
rounds. I saw her on IIRC the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. She's pretty bold and had no problem speaking her mind even if it meant making DWS and the DNC look bad.
Keep an eye on her
Hi John, I saw this play out in Chicago about a year ago
After Rahm Emanual won re-election by the narrowest of margins in a run off, I was beside myself. I had to find out who carried him to re-election. What I found, I couldn't believe: poor blacks overwhelmingly voted for Rahm.
Rahm Emanuel doesn't care about the south side of Chicago. He's Chicago's real estate developer in chief and none of that development happens south of downtown. Nope, close 50 schools and he's done with the south side. He spends his afternoons trying to lure big investors. The money never gets to the most neglected neighborhoods. Police abuses? Never stuck until after he was re-elected and the city was forced to turnover the Laquan McDonald video. That's when BLM showed up and demands that Rahm resign immediately for past sins and neglect.
All of this is common knowledge. So why did poor blacks vote for Rahm? This article helped a lot, and I think it's in line with your thinking. The article refers to preachers and community leaders, but not by name. For the record, Jesse Jackson broke with them and endorsed Rahm's opponent.
Blame the Black Political Class For Re-Electing Obama's Mayor Rahm Emanuel in Chicago
Definitely. And here's problem with the "just 1 vote" argument. It goes something like this:
All votes carry equal weight, so, based on her votes, she's the 3rd (or whatever) most liberal Senator in Congress. Unfortunately, Bernie is not challenging this idiotic argument.
All votes are NOT equal, and this is what Bernie should do, because Americans need to be reminded about the consequences of this 1 vote. Rather than merely mentioning that Hillary voted for the war, he could filibuster for 5 minutes:
First, Hillary was told by Bush 41 that it would be idiotic to remove Saddam because he's the only thing holding the ME together.
Second, she naively trusted BushCo.
Third, X thousand Americans have been killed
Fourth, X hundred thousand Americans have been maimed physically and psychologically, lives and homes destroyed
Fifth, hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis have been killed and displaced
Sixth, just as Bush 41 cautioned, removing Saddam destabilized the ME
Seventh, we've now spent $X trillion on the war
Eighth, we're now in a perpetual war
Ninth, trillions and trillions of dollars will continue to flow to the ME as a result, money we should be spending here
Tenth, it created ISIS
No, I do not accept that this was "just 1 vote." When you unravel it as I have done, you can understand it as a series of neocon votes. No one who made this vote should be rated as "liberal."
This is why I insist Bernie is giving Hillary a pass. He can destroy her on both of her idiotic wars and the (news to me) dog whistle language and policies from the past.
lol Bernie has been hands off with Hillary. Haven't you been reading this forum? Look at what the Rs
will do to her. We're doing our best to warn her supporters of the tsunami that's coming.
Obama proved that America will elect, then re-elect a black, socialist, Kenyan, Muslim, with a Reverend talking crazy. Labels work on Fox viewers and old people. It's been proven. People falling into this trap are either Fox viewers or old.
Now, Hillary is a different story. Over 20 years in the public eye and she still doesn't know who she is or what she stands for. That's what will leave a lasting impression. Americans thinking she's a liar and disingenuous will stick. No one needs to make up shit about Hillary. She's been her own worst enemy for more than 2 decades. By contrast, the Rs will have to demonize Bernie like they did with Obama. People don't care about that shit, today. They see through it. And moreover, socialist polls favorably today.
It's going to be an ugly GE if Hillary is the nominee. She should be ahead of any R by double digits.
Liberals/Progressives under attack by Third Way Dems who usurp these labels
Every Dem likes to call themselves a Liberal and a Progressive, but not every Democrat is. And when you point out the difference, the Third Wayer attack is to play the "purity test" card. It's pure projection. They're ashamed of themselves for supporting right of center candidates, so they shame Liberals and Progressives with "purity test" and "don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good" language.
If you want to be a Third Way Dem, that's fine. Just be proud of yourself. Don't run away from it in shame and claim you're something much better than a Third Wayer, that being a Liberal and a Progressive. Why are Third Wayers so ashamed of themselves?
Blah! I just wasted a week trying to argue this shit and all for naught
Water under the bridge. It can't be more important to us. Have to move on.
I came right after the Rs stole the election from Kerry...
hence my moniker. I won't get into it, but when Obama brought in the Rubinites my hope for change got dashed. Now y'all are driving me crazy with your misguided allegiance to Hillary There's not been one day I've waken and not said aloud, What The Hell is going on around here. I'm a wildeyed Bernie REALIST. Yes, I exist! People are hung up on "pie-in-the-sky." Anything Obama wants is pie-in-the-sky. Republicans revile Hillary but she is certain she can do what Obama can't: get things done. That's "pie-in-the-sky." Bernie is being honest: nothing will get done unless you get rid of these obstructionist clowns and create a movement like the civil rights or gay rights or women's rights. I see the Democratic process has failed: while we were fighting for human rights, they were taking away our economic power. Money is power, as LOLigarchy suggests. We won many battles but didn't realize we were losing the war. We now have New Jim Crow Laws, and new ways to control women. Why? Because we didn't know economic power was the prize. Without economic power, the others aren't long lasting. This is what drives me nuts about SC. To a person they'll tell you the recovery is only a rumor, they haven't seen a change. They argue that economic equality and racial equality are mutually exclusive. They want change but vote for the status quo. We've devolved into nothing more than an uninspiring "lesser of two evils" process, now.
If you have had the misfortune of reading my posts, I'm earnestly destroying Hillary lol But the realist in me says I'll be proud to have voted for the first woman POTUS come November. I think that's a really terrible consolation prize.
Just goes to show, Bernie doesn't know how to speak to black people about black issues from their perspective.
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