angstlessk's JournalFor my 10,000th post!
Madam45for2923 brought to my attention that I had posted 9,999 posts and she said
"Almost 10,000 posts! make it an awesome one!" What a challenge!
I am one of the firsters...and perhaps one of the firsters to be banned?
I joined after bush v Gore...thought the 'underground' portion meant we were going to do something???evil???
Which brings to the fore...why I was banned...I accused Will Pitt (then deciding if he should leave teaching and become a pundit) as a traitor, as he was NOT suggesting anything nearing the overthrow of the new bush regime, but instead was 'looking ahead'...boy was I mad!
I got banned and searched the entire internet looking for something that resembled DU...after a month or more of searches (this was when chat rooms were popular) I could not find anything nearing the satisfaction I received (even without the overthrow thing) I got from this website.
As you can tell, I am not a prolific poster. I mostly respond, and seldom start threads...there are much smarter folk to do that.
I recently viewed my own profile and it says 'Since 2/11/2005 @ 2:08 AM...probably drunk...but??? I don't recall being banned the second time (probably drunk) so that may be why my profile shows me joining in 2005.
Anyway.....that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Profile Information
Gender: FemaleHometown: Norfolk VA
Current location: Detroit MI
Member since: Fri Feb 11, 2005, 02:08 AM
Number of posts: 11,862