angstlessk's JournalTwo movies on Netflix..."42" About Jackie Robertson and "Barry"
about the early life of Obama
My kitteh sat on my keyboard and now my screen is dark
I have hit every f button, but nothing happens? HELP!
I say if ANY post claims Democrats are divided EXPECT it to be a Russian troll!
STOP fighting each other, or you will fall into what the russians want!
My mother said when I attempted suicide "she just wants attention"
What the fuck is wrong with attention?
When my son ran away..she (my mother) said 'he just wants attention'...and I told her...well I can GIVE him that attention...and I ran after him!
What do you do when you discover YOU are the psychopath?
I currently have only one pots no pans, just a convection toaster
can one survive on such a contraption?
Are there enough recopies?
Oh shit! when will the justice department demand all of DU's users?
They are seriously after democrats...and this site could deliver us to 'them'.
What's to stop them? They care not about the constitution..they love putin, who has no restraints on power!
Will every anti trump comment be considered a felony? An incitement to riot?
britbox vs acorn (channels on Amazon)...Does anyone know which is the best of
British teevee?
I need a man to replace the man who lives in my house!
He often threatens to kill me...he has become the most racist black person I have known since he moved from Virginia to Detroit...
And he thinks he is a slave...though all the income mine?
I used to be a regular person when the kitchen was available...then he would microwave a meal or two...then it was all he thinks if he produces a sandwich he is a slave?
All the income is mine, but I put all into a joint account..he has access to all money
What to do about a drunk husband who continues to threaten your life?
When he is sober he is fine...but when he drinks, which has become too often, he hates me and often threatens to kill me?
I don't believe he will, but what can I do?
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Gender: FemaleHometown: Norfolk VA
Current location: Detroit MI
Member since: Fri Feb 11, 2005, 01:08 AM
Number of posts: 11,862