angstlessk's JournalLooking at all the game videos...what would a woman's game video look like?
All the videos are about killing...of course they kill the bad guys.
What would a woman do?
I suspect a person of the Colonial Parkway Murders
30 years ago...but how can I even send the information...not evidence to the police?
Husband loved a fighter pilot game, so for Christmas I bought him
PS4 pro but he hates the very idea I would purchase such a thing...
Not sure what to do..give it away to charity, or sell it on ebay?
Oh and Battlefield 1 was delivered defunkt
Walmart, who can tap into all producers ran out of k1 kerosene
during a freeze across america? How did that happen?
Detroit has softened!
At 11;45 i heard a gun shot..i must have fallen asleep, because i awoke at 12;11 am and there was no gun noisemakers...only silence
Last year was gun shots all nothing...praise to the police
Just before Christmas, when I was a kid of about 15 or so....
I was in a bathroom when a girl left her pocketbook on the sink when she went into the bathroom stall. I stole her purse and gave away all it's contents, including the money...I just wanted the purse, cause I was 15 and didn't own a purse.
I gave her driver's license to a friend, who got pulled over, and showed her license to the cop! I was sitting beside her, and she gave me up! Surprise! I Admitted to the crime, and went to court.
I told the judge I just wanted the purse, and everything just seemed to go away. Not sure what happened?
Anyway, that Christmas, under the tree was a beautiful purse! I still cry after 50 years!
I bought my sig other two games for PC and a controller..
I just wonder if my simple computer will be enough, so I am looking for an affordable gaming computer?
Is it too early? Might he not care?
OMG! There is a new Christmas movie, and if you have
a spoken book, which is also available as a regular book.
"The Man Who Invented Christmas"
The story of Charles Dickens. I have read many of his stories, but nothing about the it is!
It's all about his most famous story..A Christmas Carol...I have just downloaded the audible book and am looking forward to hearing it, and will purchase the video once it's out!
My kitty loves this video..he is watching as I post this...looking for mice!
He IS a mouser, and has eaten baby mice,,he is now upright as if I insulted him..he was a feral kitty we brought into the house, he is between loving and a OLD kitty loves/hates him as a newcomer to HIS home.
Not sure if the old kitty like the fights or not?
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Gender: FemaleHometown: Norfolk VA
Current location: Detroit MI
Member since: Fri Feb 11, 2005, 01:08 AM
Number of posts: 11,862