angstlessk's JournalBen Carson was part of the team who separated the brains of Siamese twins
A brilliant surgeon who knows NOTHING about housing!
What would the television coverage of the Pittsburgh funerals
have been different if trump had not imposed on their grief?
I will tell you what about rape...till all these folks have come out
I am thinking that I was actually drugged..I voluntarily drank beer, not knowing what the effects would be. I was drugged!
I was 11 years old...loved beer, had sips of beer, but never had an entire (friend) said we should get in the car with my rapists.
They dropped her off and kept me...drunk beyond ability to do anything, they drove me around and raped me.
I wished I had the ability to not tell, but I was found by the police drunk, and laying in a a field...guess I should be glad they didn't murder me?
My mother told me to 'wash that filth off'.....wished she never knew
Man who raped me and his family came to our house to ask for mercy..mother said no way...boy did I feel guilty...wish I never said.
Went to court...they claimed I asked them to have sex...and said they thought I was 16...hell I was 11!
Court was hard as I had to sit on my hands as they lied about me...wish I was able to NOT be there..Not report...but it was outside my ability.
Because I was on my period, my doctor could not say if I was a virgin....but I woke up to pain, and saw the street signs which told the venue of the court.
I will Pre Order Woodward's AudioBook for you as a gift if you cannot afford the book.
I will Pre Order Woodward's AudioBook for you as a gift if you cannot afford the book.
I will need a good email address...even if you create one just for this book.
I will order 5 books (one to each) to folks who want the audio version, but can't afford it.
I currently have 2 available credits, then I can purchase 3 extras for a cheaper than monthly individual price.
I offered it once, then the second time I got no response..I have never even looked at the email needed to gift the books.
Let me know, as I can only do 5 books.
Email me your email address to my inbox
Thank goodness trump never went to Viet Nam
Based on his 'loyalty' to the US, one wonders IF
Promised lots of American cash, and of course saving HIS skin,
would he have guided the Vietnamese into American camps?
This, of course is speculation, but based on current events.
Many moons ago, I used to play 'SIM City'. Now I would like to see another simulator.
I am sure there is a simulator that could provide the stats based on...the white supremacist wet dream
Kick out all non born in the USA Hispanic persons.
Send all blacks back to Africa.
Deport all people of Mid Eastern (world not US) origin.
What is left, and how would this country fare?
My money is it would MORE quickly delve into 3rd world status...
Whites alone cannot support the United States...they never did!
What I live with right now
Somehow I got hooked up with a man I tried to get away from, who threatened to kill my family if I did not stay with him.
I believed him because he walked 20 miles to confront me after I tried to leave his ass.
Now after 40 years with the creep..I am 70 and subject to his drunken horrors
What he has done to my 'what used to be my home' is unbelievable!
Every room in the house is full of boxes and clothes, some to the ceiling!
How can one live like this?
I claim to need health support...he needs it worse! But How can I force it?
I was my family's scapegoat
I don't recall when I realized that I was the family's scapegoat, maybe when I was 60 or so, or maybe after my mother died?
My family (mom, dad, sister, and me) lived with my grandmother, who also had three children by my uncle (two of which may not have been his) whose mother plopped them down with my grandma.
I was the child who was bullied by all the kids...I just recall one time I was being particularly bullied into hiding behind the couch...I recall my mother saying "that's enough' as if everything before was just fine.
I ran away from home and went to court, and my mother told the judge I was 'incorrigible' and at age 13 I was sent to reform school.
I was the family scapegoat.
There is so much more, as I am sure some of you have experienced!
"Toxic Families Who Scapegoat"
I think my mother was a narcissist?
I have two dell got stuff spilled into the keyboard
and no longer can function...the other had it's video screwed up...I want to transfer the video from the screwed up keyboard to the screwed up video
Can anyone advise?
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Gender: FemaleHometown: Norfolk VA
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Member since: Fri Feb 11, 2005, 01:08 AM
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