Arkansas Granny
Arkansas Granny's JournalAn important message from Carl Reiner. Gollum J. Trump weighs in on the birthright issue. J. Trump
Sméagol can slaps handprints on scroll and changes constilution! Many thinks it takes amenders but no! No it cant! All we has to does is purse lips, stomps feets! Orxecutive Odors! Hobbits born away from Shire shouldnt has rights! Makes them go away! Yes!
11:41 AM - Oct 30, 2018
Hate Is on the Ballot Next Week
In case you hadnt noticed, were in the midst of a wave of hate crimes. Just in the past few days, bombs were mailed to a number of prominent Democrats, plus CNN. Then, a gunman massacred 11 people at a Pittsburgh synagogue. Meanwhile, another gunman killed two African-Americans at a Louisville supermarket, after first trying unsuccessfully to break into a black church if he had gotten there an hour earlier, we would probably have had another mass murder.
All of these hate crimes seem clearly linked to the climate of paranoia and racism deliberately fostered by Donald Trump and his allies in Congress and the media.
Killing black people is an old American tradition, but it is experiencing a revival in the Trump era.
Hasn't Trump suffered enough?
But let us not lose sight of the real victim here: Donald Trump.
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders hadnt given a briefing in nearly a month, so she had a lot of time to build up grievances before Monday afternoons session. She emerged half an hour late with a scowl, and read a written statement containing the requisite denunciations of the attack in Pittsburgh and affirmations of Trumps affection for Jews.
But when the questioning got going, it became clear that she was rather less animated by the pipe bombs and the synagogue massacre than by perceived attacks on Trump by the media.
Names of dead, possible motive to be released in mass shooting at Pittsburgh synagogue
The gunman stormed a Pittsburgh synagogue during Saturday services, killing 11 worshippers and wounding six other people including four police officers, before he was arrested.
Pittsburg Mayor Bill Peduto told CBS television station KDKA that when the list of the dead is released by federal officials at a news conference at 9 a.m. on Sunday, it "will rip your heart out", saying he personally knew some of the victims.
A man enters a synagogue shouting "All Jews must die" and there are people wondering about his motives. Isn't his motive pretty obvious?
They dedicated a section of Trump's wall today.
On Friday, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen dedicated a newly completed replacement section of border fence in Calexio, California. The fences and barriers have existed for years, but recently received routine scheduled maintenance and upgrades.
However the DHS Secretary spun a different tale of what the invited and gathered media looked at.
According to Nielsen, the open bollard style fence constitutes a wall. And not just a wall, but the border wall from President Donald Trumps campaign and rally promises.
The President specified in his campaign that a wall would be built, not a fence. And when reporters asked about the fence, Nielsen reiterated the fence was a wall.
Saudi Arabia admits Khashoggi's murder was premeditated. Fine. Who premeditated it?
SAUDI ARABIA once again changed its story about Jamal Khashoggi, admitting on Thursday he was the victim of a premeditated murder and not, as it said less than a week earlier , the accidental casualty of a brawl. But that doesnt mean the regime of King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has finally chosen to come clean about the Oct. 2 death of the Post contributing columnist.
Rather, it merely reflects Saudi acceptance of the reality that the previous official version, like the one before it and the one before that, wouldnt fly with the Turkish president, the U.S. Congress, European governments and possibly even the Trump administration, which has been doing its best to assist the damage control operation in Riyadh. For 17 days, lets not forget, the Saudi government insisted it knew for a fact that Mr. Khashoggi had walked out of the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul shortly after arriving. While the new story is closer to the truth, it still leaves fundamental questions unanswered: Who ordered the hit on the journalist, and what role did Mohammed bin Salman play?
CIA Director Gina Haspel, who visited Istanbul this week, has heard that audiotape, according to The Posts reporting. Yet the Trump administration has failed to offer its own conclusions about what happened to Mr. Khashoggi, who was a resident of Virginia with three U.S. citizen children. Instead it is doing its best to protect its excessive and unwise investment in Mohammed bin Salman as a Middle Eastern ally. Asked if he believed the 33-year-old crown princes denials of involvement, President Trump told the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday that I want to believe him. I really want to believe him.
What Mr. Trump should really want is the truth. If Mohammed bin Salman in fact oversaw or sanctioned the brutal butchering of a journalist who was little more than a mild critic, the administration urgently needs to alter its relationship with him or risk even worse disasters.
Caitlyn Jenner: I thought Trump would help the LGBTQ community. I was wrong.
Since then, I have learned and continue to learn about the obstacles our community faces, the politics that surround us and the places my voice can help. I have reflected on what my unique position of privilege means and how I can best use it to make a positive difference.
Following Trumps election as president, I saw fertile ground for change within the Republican Party on LGBTQ issues. Trump was the first Republican presidential candidate to claim to support this valuable, vulnerable community, and I was encouraged by the applause he received when he said at the Republican National Convention in July 2016 that he would stand up for the LGBTQ community. Poll after poll showed that Americans views on LGBTQ issues were changing for the better and that this groundswell extended even to the voter base of the Republican Party. I was optimistic that this was how I could leverage my privilege for change.
Sadly, I was wrong. The reality is that the trans community is being relentlessly attacked by this president. The leader of our nation has shown no regard for an already marginalized and struggling community. He has ignored our humanity. He has insulted our dignity. He has made trans people into political pawns as he whips up animus against us in an attempt to energize the most right-wing segment of his party, claiming his anti-transgender policies are meant to protect the country. This is politics at its worst. It is unacceptable, it is upsetting, and it has deeply, personally hurt me.
I'm glad she is saying this. It might make some other people think about what is happening.
Rush Limbaugh suggests bombs mailed to Democrats are a false flag:
This is the mentality we're up against. He spends 3 hours a day spreading hatred, but Democrats are the violent ones.
I won't post his rant. You can go listen if you want to.
Have the RWNJ made the claim yet that liberals sent to bombs to Soros, Clinton and Obama to make
Republicans look bad? Just wait for it.
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