Maru Kitteh
Maru Kitteh's JournalToday George Floyd rises again, from the ashes of oppression, into power.
In the only kind of life after death that I believe in, and the only kind I believe to be meritorious, his life is resurrected. It's too early yet to know exactly how expansive and quickly changes on the horizon may come, but they are coming.
The defense would have had us remember Mr. Floyd as the physical manifestation of dark, seedy alleyway full of drugs and bad intentions. The barren and ugly vision they peddled is thankfully not what history will enter.
Mr. Floyd will be remembered as an ordinary man who, like all of us had good times and bad. He was loved by so many in his ordinary life, and in his extraordinary death he did just as his daughter said when she told our President, "Daddy changed the world."
Rest in power Mr. Floyd, a mournful grateful world pauses in your honor today, as we steady ourselves for the work ahead tomorrow.
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