PowerToThePeople's JournalWe Need Bernie!
Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) has announced that he is considering a candidacy for President in 2016 to further a desperately needed political revolution in the USA.
Senator Sanders is a lifelong champion of the public programs and democratic rights that empower working class people. His candidacy could help expand both the progressive movement and the democratic socialist voice within that movement.
Democratic Socialists of America strongly encourages Senator Sanders to officially announce his candidacy for President of the United States. We further encourage him to meet with grassroots activists throughout the country to discuss how his candidacy might effectively promote their varied struggles for social and economic justice, human rights, world peace and a healthy environment.
By running in Democratic Party primaries, Independent Senator Sanders would challenge the dominant discourse of the neoliberal Democrats that privilege corporate business interests over those of all working people. Thus he would contribute to building a strong movement to halt the vicious attacks of Tea Party Republicans at all governmental levels on workers' rights, voting rights, and people of color in general.
Those who wish to promote the goals of this petition should consider taking concrete and specific actions at the grassroots level that would promote a Sanders run. Note that you are interested in volunteering with us to stand and say: #WeNeedBernie
10 years a DUer. Thanks DU, and thanks Skinner!!!
With the holidays, I totally blew by my 10 years date that happened a couple weeks ago - Dec 23, 2004.
I had planned on writing a long op about all of the changes and permutations of DU over the years, but those that have been here that long are aware of how this place has changed.
In the dark days of Dean's campaign's demise, Air America and DU were the two shining lights that made me think things could turn around. Sadly, I am still waiting 10 years later.
I hope to be here to see the pendulum swing left again.
Thank you Skinner.
i talked once with a gun humper
Whose son suicided with her gun. She blamed depression and alchohol, but does not question the gun at all. She is a "pry it out of my cold dead hands" humper still.
Very sad story.
Remember folks: a gun is 30-40 times more likely to be used in a suicidal shooting, an accidental shooting, or a shooting during a domestic disturbance, than to be used to shoot a criminal attacker.
The best way to protect yourself and your family is to get rid of any guns in your possession or in your home.
fucking pigs
Spying on potential protesters? Where are your god damned warrants? Pigs.
America is a fascist totalitarian state. Its form of government needs to be overthrown.
Guns serve two purposes
Death and threat of death. Both are acts of terrorism. Thus, my comment is truth.
Ban all Guns!!
Gun owners are violent and need to be disarmed.
Largest Gun Study Ever: More Guns, More Murder
The largest study of gun violence in the United States, released Thursday afternoon, confirms a point that should be obvious: widespread American gun ownership is fueling Americas gun violence epidemic.
The study, by Professor Michael Siegel at Boston University and two coauthors, has been peer-reviewed and is forthcoming in the American Journal of Public Health. Siegel and his colleagues compiled data on firearm homicides from all 50 states from 1981-2010, the longest stretch of time ever studied in this fashion, and set about seeing whether they could find any relationship between changes in gun ownership and murder using guns over time.
Since we know that violent crime rates overall declined during that period of time, the authors used something called fixed effect regression to account for any national trend other than changes in gun ownership. They also employed the largest-ever number of statistical controls for other variables in this kind of gun study: age, gender, race/ethnicity, urbanization, poverty, unemployment, income, education, income inequality, divorce rate, alcohol use, violent crime rate, nonviolent crime rate, hate crime rate, number of hunting licenses, age-adjusted nonfirearm homicide rate, incarceration rate,and suicide rate were all accounted for.
Gun Owners of America director would be 'kind of glad' if lawmakers feared violence from his organization
WASHINGTON This gun nut makes the NRAs mouthpiece seem tame by comparison.
Larry Pratt, executive director of the group Gun Owners of America, was quoted Tuesday as saying hes kind of glad if lawmakers fear violence from members of his organization.
The crack sparked outrage from Democrats and drew a rebuke from the husband of former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), whose promising political career was cut short when an assassin shot her in 2011.
More shooting deaths in states with more gun owners
Covering 30 years (1981-2010) in all 50 states, the report shows a robust correlation between estimated levels of gun ownership and actual gun homicides at the state level, even when controlling for factors typically associated with homicides. For each 1 percentage point increase in the prevalence of gun ownership, the state firearm homicide rate increases by 0.9 percent, the authors found.
Understanding the relationship between the prevalence of gun ownership and therefore the availability of guns, and firearm-related mortality is critical to guiding decisions regarding recently proposed measures to address firearm violence, the study authors say
10 Pro-Gun Myths, Shot Down
Myth #2: Guns don't kill peoplepeople kill people.
Fact-check: People with more guns tend to kill more peoplewith guns. The states with the highest gun ownership rates have a gun murder rate 114% higher than those with the lowest gun ownership rates. Also, gun death rates tend to be higher in states with higher rates of gun ownership. Gun death rates are generally lower in states with restrictions such as assault-weapons bans or safe-storage requirements. Update: A recent study looking at 30 years of homicide data in all 50 states found that for every one percent increase in a state's gun ownership rate, there is a nearly one percent increase in its firearm homicide rate.

Extra-judicial drone killings, War&MIC, Banks, Big Oil, Off-shoring, and spying on US citizens. n/t
I am the uncounted
Unemployed for going on 2 1/2 years, exhausted all standard unemployment, extended benefits ended in Dec 2013. I have exhausted all of my personal savings and live day to day, month to month, not knowing if I can scrape out enough to keep the water/power on and the rent paid. No real job prospects; lots of resumes, job applications, smiling faces, and closing doors. I do not show up in any labor statistics and do not count toward the stated unemployment rate, though I do not work or have any prospects of work. There are 10s of millions of others just like me.
I am the uncounted.
Should America work towards becoming a gun-free Country?
Should we be passing legislation to remove items that serve no purpose but causation of death from our great Nation?
Profile Information
Gender: Do not displayHometown: Urban Wasteland
Home country: Slave States of Wall Street Oligarchs
Current location: JackpineRadicals.com
Member since: Thu Dec 23, 2004, 03:52 AM
Number of posts: 9,610