Botany's JournalOh for the love of Dog ..... for $99 you can look @ Trump's digital trading cards on line ...
... something you can do for free now.
How come the republicans are only interested in "the debt" when a Democrat is in the White House? "this debt ceiling debate" is about paying off the bills run up by Trump but the
republican are using it to try to cut social security and medicare benefits are self
Daily Kos: No Labels is a Trump Super Pac, Funded in Part by Harlan Crow.
Even more scary, that the Trump Super Pac (Anything else they claim is bullshit) No Labels, will succeed in peeling off enough votes, to get Trump back to the presidency. Now for those that dont know. No Labels claims it is an organization that supports centrist, bi-partisan policies and politics. It was established in 2010. It is a registered 501c(4) and does not disclose its donors. There is probably a good reason for that.
Because to close observers the supposedly sensible solutions often proposed by No Labels have an uncanny way of benefiting one particular element of our nation: the Hedge fund Billionaires , or more precisely, the finance industry. And when they arent looking for tax cuts for the wealthy, some of their brilliant centrist policies include things like requiring the unemployed to go the unemployment office to pick up their checks, and cracking down on disability insurance claimants. Nice huh?
Newsweek: Fire Breaks Out at Russian Tank Training Ground After Explosions
A fire broke out at a Russian tank training ground following reports of explosions in the city of Kazan on Saturday, according to local media reports.
The explosions were heard in the southern area of Kazan, a city of more than 1 million people located about 447 miles east of Moscow, according to The Kyiv Independent, an English-language Ukrainian news outlet. The explosions were heard near a site used for tank training amid Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine.
How about Jackie Speier as a short term fill in for Feinstein? If Dianne resigns and then couldn't
... the Governor could appoint ner to finish out the term.
She has the smarts, knows the law cold, and knows how to get things done too.
Russia's war on America Contiues / Russians boasted that just 1% of fake social profiles are caught
Most of these common right wing memes such as: "you don't know what is in those C-19 vaccines, the bad side effects of the vaccines, the threat from trans people, the grooming of kids by LGBT, helping Ukraine is a bad idea, and so on"
are from Russia. The GOP, Fox News, and others on the right are more than happy to push these lies in order to hurt "the libs" and cause social division in America.
And Russia is still @ war on America by pushing disinformation via social media another example of Russia's war on America can be seen in Tony DeVolder aka George Santos who is a Russian paid for "chaos agent" and
he was paid for by Russian Agent Oleg Deripaska, who in 2016 was paying for NYC FBI agent McGonigal to rat f**k the HRC campaign. BTW in 2016 if you read anything on Facebook about HRC and her emails you were
reading Russian disinformation.
SAN FRANCISCO The Russian government has become far more successful at manipulating social media and search engine rankings than previously known, boosting lies about Ukraines military and the side effects of vaccines with hundreds of thousands of fake online accounts, according to documents recently leaked on the chat app Discord.
The Russian operators of those accounts boast that they are detected by social networks only about 1 percent of the time, one document says.
That claim, described here for the first time, drew alarm from former government officials and experts inside and outside social media companies contacted for this article.
Google and Meta and others are trying to stop this, and Russia is trying to get better. The figure that you are citing suggests that Russia is winning, said Thomas Rid, a disinformation scholar and professor at Johns Hopkins Universitys School of Advanced International Studies.
Read more:
Already posted but Good God in Butter is he stupid between KY & AL we had 24 injured and 8 people killed last night/this morning?
KY 4 wounded & 2 dead
AL 20 wounded & 6 dead
I think those #s are right.
Their 2nd amendment freedoms seem to be hurting all of America's 1st amendment freedom and
that is the right to peacefully assemble.
BTW fuck the NRA, the gun makers, and the GOP.
Go to the video threads and watch Joe B. speak to
the Irish Parliament. Damn he is good! The clip is 1 hour and 20 minutes with the Speaker of the Parliament
taking the first 20 minutes or so and about 20 minutes or
so before that of Joe being Joe saying hi and pressing the flesh. He quoted Irish poetry and gave a speech for the ages for the people of Ireland 🇮🇪.
At least watch the start when he walked out to where he was going to speak and looked up and said, "Mama I made it."
Best President of my Lifetime .... Damn he makes me proud!

I hope he has a wonderful time, gets to spend time with his distant Irish Family, and
gets his "adult stuff" done too.
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