cilla4progress's JournalInteresting -
2 AA panelists on 2 different MSNBC shows on 2 different nights - Johnson and Glaude BOTH see the same thing in the motivations of the cowards caucus (R Senators): they endorse the mob's political world view.
Meanwhile the white panelist thought it was more fear of their base.
for the amazing Rep. Jamie Raskin.
Hell...all the House Managers.
And hell - all the staff and employees of the Capitol - police, legislative staff, cafeteria and janitorial staff.
I am inspired and uplifted by their competence, patriotism, service.
Impeachment trial:
Relieved to see house managers bringing up drumpf's 2015 incitements to violence at his rallies.
This has been PROGRAMMING of long duration.
He didn't NEED to tell the Jan. 6 rioters what his expectations were; he'd been grooming them since at least 2015.
In fact, I believe this is the strategy: plausible deniability. That is, some reptilian, sociopathic, narcissistic awareness of the danger TO HIMSELF in usinh incendiary words of physical violence immediately precipitory to the 1/6 attack. He didn't need to. Like Michael Cohen said .... his supporters and sycophants know what he means. Why? He'd been grooming them, programming them, for years ...
The impeachment - even if no conviction, as expected...
Rs will NEVER EVER EVER get the stink off themselves!
I love that Dems are just hitting this hard as can be.
And each one of the Managers is impeccable!
I had hardly even heard of Rep. Stacey Plasket before. Where has she been all my life?!
Impeachment trial:
I do wish they would also show clips from drumpf's early rallies - his calls to actual physical violence!
I haven't watched every minute, so may have been said. I would think Castro or Swalwell's presentation would have included it.
Biden support among 18-29 year olds...
highest among any demographic! 70%!!
I think I figured out their strategy...
bore everyone to death so they stop watching!
Haha "former President t****"
Did ya hear it from orange asshole's lawyer?!
First time I've heard anyone on his team say this.
I'm sure it's strategic...
Opening video at Impeachment trial -
I had to miss! Anyone know where it can be seen again?
Sounds impactful..
Thank you to the Progressive Caucus
who got the $15 minimum wage included in the COVID relief bill today!
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