FSogol's JournalAnother option for cutting the cord to cable:
If you have a ROKU box, have you added Pluto.tv yet? It a free channel with 75 stations.
Among it's offerings, it has 10 news stations (including a few awful ones), MST3K, Rifftrax, The Onion, a classic movie channel, and a whole lot more. It will put another nail in cable's coffin. Check it out.
If you have a ROKU box, have you added Pluto.tv yet? It a free channel with 75 channels.
Among it's offerings, it has 10 news stations (including a few awful ones), MST3K, Rifftrax, The Onion, a classic movie channel and a whole lot more. It will put another nail in cable's coffin. Check it out.
Seth Meyers takes A Closer Look at Trump's 1st 100 Days
Can a crazy president be removed from office?
From Cecil Adam's column, The Straight Dope:
How crazy must the President of the United States be before it's considered cool to refuse an order? If the president orders an all-out nuclear attack on Canada, is the proper response "Yes, Mr. President, or to throw the lunatic in a cell?
Dear Cecil:
What does it take to remove a sitting president who is obviously mentally ill? I don't think I need to say any more than that.
Cecil replies:
Im starting to see a pattern to the questions Ive been receiving lately: its almost as though, for some reason, readers have suddenly become preoccupied with the notion of a president being psychologically unfit to serve. The good news is that a presidents civilian and military underlings can certainly refuse to carry out illegal orders, and we likely have a constitutional procedure in place for removing a chief executive whos no longer quite all there. The bad news? None of it's likely to help much.
The rest at:
http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/3338/can-a-crazy-president-be-removed-from-office?utm_campaign=1781882_The Straight Dope%3A 04%2F28%2F2017&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ChicagoReader&dm_i=2JCR,126WQ,2KTJUC,35QUX,1
Russian Nesting Dolls
The Washington Post had this picture on the cover of my print edition this morning:
Tillerson is the middle doll.
Ok DU Gardeners. How do I keep the squirrels from eating my tulips?
There is plenty of sunflower seed around, but they break off a tulip, take a few bites and then decide they don't taste that great. Any way to keep them away?
Edible batteries use stomach acid as the electrolyte
Still, there are applications where unusual chemistries, construction, and form factor are the priorities, more than just an incrementally better Li-ion cell. Consider the work being done by a team lead by Prof. Christopher Bettinger at Carnegie Mellon University. They are developing edible, biocompatible batteries that use non-toxic materials already present in the body, with available liquids such as stomach acid as the electrolyte; see references below (Figure 1). His team has produced cathodes based on melanin, a pigment already in the body, and anodes made of manganese oxide, which is also already present; other versions based on body-friendly materials have also been developed.
The idea is that the electrodes will dissolve harmlessly after use. Most of the resulting batteries, using a variety of soluble cations, had modest voltages (between 0.5 and 0.7 volts); although definitive specifications are hard to find, there was one mention of 5 milliwatts of power for up to 20 hours.
More at http://www.edn.com/electronics-blogs/power-points/4458024/Batteries-safe-for-use-in-humans-and-fish
LOL, at Rubio (who looks like they pulled him out of a bar at last call) & is pretending to be an
expert on something.
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