JudyM's JournalIt's beyond time to establish a duty of care standard for politicians, with respect to constituents.
Their oath has now been shown to be positively meaningless. They are in positions of trust yet there is no duty of care. Trump, for example, can decide not to distribute vaccines, and with no duty to us, he doesnt have to.
In a country of dying, starving, suffering people, McConnell uses his position to grant favors as he wishes and blithely prevents voting on help needed by those in dire straits. There is something gravely wrong with this picture. Conflict of interest rules dont even have any teeth. Its positively revoltingly immoral.
Wincing here over a simple glass of red that so many, many thousands would love to be able to enjoy, but they are impoverished, in pain or suffering the loss of a loved one... or working endless hours to help others simply stay alive.
No real effort by republicons because no legal duty, and moral duty has now been proven to carry no weight. We need some fundamental, structural change here, people, eh?
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