ChiciB1's JournalJust Saw A St. Pete Poll That Has Scott Up
by 7 points. Does anyone want speculate, this is horrible!
This May Not Make Sense Because I Don't Know Much About
War planes. I'm almost afraid to post this because I don't want a knock on my door, so I'll just ask a question. I live south of Tampa, FL where there's still a military base. But we just saw something like jets flying over our houses. Yes, we're females but these planes/jets were really moving super fast going further south.
Does this make any sense to anyone? I honestly don't think war planes would be flying in this area, seems like it would be much further north. Does anyone have any idea what we may have seen? There is a flight path for regular planes that do fly over occasionally, but we don't have planes flying overhead much because the local airport isn't enormous.
I think I'm sounding like I saw a UFO or something, but it wasn't normal anyway. Perhaps someone who lives south of Tampa might know what I'm talking about. Mostly, I don't want to be starting rumors or gossip, just wondering.
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Gender: FemaleHometown: Heinz 57... Army Brat
Home country: United States
Current location: Nokomis, FL, just south of Sarasota
Member since: Thu Oct 7, 2004, 11:26 PM
Number of posts: 15,435