blue neen
blue neen's JournalFresh Water Pipes for Fracking Laid Through 3 Townships! (Check Picture)

What WILL they think of next?:
"Range Resources has laid a temporary pipeline through three townships to pump in water needed for hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, to complete five wells in Frazer."
"The 8-inch, high-density polyethylene pipeline begins at a water storage site in Harmar, runs a short distance along Log Cabin Road to Little Deer Creek Road in Indiana Township, then up a private drive through a Duquesne Light waste area to the well pad in Frazer."
"The pipeline should be gone by early April, said Range Resources spokesman Matt Pitzarella."
"Range is using the pipes instead of trucking the water to the well site. However, trucks will still haul water to the "tank farm" in Harmar, about a mile from the well pad in Frazer."
"The pipelines are cheaper than the trucks," he said."
"The pipe will carry fresh water to the well pad for the fracking process, Pitzarella said, in which the water is pumped underground to create cracks in the shale to release natural gas. No water from the well site will be pumped back through the pipe, according to Pitzarella."
"Range Resources began constructing the pipeline about two weeks ago and has secured all the rights of way needed, Pitzarella said. About two dozen homeowners agreed to allow use of their property, he said."
"Compensation for property owners are individually negotiated, Pitzarella said."
"Lillian Hepler, who lives at 23 Little Deer Creek Road, said she didn't want Range using her property. She was afraid they would need to dig up her yard."
"I just don't want that," she said. "We had sewers put in here a couple years ago, and we had a big mess. Plus, I really just don't trust these people."
"Hepler said Range offered her $2,000 for the temporary use of her property."
Read more: Fresh water for fracking flows to Frazer well sites - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Foster "Aspirin Between Their Knees" Friess---$105,000 to Tom "Just Close Their Eyes" Corbett
Securities & Investment CORBETT, TOM & CAWLEY, JIM JACKSON, WY $100,000 Unknown
Securities & Investment CORBETT, TOM & CAWLEY, JIM JACKSON, WY $5,000 01/29/2010
Follow the money, indeed.
We can thank Citizens United for the fact that we have idiots like Tom Corbett and Bob McDonnell running our states. An extra-special thank you goes to Justices Roberts, Alito, Scalia, Thomas, and Kennedy.
"This election cycle, Friess -- who infamously "joked" that women should stick aspirin between their knees as a contraceptive -- has given $1 million to the Santorum-supporting Red White And Blue Fund, a super PAC."
"In Pennsylvania, where Friess also gave Gov. Tom Corbett (R) $100,000, state Rep. Babette Josephs (D-Philadelphia) said such free-flowing campaign cash is bound to create a scandal, or at the very least alienate voters. Think of Friesss shudder-worthy comments about contraception, Josephs said -- comments that inevitably became associated with the candidate and former Sen. Santorum (R-Pa.) himself."
"If I were a Republican operative right now, I would be looking for places to reverse Citizens United, because what a mess, Josephs said. Be careful what you wish for, because it might come true."
"Pennsylvania, like 11 other states, has no limit at all on what an individual may contribute to a candidate's campaign. Corbett's history of accepting massive lumps of money from oil and gas companies there has opened him up to heavy criticism as the state debates how much to tax natural gas drilling. Corbett's office has defended a plan to charge hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, companies only a nominal fee on the grounds that he was was elected under the premise that we do not tax ourselves to prosperity.
"Friess also gave Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) $17,000, and paid for South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R) to fly out to the Texas ranch of another wealthy, well-connected tycoon, T. Boone Pickens. Haley and her husband spent a weekend with Friess and McDonnell. Haley's office did not return a request for comment on the meeting."
"The fact that individuals can throw around huge sums in local races is "outrageous" and "needs to be stopped," Josephs said. She is sponsoring a bill in Pennsylvania to put limits on campaign giving there."
"There is no reason in the world why somebody who happens so be rich should be able to snuff the voices of the rest of us."
Workers Promised Careers in Marcellus Shale Laid Off After One Month
"PITTSBURGH -- Sixty men from all over the United States are staying in a Moon Township hotel Friday night with one common bond: they came to Pennsylvania with the promise of a career in the Marcellus Shale gas drilling industry, only to have it crushed a month later."
"They told me I would have a job and it would last," said Keith Miller, of Tennessee."
"Jeffrey Milton, of Orlando, Fla., said he was told, "I never had to worry about any layoffs."
"Channel 4 Action News' Jim Parsons spoke with 10 of the workers, each one saying he was recruited to come to Pennsylvania by Houston-based gas drilling services company Baker Hughes."
"But after just one month on the job near Williamsport, all of them were fired."
"I was basically promised the world, good money like these other gentlemen, and they basically promised good work in Pennsylvania alone for 14 years," said Scott Peterson, of Indianapolis."
"Brian Golden, a former police officer from Jacksonville, Fla., closed his business and left a wife and six kids behind for a future in natural gas drilling that lasted only one month."
"I was begging him almost in tears and said, 'Please, send me to North Dakota because nobody wants to go there. I'll go today. I don't care. Cut my pay.' I begged him to cut my pay to keep my job because it is bad. He could not care less," said Golden."
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