hedgehog's JournalI hope Paris doesn't hijack tonight's debate.
It's a terrible thing that happened, and I can't imagine the pain of the surviving loved ones - but -
we should stay focused on other things that we can do something about -
like how many Americans killed with guns so far this year
like how many Americans are working multiple jobs and just not getting by
like how many Americans are strapped with student loans
like an onrushing climate crisis
Can we get back to the issues? Really, things are getting
past childish here. I'd like to see more on what each candidate proposes.
I hate the period between CAT scans wondering
if the next one will be bad news.
On the plus side, I told my husband I finally figured out what was bothering me about so many CAT scans - in the back of my mind, I was afraid they'd give me cancer - in 20 years!
"I represented Wall Street, as a senator from New York"
Really? I thought she represented the people of New York.
Raising the retirement age - how many people will end up
going out on disability? The savings may be all they're cracked up to be.
Aw,Come on!
My candidate, Martin O'Malley, is on Rachel tonight.....
During the Clown show on CNBC.
How alike are Hillary and Bill Clinton's policies?
Would a Hillary Clinton administration be a return to the 90's, or would Hillary be more progressive in some areas, maybe less in some, and maybe the same in others?
Candycorn - did it use to taste better?
I swear - it used to have more honey flavor. Also, whatever happened to the candy corn mixes (corn, pumpkins, cats, etc) that used to have a certain number of maple flavored pieces? And does anyone recall what all the different shapes were?
plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
I'm reading Nixon by Rick Perlstein (2008). He discusses the riots that took place back when I was a little kid in the 60's. In every case, the riot was precipitated by an act of police violence. It also seems that in every case, the people killed were people living in the neighborhood shot by criminally careless police officers. It's notable that Mr. Perlstein documents many (most?) whites as complaining that black people had been given Civil Rights, what more did they want?
Sound familiar?
I don't know if police racism is inherent to the institution or merely reflects attitudes in wider white society. All I know is that it's been 50 years and things don't seem to be getting better. I'm sick and tired of this, and I speak from a position of white privilege.
What does "winning the debate" mean?
If the standard is for the front runner to get on and off the stage without an embarrassing gaffe, then Hillary won. If the standard is to introduce oneself to new people, then Bernie won.
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