Cyrano's JournalFuck Steve Schmidt
Yes, he's eloquent and he's doing his best to bring Trump down. But Schmidt, and many like him, made Trump possible.
Schmidt was on Dick Cheney's staff and helped Bush/Cheney come to power. Where was his conscience when Bush/Cheney "won" through a stolen election? Where was his eloquence when we were lied into Iraq? Where was his outrage when Bush/Cheney let New Orleans drown?
Then he worked on John McCain's campaign and was a major force responsible for making Sarah Palin McCain's running mate. Mindless, utter stupidity didn't seem to bother him then.
And even today, he speaks fondly of "Saint" Ronald Reagan, a man who was an amiable imbecile who was almost as dumb as Trump, and was too dense or demented to understand he was surrounded by criminals who were using him.
Put plainly, Schmidt helped make the Republican Party the sadistic thugs they are today, and he helped lay the groundwork for the election of Donald Trump.
Now, seeing where his career helped bring us, he's outraged and shocked. Shocked I tell you. How could anyone not see, decades ago, where the Republican Party was headed? Especially someone like Scmidt who is damn smart. I guess we're now supposed to thank him for bringing his eloquent voice to bear in opposition to Trump.
But he doesn't get to escape the fact that he, and many anti-Trumpers like him, contributed to making Trump's reign of terror possible.
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the greatest prez of all?
A madman is crushing our government, our country, the lives of hundreds of people each and every day, and the concept of democracy and our way of life.
Donald Trump's only reality is the image of himself in the mirror. He has joined the ranks of one of the worst, human-like creatures that has ever existed on this planet.
He has sealed his existence as one of the stupidest, most inept, beings in world history. And he's now sitting in the Oval Office and making believe that someone/something else is responsible for today's reality in America. -- The Chinese, the "deep state," immigrants, the media, Democrats, "librul's," or maybe blacks, Muslims, Jews, socialists, "Thems," "The Other," -- anyone and everything in existence. Except for him.
And what is so sad, infuriating, and beyond the understanding of most of humanity, is that there are so many people who are ignorant, arrogant, or stupid enough, to want him to continue his mindless destruction of a civilized world. And, yes, his power extends beyond America. He is a threat to human life on planet Earth. (If that seems extreme, think of how small and interdependent our world has become in every way imaginable.)
Is this Armageddon? Who knows? But what a way for humanity to end on this planet. Under the rule of a cruel, know-nothing buffoon. And yes, he does have the (nuclear) power to end life on this planet.
He didn't create the coronavirus. But he sure as hell is aiding and abetting it. How ironic it would be if one small, ignorant, horrible man brought about the end of our species. Somehow, his very existence seems to jar the mathematical precision of the universe.
Seems that most of us are "sheep, wimps, snowflakes"
That's really the way that Republicans see us. As for the rabid beast in the White House, he sees nothing but himself in the mirror.
But, really. The only answer we have to today's reality is, "vote!" Is that really enough? Republicans are doing everything possible to make sure we can't vote, or that our votes don't count. We take them to court on that, but it seems that those courts have been packed by the GOP. (Especially the five pricks on the SCOTUS.) And the bottom line here is that this year's election can be stolen at the presidential and senate levels.
We must understand that this is similar to the way that much of Europe fell into fascism in the 1930s. History doesn't repeat itself exactly, but the echos of the horror of that time are with us right now. All we have to do is watch and listen. And we must then act to prevent it from happening again.
That last paragraph seems to be a call to some form of revolt. But it's merely a warning as to the reality that is right in front of our faces. It's a warning about the survival of democracy.
There are tens of thousands of activists, lawyers, etc. out there fighting this outrage every day. They are winning a few and losing most of the big ones. But they're up against a stacked deck.
Let me get to the bottom line here. When those who "rule" us are fucking us, there comes a point at which "playing by the rules" is meaningless. It seems to me that we, the majority, have to demonstrate that Republicans and their beloved leader has misjudged us. It's way, way past time to show those (who don't give a shit if we live or die) that we are not the sheep they think we are. At one time, Germany and Japan made that mistake. It's our turn to prove that the GOP has made exactly the same mistake.
My capacity for empathy has become selective
During most of my life, I can't recall wishing death on my worst enemy. We all have our own values, and although mine are not based on religion, (I'm a devout agnostic), I have encountered people whom I hated.But I never wished them dead. (And no, I'm not a saint. I've just always believed that you only go around once and that human life is precious.)
I have now lost most of my empathy for most Republicans. I really don't care if they live or die. And yes, I know that's a horrible fucking statement and concept. I can't believe I've reached a point where I've said "fuck you and your life" to so many human beings. But there is some broad-based kind of "them" that I hate and with whom I really don't want to share this planet.
The concept of evil was always one I wrestled with. Yet, I believe we're seeing that abstract quality now in far too many people. And it's one I've come to believe in.
In general, the Republican Party couldn't give a shit who lives or dies, as long as they can profit from it and retain power. And their current "Beloved Leader" is the worst offender in these values. The creature currently inhabiting the White House is an empty, soulless man who barely meets the definition of being a human being. And tens of thousands may die because of him during this horrible time.
I regret the loss of my capacity for empathy. Is Trump responsible for that? Are Republicans responsible for that? Yeah, partially. And it's also partially due to my own inability to withstand the assault with which they have attacked our values and our sense of decency.
After we get through this horrible virus, I believe that the future of our country, and perhaps the world, depends on defeating the even worse virus that is called The Republican Party. They are a danger to the concept of human freedom. They are a threat to human decency. They are evil.
Obama: "One brief shining moment."
"One brief shining moment" is a song line from the show "Camelot."
Today, I've been hit by a wave of depression. We had eight years of an outstanding man of character, conscience and decency occupying the White House. And there was never a moment of any day that we worried about our freedoms, our protections, our country, or the guarantees of our Constitution.
The Republicans tried hard to crap on him and discredit him, but they've been doing that since FDR. So what else is new? And their icing on the cake was that they were attacking a black man and they knew that would bring joy to their base.
Nonetheless, think of the years 2009 to 2016. Even against GOP resistance, he got Obamacare past those malevolent pricks and it's made life a little better for many millions of Americans. Including those who hate him but will never "get it."
Jeeez, I miss that man. (Not to mention Michelle. If you haven't read her book, "Becoming," get a copy from the library and make your day/week.)
Every moment of the past three plus years, during which the White House has been infested by malignant ogres, makes Obama seem like some distant dream of what America was supposed to be and should be.
I'd love to see a history book from a future, sane, restored America. I have no doubt that Obama will be very close to the top of the list of Great American Presidents.
Insanity unleashed
I've been busy and missed Trump's insane pardoning spree until an hour or two ago. I guess we're lucky that Ted Bundy and Charles Manson are dead, or Trump may have pardoned them too. What's it going to take to rid us of the depravity of this beastly creature? Not to mention the criminal Republican Party that unleashed him to do anything and everything to anyone and everyone.
Yesterday, a "casual acquaintance" of mine, a Trump zombie, was praising "Dear Leader" and I exploded. I let go with a red-faced rant that lasted for a few rage-filled minutes. I don't think this guy I unloaded on is a "casual acquaintance" any longer. No great loss. Life is too short to tolerate people who love cruel, malicious people.
If some power/intelligence/sentience may exist in the universe, it was wise to come up with limited life spans. Otherwise, I'd be stuck spending eternity stewing about Trump and his cult of "good Nazis." Who ever thought that so many millions of Americans could be deaf to the echoes of history?
What a magnificent moment
The instant that Nancy Pelosi tore apart the "speech" that contained the shit that spewed from Trump's mouth, will be viewed as a moment of greatness.
No one will ever remember what the Orange Creature said. But Americans of the future will hail Nancy Pelosi's act of defiance against a cruel, malignant despot as a moment of American greatness.
Nancy, that act of brilliance will go down in the history books. Long after we all are gone, your inspirational act of spitting on Trumpism will always be recognized and will inspire people everywhere.
You have become a symbol of what decent people must do when confronted by evil.
Are Republicans a different species than the rest of us?
Will science, someday, uncover a "Republican gene?"
I'm only half serious here, but who can deny that there is a vast difference between the emotional/psychological makeups of Democrats and Republicans.
Do they have consciences? Do they give a shit about the declining health of planet Earth? Do they care about the poisonous political system and the unlivable planet they're leaving their children and grandchildren? I think not.
I've done mind experiments in which I've tried to see the world the way they do. And each time I've done it, I've considered that suicide is a preferable alternative to that mindset.
These are a couple of broad generalities, but, most Republicans seem to thrive on hatred and greed, while most Democrats seem to thrive on tolerance and sharing the world's resources.
So are we talking about two different species of beings here? Who knows?
You can take what I'm saying here with a huge grain of salt. But can anyone really explain why Republicans see the world and other humans as things to be exploited, while Democrats long for a world of good and plenty for all?
For anyone who doesn't get it, the GOP are our deadly enemies
Let me put this clearly as possible.
Today's Republican Party is the deadly enemy of human decency and American Democracy.
They don't give a flying shit about your well-being, your job security, your standard of living, your children, your health, your minimum wage, your retirement, -- or even your very existence.
Understand this: THEY DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU. You and I are nothing to them except cheap labor, unless they can find it cheaper, elsewhere.
Oh, and as for you people who constantly vote for Republicans, I'm including you as those who are getting fucked every day of your lives. You just don't "get it." Do you understand what Republicans are? Do you understand what they're doing to you? Some of those you vote for are among the most ignorant, uncaring, greedy, cruel people in existence. But they are fucking you, as well as almost everyone you know, and as well as most Americans.
If you are unable to do anything else to affect your life, remember this. Don't ever, ever vote for a Republican for anything. Some of them don't know it, but most of them do. Their mission in life is to, at a minimum, fuck you, and at a maximum, to destroy you.
Voting for Democrats and putting them in power to the maximum extent, everywhere, won't make the world into a Utopia. But, at a bare minimum, you will be voting for people who care about you and will do their best to make this a better world for all of us.
Note: This OP is derived from a reply I posted on another thread. It's just more succinct and to the point.
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