Cyrano's JournalMy friend called me a Neo-Luddite
I dont twitter. Ive never been on FB or any other social networking site. I dont text and I have it blocked on my cell phone. I dont have an ipod. And I like to read books that are printed on paper and bound.
Actually, Im probably more of a semi-Luddite. Im not against technological progress, nor do I think Im superior in any way to those who embrace new technological developments.
So do you think Im living in the wrong century?
I know a dittohead who’s dumb beyond belief
My neighbors cousin is visiting her here in Florida. This cousin thinks Limbaugh is brilliant, he watches Fox News to stay informed, and hes a fundamentalist Christian who thinks science is made-up myth.
A few days ago, we went over to the beach and I decided to find out exactly how far his non-belief in science went.
There was a cargo ship out toward the horizon and it was sailing south. I asked him if he knew that ships going south moved faster than ships going north. Really? he said. How come? I told him to look at any map or globe and that it was obvious that ships sailing south were going downhill and ships sailing north were going uphill. Nodding his head he said, Thats interesting. I never realized that.
This is a true story and, quite honestly, I find it frightening to have to share the planet with people this incredibly stupid. It might be proof positive that listening to Limbaugh and watching Fox News rots your brain.
Profile Information
Gender: MaleHometown: Palm Beach County, Florida
Member since: Fri Apr 16, 2004, 02:36 PM
Number of posts: 15,259