Cyrano's JournalI’m troubled about posting this, however …
As an agnostic, I find it uncomfortable to use the term evil. Nonetheless, I cannot seem to shake the concept that todays Republican Party contains many people to whom I can find no word more fitting than evil.
A cancerous hatred and/or greed seem to infect many Republican politicians and their voters. Their Wall Streeters/their bankers/their (hypocritical) Christians/their bigots/their hopelessly ignorant, and so many more of their contingent, seem to be bent on the destruction of basic human decency if not humanity itself.
And make no mistake about it. There are far too many Democrats, among others, who believe and behave as they do.
For all of humanitys technological advancements, our sociological relationships are not far removed from that which existed when we first stepped out of caves. Our weaponry has made quantum leaps over the millennia, while our social interactions have remained stagnant. (Many thinkers have voiced this concept for centuries.)
But let me get to the point. Short of an ecological holocaust, I am of the opinion that todays Republican Party is a clear and present danger to humanity. Many past empires have been responsible for countless deaths. But none had the power to destroy all human life on our planet
Is humanity suicidal? I dont know. But I do know that we live in times far more dangerous than any that have gone before.
Agree, or disagree with what Ive said here. But Id like to hear your opinion.
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