senseandsensibility's JournalI notice that CNN is spoon feeding us
small segments of cheato's lied filled screed in front of the courthouse, and then carefully explaining where he's coming from without actually fact checking him. They know that if they just let him go on, viewers will change the channel. So this is how they get at least some viewers to stick around and partake of the propaganda.
So what's the story with Rep. Gonzalez (R) TX?
He apparently went on State of the Union (CNN) this morning. He said that Matt Gaetz paid underage women to have sex at drug parties and accused some in his party of wearing white hoods in the daytime.
I mean, sure, I know many R's say this and more behind the scenes, but saying it on live TV seems like a real signal of something. I'm not sure what. Somehow though I doubt it's pure moral clarity. Something else must be going on.
Wow! That is so nuanced!
Person covering cheato's lie rally tonight had some really breaking news to make everyone stop and think.Seems she asked a cult member at his hatefest the usual will you still support cheato if he's convicted question and she is really scrambling to find something interesting in his answer. She was blown away because although he said he would still support cheato, he added THAT ALL POLITICIANS HAVE FAULTS!
OMG, that puts a whole new spin on it. Mind blowing. She was very impressed with this nuance, and so was Alex Wagner.
My compliments to the sketch artist!
Some really revealing pictures of Cheato in the courtroom today. Kind of captures the range of his emotions: angry, exhausted, bewildered, afraid.
I'm liking these much more than the sketches from a few months ago that made him look normal.
Cheato's lead in the polls has evaporated, his campaign is broke...
and he's in a courtroom all day listening to jurors trash him.
NYT: Here's why that's bad for Joe Biden!
Cheato is cold!
I didn't hear this because MSNBC wisely muted his diatribe after court. But I read on the twitters that after the jury was picked, he whined about being freezing. Oh noes....someone in his entourage should pack him one of those snuggle blanket things. You know, the ones that are kind of like onesies.
"Rise to the occasion"
That was Andrew Weisman's advice to Judge Juan Merchan. Cheato is openly trying to intimidate the jury. He is using his lackeys on FAUX news to signal to the cult that the jurors are evil. And this is just the beginning. No one thinks it's going to improve without action and two things are at stake: justice and the juror's physical safety.
The time is past for action. Cheato, his minions on FAUX and elsewhere, and the cult can do a lot of damage between now and the hearing that I believe is to be held next week.
OMG! My sides are aching!
The excused juror talking to MSNBC saying that cheato does not look as orange, he looks more "yellow". So funny. Personally, I think he toned down the orange paint because of Lawrence's takedown of him a few nights ago where he showed a picture of him and said this is what the former president does to himself when he wants to look his best. And said that that's what the prospective jurors would be forced to look at in court.So telling and off putting that the journalist interviewing her is afraid to laugh or even smile when the excused juror said something unflattering about cheato.
Good job, Chris Hayes
Chris said at the beginning of his show that this is not a hush money case. It is an election interference case. The chyron says "criminal trial" instead of the hush money trial that MSNBC has been using all day.
I hope this is signs of things to come, because I have disappointed with MSNBC.s framing.
Apparently, poor cheato feels like the trial's being rushed
Oh no. After delaying it for 7 years, he's getting stressed out. How unfair. What a victim. He's feeling so rushed that he whined about it after court adjourned.
If the judge keeps this up, cheato might get really, really mad.
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