senseandsensibility's JournalMy sinking feeling is gone! I'll leave it up, but this speech was epic!
Not about Joe or his ability. But about these freaks in the Maga caucus. They truly know no bottom. I think they're gonna make "you lie" look quaint.
I might have to bow out early. As a childhood victim of bullying, I have a low tolerance for that kind of thing.
So have you heard about the ad that claims that Biden won't survive
another term? I've just heard references to it, and of course it sounds disgusting, but not surprising. It's been painted as beyond the pale, and a cautionary tale of what this election will descend into.
Well...they just ran it on CNN. I saw Biden pausing for long periods between words and I started to fast forward, but saw the heading on the screen about Biden not surviving another term.
Personally, I hope Dems counter with any of the many horrible videos available of cheato, show him up close in all his sweaty orange sliminess, and incoherent babbling. We really need to fight back, and we have so much material to work with.
As I've heard even some very cautious former members of the Obama administration admit lately, the days of when they go low, we go high are
Edited to add that of course it ends with Kamala laughing, just to throw in the requisite sexism/racism.
Thank you Barbara Lee
I will disclose off the bat that I did not vote for her in the CA senate race. I have mixed feelings about that, but politics is about choosing and I had to choose.
Nevertheless, I love Barbara Lee. I think she is a giant figure and a moral leader who does not receive nearly enough credit for her contributions.
It bothered me that she seemed to be receiving less attention from the beginning than either Schiff or Porter. She deserved as much, and of course they are all wonderful. But Barbara Lee is special.
She is black and a woman. I know that on DU that does not need to be explained. It stands on its own. And, she was the only member, of any race or sex, who voted against the use of force in Afghanistan. Talk about courage.
Thank you, Barbara Lee.
Did you know that many bigly celebrities were at cheato's victory speech?
He didn't call them all out, saying that were so many that he couldn't name them all. Of course some are saying there weren't any.
I'm sure he was just too modest to name them.
I think this kind of thing is ripe for ridicule and our side needs to step it up. The guy beclowns himself 24/7 and we need to make him a laughingstock.
If the corporate media is going to show cheato's live speeches
and of course they are, they need to do more than fact check after the first live airing. if they want to refer to it again and again, and play clips, they need to fact check it every time.
The lies don't go away after the first airing.
Unless of course, the idea is to get the lies in as a form of propaganda.
Drama in Vermont!
According to Rachel (and Kornaki) Haley is giving cheato a real run for his money. She's currently slightly ahead with about a third of the vote in.
Love our elections in California!
So easy, so convenient. Everyone is mailed a ballot which can be returned postage free through the US mail, or dropped off or returned in person to the polling place. If you sign up, you can track your ballot and see when it was mailed and when it was received. Mine was received!
Stress free and confidence inspiring. Thank you, Gov. Newsom!
Rachel is on fire tonight!
Telling it like it is about the repuke party chapter and verse. The slavery justifying,
birth control and IVF denying, polio and measles enabling party that will control our lives if we let them win are being called out.
It's only shocking because of the normalization on other channels. Every word is absolutely true. So yeah, frightening, but if you get a chance you should watch.
In the meantime, this should be the norm from the media, not the exception.
There was a post about Keith Olberman calling out the liberal women
judges in GD a while ago (like maybe an hour ago?) and I didn't know what to make of it. I can't find it now. Was it removed?
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